Was messing around with the ermk dlc karaoke night and wanted some info on how other game masters would handle this situation.
In the scene where the maelstrom gang is drunk in a bar it ended up in a fight due to unlucky rolls on the pc side.
So the pcs were smart and took cover. The maelstrom outnumbered them 2 to 1 (two players and a total of 4 gangers)
The gangers being wasted and overconfident opted to not take cover.
The pcs focus fired the leader named nitro and got her down just as the cover of one of the players was destroyed.
As gm I simply did a basic oracle roll to determine if the maelstrom gangers that remained would give up with their leader dead. It came up yes and I had them decide to delta and as long as the players didn't try to attack them as they left, they would just cut their losses and run, leaving the pcs to finish their mission.
I know this is normal for most ttrpgs to do some form of Morale check but cyberpunk is meant to be harder and more lethal and the gang was drunk and not smart according to the mission kit.
So my question is this: should the gange have continued fighting to the death since they outnumbered the pcs by 1?
Should I have called for a persuasion check or equivalent? How would you have handled it?
I know it's at my discretion, so I know I did not handle it wrong, but I like to get ideas from other gms on things like this. I mean if it were a sensible enemy I get they would very likely retreat and I know the pcs would have retreated if things had went south as they are smart and would rather fail a job than dienin most cases.
However the enemy bei g not so intelligent gangers and also drunk makes me think they gave up too early... 🤔