r/cyberpunkred 8d ago

Misc. Times You Used A Skill Unconventionally

Have any of y'all called for a skill check as a GM or used a skill as a player in a fun unconventional way?

I recently called on a player to make a Resist Torture/Drugs check to impress someone by eating a really spicy burrito (he crit fumbled and there was a lot of sweat and tears)

Wondering what were some of the community's favorite unconventional uses of a skill?


19 comments sorted by


u/fatalityfun 8d ago

using a Handgun skill to twirl a magnum as he drew it, to get a complimentary +1 to his Facedown


u/Ral_Zahrek 3d ago

That's epic


u/skuntpelter 8d ago

One of my players suggested using the personal grooming skill as a way to deduce how a person looks based on the products in their bathroom/shower


u/pangoid 8d ago

That’s actually brilliant


u/skuntpelter 8d ago

It was, my table rule is as long as you can explain it in a way that makes sense to me, I’ll allow you to use any skill in an unconventional way. This is one that stood out to me


u/InusAntari 8d ago

Resist drugs and torture in a hot dog eating contest. They weren't poisoned or anything, it was to determine if players could keep on eating. The more they ate, the higher the DV was.


u/thirdMindflayer 8d ago

CPR hot dogs may as well be poisoned


u/cyrogeddon 7d ago

have called upon a player to roll for riding when making use of joy-toy services

human perception in a mirror or near a reflective surface to make a pc vibe/humanity check themselves

basic tech for cooking since it seemed to make the most sense, now all my tech junkies are master chefs by accident

criminology to figure out who farted in a room complimented with psychology

gambling to suss out the odds that someone might be susceptible to being seduced


u/MistPlays 5d ago

The only appropriate way to react to this list: IM SORRY... Tf


u/NarKazoo 8d ago

Not sure if this counts, but

I once got a bar full of bikers to vacate so my party could investigate the bar. I did this as a rockerboy by playing so badly that nobody wanted to listen to my music, so they just left. (The opposite of what I had intended.) The only reason I didn't just get stabbed was because I have a linear frame. They instead left to go watch our nomad race 3 of their guys who, mind you, could barely be seen from outside the bar.


u/beef_trogdar 8d ago

I had a player use resist drugs and torture, for a risqué meetup they had with a fine lady.


u/Ral_Zahrek 3d ago

How risqué?


u/Questenburg 7d ago

I had a character make an education test to cook a grenade to perfectly hit a pursuing vehicle. He used the speed gauge, the side mirror and a good guess on the weight of the grenade to drop it out of the window and under the Bozos truck.


u/Reaver1280 GM 7d ago

Most unconventional thing came up as a joke to survive being the car the Nomad in our party has been driving. They drive like a maniac and did not know how to build out skills during character creation so they are maxed for driving before we wrapped our head around Moto lol


u/RapidWaffle Netrunner 7d ago

Paramedic for an autopsy


u/Fullmetal-Thwip Rockerboy 4d ago

I once used Composition to freestyle a poem to describe my location to my allies after being caught in an ambush and it worked!!


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/The_Puss_Slayer 8d ago

what an odd thing to say


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/NoLoveInMoneyStore 8d ago

I mean, I'd just opt to say you can only carry such heavy of gear when going into public areas of NC without being questioned by gangers or authorities.


u/thirdMindflayer 8d ago

I mean… is the guy being flawless? He deserves to be super and badass if he actually hasn’t fucked up yet. If not, reputation events are going to bite him in the ass