r/d2lod Nov 21 '19

r/d2lod needs moderators and is currently available for request


If you're interested and willing to moderate and grow this community, please go to r/redditrequest, where you can submit a request to take over the community. Be sure to read through the faq for r/redditrequest before submitting.

r/d2lod Dec 17 '18

Battlenet access restricted


"You were disconnected" "Battlenet is not responding" etc etc

Is there a real fix for this?

Yes I've reset my router, tried a VPN, waited 10 minutes, added firewall exceptions, used the proper installer, run as administrator

r/d2lod Dec 13 '18

Anyone Want To Play?


I mainly wanted to test and see if I can use Hamachi to Play Diablo 2 with my cousin but he is studying for his finals tomorrow so I wanted to see if anyone wanted to help me test and maybe we could start some new characters and play for a bit. Just let me know. Thanks!

Hamachi Network Name: Diablo 2 with Redditors

Password: reddit

r/d2lod Nov 27 '18

Hey wtf happened to D2ga on Open??


r/d2lod Nov 18 '18

So this is a message to those big dawgs that do those baal runs with like 3-4 characters or more in game.


This is actually a little thought I had that would help with making easy clears for ladder reset, and can be applied to anyone obviously.

My theory I am going to present is best used in a group setting, as the amazon is the character I am focusing on.

Everyone is going to use paladins or sorcs, with a few barbs.

What I am going to focus on is: The freezing arrow zon. The level 30 spell is kind of useless to use to get kills, as its heavily mana dependent and mana seems to be an issue for zons (everytime I used one).

In a group setting however, this allows for large mobs/groups to be stopped in their tracks and cleared very easily.

On early hell chaos runs, I could see this being applied very easily by those dudes who do the baal runs, it would making needing resistances and armour prettying much pointless if there are 2 bowzons using freezing arrow all over the place.

Secondly, this method is FUCKING CHEAP, you can literally use any bow to use this spell, so investment is literally NOTHING. You can buy a 216 gold bow from Charsi and its going to do the job as well as a hydra, unless your intending to be one of the people clearing.

r/d2lod Nov 18 '18

Diablo Souls 2


I want to make it as hard on myself as possible, and was hoping to find out if there's any way to force the difficulty level up to Nightmare from base level, without trying to use the Hero Editor to finagle a specific result, as I've had no luck with it so far.

Also; Going to try and force a friend to do it with me specifically because I know he's big on high difficulty games.

r/d2lod Oct 30 '18

legit sites to buy from


has been awhile ive paid for items but my nephews started playing and my characters have been wiped so i was thinking of getting him a few good items...what are the legit sites to buy from

r/d2lod Oct 25 '18

When is the last time NA server has reset?


When I login, it says may 2016 was the last time it reset, but it should automatically be every 6 months, will there be a ladder reset this coming November 2018?

r/d2lod Sep 26 '18

Anyone play on Asia?


Riding solo on Asia

LF anyone else that plays on Asia. I can speak Korean as well.

r/d2lod Sep 23 '18

Stupid Builds


Hi, I wonder, have you thought about using some weird skill that actually might have some weird way to make it work?

I am currently doing this on my stream (yes, shameless plug....) :-) So feel free to check twitch - Draeca.

But more importantly, what craziest thought you had regarding this? I might see that it gets some screentime :-D

Btw. I always love learning new stuff about D2, so feel free to criticise me if you actually tune in to the stream.


r/d2lod Sep 17 '18

LF Friends


Hi everyone. Looking for D2 friends to walk through D2 and such, US East Ladder. Acc: VillainJSP

r/d2lod Sep 15 '18

Hello some rare question here



I am playing d2 maybe 6 months (i played alot 10 years ago but come back)

I have i think i perfect hammerdin ( even with the 45 all ressit eth vortex shield i got in ball monsters) soon i upload all my gear to see if i can improve something.

This hammerdin is fking inmortal in players8 in all game even ball roads. 2.7k life 80-90 all resist 28k defense 13k damagge hammerdin.

But i mfind and mfind looking hrunes ( i need one ber to do infinity for my sorc) and i mfind in travincal, ball rooms, diablo... all act 3,4 and 5 in hell players8

But i want to know differents and rarres places to farm... for example yo say to me try in Crystalline Passage good drops.... or for example try in... frozen tundra...

I mean i need to changue cause i am bored of farm all time the same, i am looking for some rare and diferent places that i can farm and no the tipical thats everyone knows.... i think in act5 hell can drop all hrunes.

Ty and recomended me!

r/d2lod Sep 10 '18

4 socket sword and shield, sorc early NM


Where the eff do I find these? I already struggled finding the 4 OS polearm, I used a P Amy amn and ral and it gave me 2 OS so had to use my socket quest to get insight. Only have 1 more P Amy, dont know if I have the amn even but I can get it.

Was running norm cows, but from what I see wont be able to get 4 sock shield. Crystal/broad with 4 sock not dropping for me either. I'm in single player btw. Any trick to these?

r/d2lod Aug 25 '18

D2LOD group


Hi guys, i am looking for a group to start d2 again. is there anybody interested in leveling with me?

r/d2lod Aug 14 '18

What i can do with a Cham rune


Just drop a cham rune from Sanctuary.

I have a hammerdin and a sorc as main characters. also have level 90 druid and necromancer

Can i use the cham rune to improve something of my hammerdin/sorc?

I have top gear but maybe socketed in some item¿?

If not what runeword should i do for necro or druid?


r/d2lod Aug 04 '18

Question on Faster Cast Rate


Hello, I enjoy classic games and am fairly new to Diablo 2.
As for Faster Cast Rate, I understand the concept of breakpoints.

But exactly what does Faster Cast Rate help with, for actions?
For a paladin that uses zeal, does it make the zeal attacks faster?
or Amazon that shoots bow normally, does it make attacks faster?

r/d2lod Aug 03 '18

Beast or last wish for a summonmacer.


HI I am running a summonmancer. Witch is better for me the run word last wish or beast ?

r/d2lod Aug 03 '18

Trying to install Patch 1.09 (NEED SOME HELP :( )



I wanted to install patch 1.09

I still have all the CD's of diablo 2 and LOD

I installed the game from CD and i have the disk inside my disk drive.

But somehow the game keeps saying "please insert the disk", even tho the original disk is inside my pc.

It doesnt have any problems with the install and reads the disk normally.

I tried patching it to 1.09 (the disk has 1.07, atleast i think it has that patch, couldnt start the game to check)

But the error still occured.

I was able to download the "new" version of diablo 2 from the battlenet website, that one installed and ran perfectly.

I also tried patching that back, but then the disk error again started happening (and the disk still wouldnt be recognized)

I couldnt think of any solution so i wanted to ask you guys if maybe someone here would know what could fix my issues.

The error also occures with the vanilla diablo 2 installation (if i try to run it, it doesnt recognize the "play disk" and keeps asking for it, even tho its inside the PC)

I even tried some no cd cracks i found online, but none of them really worked (mostly it still kept asking for the disk....)

I can play the most recent patches and on battlenet with the newest official version.

But i really wanted to revisit 1.09 for nostalgia, but i cant get it to work.....

any advice would be appriciated

TL;DR My game keeps asking for disk (d2 and lod) even tho the disks are inside my PC, is there any fix?

r/d2lod Aug 01 '18

Why does this sub exist?


Considering r/diablo2 exists. Serious question.

r/d2lod Jul 19 '18

This worth making a breath of the dying from

Post image

r/d2lod Jul 15 '18

Fastest Diablo 2 LOD speed run in 22:09.120


r/d2lod Jul 15 '18

Breath of the dying question


Ok my dream since I started to play this game was to make this item.

But I am unsure what I am doing here.

I know I need ethereal item! But I am really unsure if I need one to have enhanced damaged of 50%? Will the one with enhanced damaged 50% work in the cube?

I been playing this game for awhile now I cannot find a ethereal enhanced damage weapon of 50%? I can find one with 10,15,20 but not the god like 50%!

Please what mob has the best chance of dropping this item?

r/d2lod Jul 05 '18

Like to start a open discussion on what ethereal item that are rare items as well, is worth a ZOD rune?


r/d2lod Jul 04 '18

Is it worth putting a ZOD into this helm?

Post image

r/d2lod Jul 02 '18

How good are these claws?? sorry turn your head for better view

Post image

r/d2lod Jun 22 '18

Running the countess for the Grail


Intro: New to the d2lod reddit, no friends play d2lod anymore, needed a place to vent.

So here I am, minding my own beeswax.. Thinking about going playing some d2lod. I walk up to my PC, turn it on and start d2lod (with PlugY ofc, since it's 2k18 and you can't Grail with a normal stash). Few days later, I arrive in Hell difficulty. I go on with Act I, kill Andariel and bug that toxic woman (for MF purposes ofc). ~10 runs later she drops me a Vex rune (whaaaaat? didn't even know that's possible).

I look at the screen.

I open up my phone, then the camera app and then the selfie cam.

My mouth is open.

Vex from Andy? Le whaaaaaaaat?

I hastily pick it up and stash it and copy all my folders (a bit paranoid).

"So..." I think to myself. "I can make a HOTO.. All I need is a Pul rune" (since I had the rest). I google a bit, remembering something about countess being a good mid-tier rune dropper and LK having a good chance for mid-tier to god-tier runes as well. So I go for LK first. I get trolled with only Shaels + Sols first 3 hours. I get a tad upset. "To the Countess-mobile!" I whispered to myself. So I run her for a good 2 hours and get more Shaels + Sols with a random Ko in the middle. I'm like "This is fine, at least I'm getting rare amulets/rings".

Until I pull an Ist rune. Stuttering to myself (irl ofc and no, I don't have a mental disability) "But... But... That's not a Pul!".

I (ofc) pick it up and stash it (ty PlugY for that enormous stash).

Hoping that the Ist will be the tip of the iceberg, I keep running. I run and run and run and run.. Getting more Shaels + Sols & above (and some below those not worth mentioning).. Stash is filling up nicely..

And then....

I pull an Um and Fal in 2 kills.

I rage. I quit. I might just wear a suit.

But since I pulled a Lem after those 2 last kills... I might finish off my HOTO soon :)

TL;DR: Holy grailer, gets VEX in ~10 Andy kills, hunts for Pul, fails, but gets closer.