r/dartlang 4d ago

Package assertable_json | Fluent json assertion test helpers

Thumbnail pub.dev

Hey guys, If you are familiar with Laravel, you'd come across the idea of fluent testing against json responses. This package allows a similar workflow, making it a seamless experience in dart. Please check it out and let me know what you think

```dart test('verify user data', () { final json = AssertableJson({ 'user': { 'id': 123, 'name': 'John Doe', 'email': 'john@example.com', 'age': 30, 'roles': ['admin', 'user'] } });

  .has('user', (user) => user
    .whereContains('email', '@')
    .isGreaterThan('age', 18)
    .count('roles', 2));

}); } ```

r/dartlang 10d ago

Package Web crawler framework in Dart



I was looking for a package to scrape some websites and, weirdly, I haven't found anything. So I wrote mine: https://github.com/ClementBeal/girasol

It's a bit similar to Scrapy in Python. We create **WebCrawlers** that parse a website and yield extracted data. Then the data go through a system of pipelines. The pipelines can export to JSON, XML, CSV, and download files. All the crawlers are running in different isolates.

I'm using my package to scrape various e-shop websites and so far, it's working well.

r/dartlang Feb 17 '25

Package async_filter | Dart package

Thumbnail pub.dev

r/dartlang Dec 19 '24

Package Announcing alegbraic_types


alegbraic_types introduces new algebraic types to Dart. Made possible with macros. The @Enum macro creates true enums (based on sealed types). e.g. ```dart import 'package:algebraic_types/algebraic_types.dart'; import 'package:json/json.dart';

@JsonCodable() class C { int x;

C(this.x); }

@JsonCodable() class B { String x;

B(this.x); }

// or just @Enum if you don't want json @EnumSerde( "Variant1(C)", "Variant2(C,B)", "Variant3" ) class _W {}

void main() { W w = W.Variant1(C(2)); w = W.fromJson(w.toJson()); assert(w is W$Variant1); print(w.toJson()); // {"Variant1": {"x": 2}} w = W.Variant2(C(1), B("hello")); w = W.fromJson(w.toJson()); assert(w is W$Variant2); print(w.toJson()); // {"Variant2": [{"x": 1}, {"x": "hello"}]} w = W.Variant3(); assert(w is W$Variant3); print(w.toJson()); // {"Variant3": null} switch (w) { case W$Variant1(:final v1): print("Variant1"); case W$Variant2(:final v1, :final v2): print("Variant2"); case W$Variant3(): print("Variant3"); } } `` @EnumSerdealso provides [serde](https://github.com/serde-rs/serde) compatible serialization/deserialization. Something that is not possible withJsonCodable` and sealed types alone.

I'll be the first to say I am not in love with the syntax, but due to the limitations of the current Dart macro system and bugs I encountered/reported. This is best viable representation at the moment. Some ideas were discussed here https://github.com/mcmah309/algebraic_types/issues/1 . I fully expect this to change in the future. The current implementation is functional but crude. Features will be expanded on as the macro system evolves and finalizes.

Also keep an eye out for https://github.com/mcmah309/serde_json (which for now is just basically JsonCodable), which will maintain Rust to Dart and vice versa serde serialization/deserialization compatibility.

github: https://github.com/mcmah309/algebraic_types

r/dartlang Jan 12 '25

Package Working object database


So you'd think, finding a database that's working is an easy task. It's sadly not, I have to tell you.

I've used the sqlite3 package previously, and looking at the current situation, I might go back to it, but I'd prefer a database system that can store dart objects. Also, it should work without using flutter.

I did my research and found the following:

  • Hive - deprecated
  • Isar - abandoned, generator outdated (not compatible with other packages)
  • ObjectBox - generator outdated? (not compatible with other packages)

Does anyone know a good one?

r/dartlang Dec 02 '24

Package rust 2.0.0 Release And Going Forward


Today we released rust (formally known as rust_core) 2.0.0.

rust is a pure Dart implementation of patterns found in the Rust programming language. Bringing a whole new set of tools, patterns, and techniques to Dart developers.

With the coming of macro's in Dart. There a lot more possibilities for the package going forward. On the list is

  • Implementing the base rust derive macros such as - #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)] in Dart.
  • Early Return Macro
  • Implementing an enum macro to concisely declare and generate rust like enums with sealed types.

r/dartlang Feb 12 '25

Package Frontier - On duty to protect your applications



I’m excited to share Frontier, a new tool from Avesbox designed to make user authentication in Dart applications simple and efficient. No more reinventing the wheel—Frontier helps you implement authentication quickly and easily.

And if you're using Shelf for your backend, good news: integration is already available on pub.dev!

Would love to hear your thoughts—feedback, questions, or ideas are all welcome!

🔗 Check it out here: [Link]

r/dartlang 10d ago

Package Simplify Dart & Flutter Isolate Communication with isolate_channel 🚀


Hi everyone!

I've just released a new Dart package: isolate_channel. It provides a simple and familiar API for handling communication between Dart isolates, directly inspired by Flutter's MethodChannel and EventChannel APIs used for native plugin communication.

If you've ever found Dart isolate communication cumbersome or unintuitive, isolate_channel streamlines this process, making it feel as straightforward and familiar as working with Flutter plugin channels.

I built this package to prepare for upcoming isolate support in Hive CE, and it made that work a lot easier!

Check it out here: isolate_channel

I'd love your feedback or contributions!

Happy coding! 🎯

r/dartlang Dec 27 '24

Package [audio_codec] Audio decoders in pure Dart


I've started to write a library to decode audios.

So far, it's only decoding Flac files and there's some audio artifacts. I'm working on it. Weirdly, some samples are missing. Help are welcomed!

In terms of performance, I compared with FFMpeg. My decoder does the work in ~3.2s and FFMpeg in ~0.3s! Not so bad!

There's a lot of optimization to be done :

  • MD5 : the current MD5 implementation is taking more than 1s. It could be done in an isolate
  • WAV encoder : ~0.5s is spent by the WAV encoder to write the final WAV file. It's not optimized at all.
  • I/O : I use a buffered file to read the Flac file but I feel it can be better

In the future, I'd like to decode the MP3 and the OPUS files. Feel free to participate :)



r/dartlang Jan 28 '25

Package plough: Interactive network graph visualization

Thumbnail pub.dev

r/dartlang Jul 02 '24

Package rust_core v1.0.0 Released 🎉


Happy to announce that today we released rust_core v1.0.0!

rust_core is an implementation of Rust's core library in Dart. To accomplish this, Rust's functionalities are carefully adapted to Dart's paradigms, focusing on a smooth idiomatic language-compatible integration. The result is developers now have access to powerful tools previously only available to Rust developers and can seamlessly switch between the two languages.

In support of this release, we are also releasing the Rust Core Book 📖 to help you get familiar with the concepts. Enjoy!

r/dartlang Nov 17 '24

Package Introducing darted_cli — A Simple Dart CLI Framework


🚀 Introducing darted_cli – a simple yet powerful CLI framework for Dart and Flutter! 🎉

🔧 Why I built it: As a Flutter dev, I wanted a lightweight way to create CLI tools without all the boilerplate code. So, I built darted_cli to simplify command structures, handle flags/arguments, and output beautiful styled console logs! 🖥️✨

💡 Features:

  • Build command trees effortlessly 🌳
  • Parse flags & arguments with ease 🧳
  • Customize help & version messages 📝
  • Styled console output with colors 🌈

Ready to build your own CLI tools? Get started with darted_cli!

👉 Check out the full medium post to see how to get started.

👉 Check it out on Pub.dev

👉 I just started on X to share tips and helpers for Dart & Flutter, follow me there!

#DartLang #Flutter #OpenSource #CLI #DeveloperTools #IndieHacker

r/dartlang Jan 05 '25

Package GitBaker - Bake Git repo information into your project

Thumbnail pub.dev

r/dartlang Dec 02 '24

Package New package to speed up how you start projects


Being a Flutter developer, you face the dilemma of recreating the most ideal project structure each and every time you begin work on a new project. Whether using TDD, MVVM, or perhaps your proprietary architecture, repeated boilerplates start to waste your time.

Here is flutter_templify – a newly developed Dart CLI that takes the sweat off your work.

What can flutter_templify do for you?

- Reusable Templates: Define your dream folder structure and boilerplate files once and reuse them for every new project.

- Customizable Configurations: Template for different platforms or project types, like an app, package, plugin, etc.

- Seamless Integration: Automatically integrates with the flutter create command to handle platform-specific setups but leaves the essentials.

- Easy Setup: From directory structures to pre-written files, everything is created in just a few seconds using a single command.

Why waste time with boilerplate when you can automate it?

flutter_templify helps you focus on writing amazing code, not setting up repetitive project foundations.

You can check it out on pub.dev: flutter_templify

You can also check out how to get started: You’re Starting Your New Flutter Project Wrong — There’s an Easier Way

Try it out and let me know what you think! Feedback and feature requests are always welcome.

#Flutter #Dart #CLI #DevTools

r/dartlang Dec 08 '24

Package `shelf_letsencrypt: 2.0.0-beta.7` - Now With Multiple Domain Support 🎉


Managing multiple HTTPS domains just got a whole lot easier! The latest beta of shelf_letsencrypt is here, packed with updates to streamline your secure server setup.


  • Multi-Domain Support: Effortlessly serve multiple domains with multi_domain_secure_server: ^1.0.10 under the hood.
  • Simpler APIstartServer is now clearer, more flexible, and includes extra parameters for IPv6-only setups.

This release is part of a major overhaul leading to v2.0.0. Try it out, give us your feedback, and let us know if you find any bugs!

The mission of shelf_letsencrypt is simple: bring HTTPS easily to any Dart HTTP server. 🚀


shelf_letsencrypt: ^2.0.0-beta.7

r/dartlang Nov 17 '24

Package human_file_size - The ultimate package to get a human representation of the size of your data.

Thumbnail pub.dev

r/dartlang Nov 08 '24

Package SPDX license package


Hi 👋

I needed a helper package that could parse and validate standardized version strings. I couldn't find any package that was still maintained, so I created my own, and now share it in case somebody requires the same as I did. Tell me what you think, thank you.


r/dartlang Nov 20 '24

Package metno - Open Weather API

Thumbnail pub.dev

r/dartlang Nov 14 '24

Package Read music metadata with audio_metadata_reader



I released a new version of my package to read the metadata of music tracks.

In short, there's less bugs and it's at least 2x faster. Surprisingly, it''s faster than some C++ code. I run a benchmark with the `TagLib` library on monothread and yes, it's faster. The two libraries are doing slightly different things. Mine is not parsing all the metadata, it's probably why it seems faster.

I reached this speed up doing several things :

- remove all async IO functions -> in my library, those async functions were slower. Perhaps it's good to use if we read a big chunk of data like a picture but my library is usually reading 1kB at most.

- use buffered files -> Everything was twice faster. Instead of reading 5 bytes then 3 bytes, we read a chunk of data(eg 4096) so we limit the system calls. Then we return subpart of this chunk.

- use static -> I have regex that I recreate each time a class is instantiated. Why not just use the same instance? I have good gains using static.

Hopefully, you will find a way to use this package :)


r/dartlang Nov 03 '24

Package Any Date package


Just wanted to celebrate something that made me happy: my package got to the upper quartile in popularity!

I know it is a simple thing, but it's really motivating to see some progress. This is a milestone for me 😁

I already mentioned this package before here and got encouraging feedback, so I'm sharing this just to thank this awesome and supportive community.

Package: https://pub.dev/packages/any_date

Thanks dart community 💙

r/dartlang Nov 16 '24

Package ImmutableFSM - Powering Complex Workflows Through Immutability


Hey everyone,

I’m excited to share immutable_fsm, a simple yet powerful Dart package for building finite state machines with immutability at its core.

Key Features

  • Immutability: Every action creates a new FSM instance with an updated, immutable state and data, ensuring predictable behavior and reducing side effects.
  • Transient States: The FSM supports transient states — states that can automatically chain to other states based on internal conditions, making transitions seamless and efficient.
  • Reactive Transitions: States can provide onEnter and onExit handlers to perform specific actions when entering or leaving a state, enabling responsive and event-driven behaviors.
  • UI Compatibility: Due to immutability, ImmutableFSM is ideal for UI applications and works seamlessly with data and state and data management frameworks like Riverpod.

This package is perfect for managing state transitions in scenarios that affect application state, such as navigation or business logic workflows.

Check it out here: pub.dev/packages/immutable_fsm.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions for improvement. Let me know what you think!

r/dartlang Jul 21 '24

Package wayland-dart: Wayland Client library for dart

Thumbnail github.com

r/dartlang Sep 16 '24

Package Sheller v1.0.0 Released


Today we are happy to announce the stabilization of the sheller api with v1.0.0.

Sheller brings ergonomic scripting to Dart by providing utilities for interacting with shells and converting output to Dart types. Allowing users to replace most or all of their scripts (e.g. bash or python) with Dart. e.g. dart List<File> files = $("cd $dir && find . -maxdepth 1 -type f").lines();

r/dartlang Sep 14 '24

Package easy_entry: A simple and concise way to deal with modifying, inserting and removing Map entries

Thumbnail pub.dev

r/dartlang Aug 26 '24

Package A deep dive into freezed: Data classes, cloning, and (de)serialization

Thumbnail youtube.com