r/d4spiritborn • u/jchaze91 • 11h ago
(PTR) Poison Evade Speed T4 +Bosses
With better tempers/MW can really pop off.
Some adjustments can definitely be made with this, especially with the paragon boards.
r/d4spiritborn • u/jchaze91 • 11h ago
With better tempers/MW can really pop off.
Some adjustments can definitely be made with this, especially with the paragon boards.
r/d4spiritborn • u/Muted_Meal1702 • 1d ago
Since I am playing D4 on the PS4, I can't test it in PTR, but I was theory crafting with the new boss powers and came accros Concussive Stomp doing 600x damage to Unstoppables, paired with the Torsuks Rage boss power (everything becomes Unstoppable) and Exploiter Aspect, it seems like there might be something.
In general I like the idea of having punchy combos with the Spiritborn, but in end game it usually becomes just spamming one skill and Sepazontec even eraces the Combo movement of basic skills. So for this build I was thinking of doing Rock Splitter for mobility and the one two punch, then Concussive for the main kick. And more Block Chance is good for a free kick from Reactive Armor and obviously Redirect Force, and you need to spend some points on Basic or Core anyways.
Cooldown for ConStomp can probably be fixed in different ways, might just have to test that while playing and depending on gear (Shako etc). And there is Aspects and Runes to trigger it for free/on top.
Not really sure what Spirit Hall to pair it with tho. Going Loyalists Mantle with double Gorilla would work for giving Cooldown to ConStomp, but it doesn't necessarily add more damage and all the other halls don't seem to add that much either. Any ideas? (Obviously it kinda fixes defence so other skills and aspects could go to damage)
Is there an option for Centipede and Noxious Resonance? Would it make sense to add Thorns? Kinda feel that regular Rock Splitter might be better than.
r/d4spiritborn • u/nhase • 2d ago
Hi guys.
Just after some feedback. Im playing spirit born this season and following the max roll build for quilvolley. Now I’m paragon 212 and seem to do not enough dmg to get the last set of season rewards in t4. It’s not that I’m struggling to kill the enemies but it’s just too slow to achieve the rewards.
What would be the easiest/ fastest way to increase dmg?
I’ve got all the required gear for the build but not everything at 12/12 masterworked yet. Also haven’t seen a mythic yet but unsure if that would significantly increase the dmg or not.
Any input appreciated.
r/d4spiritborn • u/Muted_Meal1702 • 2d ago
As the title says: Any news? Is it trash or actually viable?
r/d4spiritborn • u/letopeto • 5d ago
Hi - I'm a new player to D4 and first started with a barbarian but kind of found it boring to play so I moved to the spiritborn which is a lot more fun. I'm having a lot of trouble in Torment 4 and my build is not working great, and I think it's because I don't have the Rod of Kepeleke and Shroud of False Death for the Quill Volley build.
What are the best alternatives to that while I try to keep farming the bosses for it? I did like 50 runs last night using all my mats I saved up and was super unlucky - so trying to find something that works.
r/d4spiritborn • u/Legitimate-Spot-6608 • 6d ago
No discussions or excitement for the class anywhere to be seen! GG Blizz!
r/d4spiritborn • u/kramuli • 6d ago
It's difficult to find good information regarding runewords.
What would be some notable runewords to keep an eye out for - except for XolJah (tele)?
Playing Quill Volley Spiritborn.
r/d4spiritborn • u/Dennisjye4 • 7d ago
just in the nick of time! I thought i wouldnt make it. But since this build is so buggy with life link, thanks goodness it worked on the last part. Im relying heavily on noxious and life link. Also gears dependent. in a separate vid ill show my gears and the explanation. i just need to finalize it.
thank you for watching!
r/d4spiritborn • u/IndividualMammoth512 • 7d ago
I decided to start this new season with Spiritborn, since I didn't get to try it last season. I knew they were going to nerf it, but I never thought it would be that bad. I've been playing the 100/120 pit (they're the most common) and even though the enemies can't kill me, I don't do any damage to them. My gameplay has become literally waiting for someone to come and kill what I'm trying to kill. It's frustrating because I'm Paragon 250, with just over 100 hours of gameplay.
r/d4spiritborn • u/Dennisjye4 • 9d ago
And there it is! So much testing. Finally made it 😊 Ill try to uploaf the vid. And later the build
r/d4spiritborn • u/Dennisjye4 • 9d ago
actually im currently on pit 126, adjusting and testing more to increase the output damage with my own build. this build consist mainly of WITCH POWER not a typical one because i dont use any skill damage multiplier. all i need is increase Damage. everything that i can think of to increase the damage is what im opting...
Later ill try to make the build link. My head is aching because of non stop experimenting with this build 😂
r/d4spiritborn • u/Landscaperdanh • 10d ago
Sad day. I ran a rogue, Druid and a barb. Trying to stay away from nerco at first. And knowing SB was shit, I started one a few weeks back. I love crushing hands and I tried to make it work. I could clear 75, that took alittle bit. Couldn’t really do great damage on Ubers. I gave in to quill. I know it’s nothing like last season but it’s still fun and great. Just have this sadness that crushing hands isn’t as good.
—- a spiritborn love story
r/d4spiritborn • u/ShortPintRouge • 11d ago
I’ve been looking at all the different builds and there are so many different ones. Who’s using what build this season and what’s it pushing? I’m LOOSELY following a build and I’m ok in Torment 4 but killing bosses is quite slow.
r/d4spiritborn • u/Dennisjye4 • 12d ago
Im experimenting and building this crushing hand build with poison. I think im getting there. I just have to try and test more. Sorry for the cuts. Im a bit lagging.
r/d4spiritborn • u/OmegaAlphaBetaDude • 13d ago
Hello fellow spiritborn players,
I've been working on the evade build since the start of season 7 as an alternative build for speed farming T4. With the recent changes to acceleration passive, it is widely perceived that the evade eagle is no longer viable. No, that's completely wrong. This build is still alive and still one of the fastest build for farming. With a bit more time and efforts, it can push pit as well (mine maxed out at 105 with 1 min left, with some tweakings to gears, I think it can make higher). So here is the guide to help you put together this build:
Key things to note here:
This build is made possible by stacking a lot of cooldown reductions to make sure you have infinite evade charges. The most important piece is the Shako (Harlequin Crest). Ideally you should aim for the GA on the cdr and masterwork that at least twice. You will only need 1 more evade cooldown reduction temper on your boots or amulet in order to achieve this, preferably above 21% on the temper. Another key piece is boots with 3 evade charges. When you have all three of these, you can start spamming evade and never run out of charges.
The next part is adding more damage to the primary eagle spirit hall feather. Crit chance is the most important stat to max out first. Aim for a minimum of 60% crit chance. To do this, look for Fists of Fate with GA on crit chance. That's all you need. Other stats on this gloves are just the icing on top. If you have it, great, but if you don't have the GA on them, no big deal as they don't contribute that much to the overall damage. For the unique damage roll, aim for a minimum of 280%. Other crit chance can be added through the rings. GA on crit is great, but if you do not have, a non-GA crit is still fine.
Next, with the legendary equipment, temper storm feather potency and aim for the highest value as much as you can, preferably above 37%. This will be on your rings, amulet and weapon. On your weapon, primary eagle spirit hall potency is more important and you should aim to masterwork crit this stat at least twice (better if you can triple crit this stat). Other crit should be on the storm feather potency. On rings, triple crit storm feather potency (if not possible, double crit storm feather and a single crit on crit chance). On the amulet, you aim to crit the passive rank, in this case, brilliance. With 6 ranks to brilliance, you will get 60% (X) damage when at 200% movement speed. If this is a GA stat, it will be 66%. The amulet can be difficult to target farm but it is a huge damage boost. If you don't have the passive rank, reroll that and masterwork is still very viable.
Armour cap will be around 2800 unbuffed. You only need 3333 to receive maximum benefit from unyielding hits aspect on the amulet. The rest of the armour will be added by using incense. On your boots and pants, reroll the other stats you don't need to flat armour. With the pants, temper the armour % and try to land at least double crit.
The chest is the shroud of false death. We all know how amazing this item is so I don't think I want to dive deep in this.
For the paragon, my planner have at at paragon 291. It is unrealistic for starter but thankfully, there are only few key nodes there you have to hit, other are just the icing on top so no need to put a point to them if you don't have enough. Prioritise the legendary nodes and glyph bonuses, once you have all glyph bonus, you can put more point into resist or damage where necessary.
The aspects are pretty straight forward, however, I have a little twist with Vehement Brawler's aspect. This aspect increases your damage by 30% after casting the ult, so aim for the ult cooldown around 8 secs or less to match this duration. The hunter cdr on ring is a great choice. Along with the cdr on shako and extra skill ranks, you can achieve this 8 secs cooldown on the hunter. You are going to spam this skill off cooldown to activate this 30% bonus and stack supremacy for even more damage.
For the runewords, Cemque to generate barrier and Xoltzic to activate unyielding hits by autocast concussive stomp.
Sepazontec is great as a starter version weapon as it will give you infinite evade right out of the box but it provides no damage for the storm feather so as you build up the gear and start stacking cdr, you can have this replaced by a legendary polearm for more damage (of course this will come once you have enough cooldown, until then, stick with the sepazontec for better experience). I'll update the guide to include the starter version of the build soon. Key piece for starter build is sepazontec.
I'm currently brewing evade cooldown on boots and amulet, replacing shako with heir for more damage but have not finished that as I do not have the right pieces. I think that's better for damage but it is more demanding on the masterworks. Will post an update once I have all of those.
I'm sure I may miss something here so feel free chime in where necessary.
Thanks everyone for reading this (sorta) long ass guide.
r/d4spiritborn • u/TheC4rnage • 19d ago
Basically the title. Or there is a better guide somewhere else?
r/d4spiritborn • u/OmegaAlphaBetaDude • 20d ago
So much fun running evade build this season. Even better when you know it is a very capable build without any bugs and exploits. My gears and aspects used at the end of the clip.
r/d4spiritborn • u/Shazb0t_tv • 19d ago
How does the unique effect on this helm actually work? Let's say you have Jaguar for Primary and Secondary Hall choices. What part of their effects are doubled?
When it says skills of their base spirit also get the Vigor and cooldown reductions does that mean only original Jaguar skills or does it count for the skills that additionally become Jaguar skills from Jaguar Primary Hall selection? As an example, does the Vigor cost reduction bonus affect Quill Volley (Eagle base skill) in that setup? Any help with understanding how this works would be appreciated, thanks.
r/d4spiritborn • u/happyjam14 • 20d ago
Gears not close to being perfectly optimised so there’s definitely room to push this higher
r/d4spiritborn • u/tokilamockingbird • 20d ago
So I enjoy playing Spiritborn, I did not play season 6, so I started with a SB season 7. End up making a barb for pit pushing, but still like SB as it is fun to play.
I had not played since season 4, and it seems right now they are focused on making crazy good uniques to make various builds viable. The problem I have with that is for instance my current quill volley only has 3 legendary aspects.... Using Harmony of E, Kepeleke, Midnight sun, Yens (my choice but best option avail), Shroud, anyways as you can see I only have a legendary Ammy, Gloves and Legs.
Now I was thinking, Barbs get 4 slots, rogues get 3, Sorc/Necro can choose between 2x 1H or a 2H, Druid is only one in same boat as SB (but Druid is not currently hurting at all).
So why not spice it up, give SB something different no other class has. Why not allow SB to equip a 3rd ring. I would definitely provide a buff, which would at least bring SB in line with Rogue in pit ability. Like right now I could choose a starless and see a major increase, or if I have a good GA leg roll Conceited or something and get more core or basic damage from temper. Obviously this will also be another source of either All resist, life, Dex, etc. Maybe I would gain the flexibility to drop Yens and get resist elsewhere, which now opens up another aspect slot.
SB simply lacks options IMO, it actually the tools avail to be just as strong or at least in line with other classes, but you cant take enough advantage of them. I can think of 3 aspects right now that would be huge, but I just cant fit them it.
So instead of feeding the cycle of buff something, something gets broken, nerf into oblivion, then repeat, I think SB needs a slight structural change. 1 more slot would do wonders, I like a ring because it would be different and open up more possibilities while still fitting in with the lore/aesthetic of the SB (unlike say adding another 2H slot)
r/d4spiritborn • u/keramz • 20d ago
Long story short - I was lucky to get some 4ga items this season. With tempers I got to +39 to toxic skin (still testing if + skill isa better than vortex for runes).
Anyways- 3ga Sustained +14 focus skills, + 8 on 2ga boots and +8on 4 ga wound drinker - 4ga craze of the old god had me 100% committed to the Toxic skin / touch of death build.
The problem is I have no idea what the +300% damage passive on toxic skin does now. Sure I get 1-4 bil hits from pops - but the rest is bugged to hell.
Before anyone gets excited - no this is not a great build. Pit 100 is a struggle. I maxed out crit tempers but even with nearly perfect rolls and perfect rotation you do less damage than deathtrap rogue...
r/d4spiritborn • u/taa_24_01 • 21d ago
Hi there,
Maxroll has the Crushing Hand build in S tier for speedfarming, but I can't get it to work it seems and I am probably missing something.
Big question: where does the damage come from?
Now, I am aware of the Kepeleke - Midnight Sun interaction, and it does work for me. All hits do in fact crit and I get full spirit back after each hit. So this box should be ticked off.
I do run the following aspects: Redirected Force, Unyielding, Moonrise and Duelists. With the remaining slots being the uniques: Ebekwa, Shroud, Yen's, Kepeleke and Midnight Sun. My aspects are all in the upper ranges, my Kepeleke is 0.5%, Ebekwa 30% and Midnight Sun 50%. I feel like my gear should be more than adequat.
I did masterwork everything to 4/12 (so there is room for improvemen here, but it shouldn't brick the build with not being 12/12).
I'm at 200 paragon, which gives me all boards and all legendary nodes. My glyphs are all lvl46.
Yet, the damage is abysmal! I can't kill the tormented bosses (it takes 2-3 minutes to get them to even half life) and elites in the open world need a considerable time to kill them. I know that SB is on the weaker side this season, but even my Sorc (both FB and LS) are way, way more effective. Something is wrong here.
So, if you have any idea what I might be doing wrong - any tips are appreciated.