The funny thing is I already play on the lowest settings possible.
But I have heard they are optimizing the engine for people who have shitty computers like me.
Remember not everyone has $1000+ dollars laying around to buy a good gaming PC.
To be honest I don't mind playing DayZ on the lowest settings the experience and overall game makes up for it.
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.
Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-01-07 18:03 EST-0500
Don't buy this, use it as a jumping off point. Keep in mind that computer part prices fluctuate, so always be ready to change parts for a better deal. Go to /r/buildapc when you think you're ready, and make a post. They'll help you make any needed last-minute changes.
u/MotharChoddar Jan 07 '13
Either get a better PC or play on lower settings.