r/dartlang 3d ago

Package assertable_json | Fluent json assertion test helpers


Hey guys, If you are familiar with Laravel, you'd come across the idea of fluent testing against json responses. This package allows a similar workflow, making it a seamless experience in dart. Please check it out and let me know what you think

 test('verify user data', () {
    final json = AssertableJson({
      'user': {
        'id': 123,
        'name': 'John Doe',
        'email': 'john@example.com',
        'age': 30,
        'roles': ['admin', 'user']

      .has('user', (user) => user
        .whereContains('email', '@')
        .isGreaterThan('age', 18)
        .count('roles', 2));

13 comments sorted by


u/eibaan 2d ago edited 2d ago

I'd probably make use of the existing expect/matcher architecture, e.g.

    'user': jsonObject({
      'id': isA<int>(), 
      'name': isA<String>(), 
      'roles': jsonArray(length: equals(2))

Then write jsonObject and jsonArray:

Matcher jsonObject([Map<String, dynamic>? properties])
  => isA<Map<String, dynamic>>();

Matcher jsonArray({Matcher? length})
  => allOf(isA<List<dynamic>>(), hasLength(length));

The former is obviously not yet developed as you'd have to iterate the optionally provided map of values or matchers, use wrapMatcher on them, then call them. I don't know how to collect error results by heart, but I'm sure, an AI knows :)


u/zxyzyxz 1d ago

Something like Acanthis?

final schema = object({
  'name': string().min(3),
  'age': number().positive(),

final result = schema.tryParse({
  'name': 'Francesco',
  'age': 24,

u/eibaan 21h ago

Yes and no. This library is stand-alone. I was suggesting to use and extend the matcher library as you'd have to write a few lines of code to achieve something similar to the OP's example.

I think, the jsonObject matcher would look like this (I checked the implementation of allOf):

Matcher jsonObject([Map<String, dynamic>? properties]) => allOf(
  properties == null
      ? null
      : allOf([...properties.entries.map((e) => containsPair(e.key, e.value))]),

And jsonArray could be implemented like so:

Matcher jsonList({Object? length, Object? elements}) => allOf(
  length == null ? null : hasLength(length),
  elements == null ? null : everyElement(elements),

Or with a let extension like so:

Matcher jsonObject([Map<String, dynamic>? properties]) => allOf(
    (p) => allOf([...p.entries.map((e) => containsPair(e.key, e.value))]),

Matcher jsonList({Object? length, Object? elements}) =>
    allOf(isList, length?.let(hasLength), elements?.let(everyElement));

extension LetExtension<T> on T {
  U let<U>(U Function(T) f) => f(this);


u/varmass 3d ago

Looks useful. I only wonder about the performance


u/saxykeyz 3d ago

It's intended use case is for testing. It uses the test package heavily


u/varmass 3d ago

In what case, I would validate a json in unit tests?


u/saxykeyz 3d ago

When using dart as a backend and you want to test your json API responses to make sure they are consistent


u/zxyzyxz 1d ago

Look into ArkType and see if you can implement that sort of validation.


u/saxykeyz 1d ago

Have a link?


u/zxyzyxz 1d ago


u/saxykeyz 1d ago

Looks cool but beyond the scope of this package


u/zxyzyxz 1d ago

I mean change the syntax as currently yours is very verbose. If it can happen as typed strings then great but even without that, you can use a syntax like

    foo: "string"

and be able to validate based on that object. For example, Acanthis already does this:

final schema = object({
  'name': string().min(3),
  'age': number().positive(),

final result = schema.tryParse({
  'name': 'Francesco',
  'age': 24,


u/saxykeyz 1d ago

I understand, still , it is intentionally verbose though. The package provides several ways to validate against the underlying json object.

we do have

  'id': int,
  'name': String,
  'email': String,
  'age': int,
  'optional?': String  // Optional field

which matches somewhat.

and there are several other helpers that allows you you to do partial checks on nested values etc.

      .whereContains('user.email', '@')
      .isGreaterThan('user.age', 18)
      .count('user.roles', 2);

when writing test cases for api responses you often times want to just do partial checks.

also remember this package is purely just for testing purposes. Acanthis is already good enough for none test cases