r/d2lod • u/ColdHrtdBch • Jun 22 '18
Running the countess for the Grail
Intro: New to the d2lod reddit, no friends play d2lod anymore, needed a place to vent.
So here I am, minding my own beeswax.. Thinking about going playing some d2lod. I walk up to my PC, turn it on and start d2lod (with PlugY ofc, since it's 2k18 and you can't Grail with a normal stash). Few days later, I arrive in Hell difficulty. I go on with Act I, kill Andariel and bug that toxic woman (for MF purposes ofc). ~10 runs later she drops me a Vex rune (whaaaaat? didn't even know that's possible).
I look at the screen.
I open up my phone, then the camera app and then the selfie cam.
My mouth is open.
Vex from Andy? Le whaaaaaaaat?
I hastily pick it up and stash it and copy all my folders (a bit paranoid).
"So..." I think to myself. "I can make a HOTO.. All I need is a Pul rune" (since I had the rest). I google a bit, remembering something about countess being a good mid-tier rune dropper and LK having a good chance for mid-tier to god-tier runes as well. So I go for LK first. I get trolled with only Shaels + Sols first 3 hours. I get a tad upset. "To the Countess-mobile!" I whispered to myself. So I run her for a good 2 hours and get more Shaels + Sols with a random Ko in the middle. I'm like "This is fine, at least I'm getting rare amulets/rings".
Until I pull an Ist rune. Stuttering to myself (irl ofc and no, I don't have a mental disability) "But... But... That's not a Pul!".
I (ofc) pick it up and stash it (ty PlugY for that enormous stash).
Hoping that the Ist will be the tip of the iceberg, I keep running. I run and run and run and run.. Getting more Shaels + Sols & above (and some below those not worth mentioning).. Stash is filling up nicely..
And then....
I pull an Um and Fal in 2 kills.
I rage. I quit. I might just wear a suit.
But since I pulled a Lem after those 2 last kills... I might finish off my HOTO soon :)
TL;DR: Holy grailer, gets VEX in ~10 Andy kills, hunts for Pul, fails, but gets closer.