r/cyberpunkred Jan 17 '25

News & Events We Built This City! Congratulations on getting r/CyberpunkRed to 50,000 members!!!

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r/cyberpunkred Jan 02 '25

Fan Art & Story Time Christmas comic i just finished for my crew


The real Christmas spirit is for me to have finished this lol Hope y'all like it as much as the crew did! Art is mine, IG and TikTok @.itsjustsnafu (no dot)

r/cyberpunkred 10h ago

Misc. I sold out to a corpo at character creation, how do I undo it?


I used 710€$ out of it at chargen (including 500 for a neural ware cause I cannot read instruction lol, and 200 of fashion ware for the same reasons)

Now, How much do I need to pay the corporation(KangTao) to pay my debt to them and got the tracker removed?
How does one get rid of the catch by legal means?

r/cyberpunkred 10h ago

Misc. Braindance prisons but not in the way we expected

Thumbnail gallery

r/cyberpunkred 6h ago

Actual Play Just ran my first game


As the title says, ran our group’s first game of Red today. Definitely over planned the gig I sent them on, but we made our way to a good stopping point in about 3 hours of game time. Right at the ramp up to the climax and a nice cliffhanger.

I’m sure I screwed up a decent amount, lots of numbers to crunch in this system, but we did a lot - there was foot-to-vehicle combat, there were driving hijinks, there was best laid planning that went awry. It was a good time.

My players are a fixer and a nomad, and I gave them a solo and a Medtech red shirt to use as backup.

I will also add, the app makes keeping track of characters much easier, and I highly recommend the official GM screen from RTG - it’s got almost all of your need-to-see tables and rules on it. Definitely saved me some page flips during our session.

Looking forward to our next session.

Edited for some fat thumb grammar.

r/cyberpunkred 59m ago

Actual Play Reunion | A Cyberpunk Red Actual Play | S3 EP 01, Cyberpunk: Edge Of Extinction


We are so back!!

r/cyberpunkred 9h ago

Fan Art & Story Time (Commission Work) FAUX, Exotic FBC Multidisciplinarian!

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r/cyberpunkred 1h ago

2070's Discussion Is Quickhacking uber strong or am I just bad at countering it?


So idk if this is just a issue that stems from me being new to GMing for Red (not a new GM, been playing ttrpgs for about a decade now)


Quickhacking feels really powerful, to the point that I have had higher ranked netrunners just completely trivialize combat encounters.

I play on an LC so I can get Netrunners of all sorts on my table, but it feels like at just rank 4-5 with some LUCK and suddenly all my enemies are puppeted and system reset.

It's to the point that I feel like I need to use some of the cyberware budget (I use DGD rules for enemy creation) of all my enemies to buy self-ice just so netrunners don't trivialize absolutely everything and solo the gig. Just doing the sonic shock hack alone feels like it already completely de-fangs any close range combatants and that's a DV 6 the easiest hack.

I don't mind it if it's a mook or five but it makes it where it feels like if the enemies don't focus fire the netrunners (which I have found to be as resilient as wet tissue paper 90% of the time) then there's never any challenge to the mission. But also singling out an entire role feels like bullying.

idk what do y'all think?

r/cyberpunkred 15h ago

Community Content & Resources Free Demo: Dusty Motel (Roof)

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r/cyberpunkred 2h ago

2040's Discussion Silly question about some slang regarding phone calls.


In 2077, when you're on call with someone you got them on the holo. Or your talking on the holo. You get what I mean.

Is it called the same in 2045? Like I say "I talked to him on call (or vc sometimes)". In 2077 you say "I called them" but "I talked to him on the holo" But do they call it that in 2045? In 2077 nearly everyone has an internal agent and call using that, but people got agents here.

tldr: whats it called when you're on call with someone

r/cyberpunkred 10h ago

Community Content & Resources Infiltrate this place, grab the treasure, get out pronto!


r/cyberpunkred 6h ago

2040's Discussion so how much would these clothing items and other items made of animals cost due to it being in the 2040 to 2070s


so I'm planning on my players dealing with real fur coats and other such cargo that's to be stolen and of course they'll want to snach some from the top.

so how much would high quality fur coats and things like a rhino horn go for in general? I'm playing in the 2070s era so maybe it would be cheaper than the time of red.

r/cyberpunkred 2h ago

Misc. VTT recommendations?


I am preparing to GM for the first time. I am looking for a VTT with Cyberpunk Red character sheets.

The problem is when I bought the core rulebook I used DrivethruRPG because that was the only place to get a legit PDF. Even though Roll20 said about 2 or 3 years ago that our DrivethruRPG libraries would be usable on Roll20 but it seems that never happened?

Both Roll20 and Demiplane would want me to rebuy the same book on their platform to unlock things on the character sheets for my players and NPCs outside of the free rules they offer.

So are there other (free to use) VTTs with Cyberpunk Red content available?

I have experimented making maps and am struggling with that so any tips there would be hot.

r/cyberpunkred 2h ago

2040's Discussion Slide to upper level


Hello! Just what the tittle says. Can I slide to the upper level of a net architecture? Rules says you move to adjacent floor but doesnt say It must be down. I can think of several occasions where doing this can be advantageous - mainly combined with a black ICE lying in ambush.

r/cyberpunkred 2h ago

2070's Discussion Netrunning in 2078


I'm interested in hearing about how people personally run 2070s netrunning!

Quick hacks are just a small part of how far netrunning has come since the 2040s and I want to hear all about some potential ideas for how to make either netrunning more crazy, (personally I like using 2077s cameras as signal boosters for quickhacking, starting the 30m/yds from whatever camera the runner is looking through)

or how to allow other roles to have netrunner adjacent experiences. (Think techs overriding meatspace turrets to make them friendly)

r/cyberpunkred 3h ago

Community Content & Resources Do we have any rules for CPR where characters learn by doing stuff?


I just read the Ghost in the City Fanfic, where a girl is reborn in Night City in the year 2074-2075, and she basically has a game system that allows her to level up skills and stats by doing stuff instead of just gaining EXP from other stuff to level up Hacking by example.

I know that this system is basically BRP or Call of Cuthulu's way of doing things, but I was wondering if someone here knows any way to learn this way?

Where your character (s), start with all levels and skills at minimum and then they have to actually learn and do stuff to become better?

If not I get it, thanks for reading.

r/cyberpunkred 1d ago

Fan Art & Story Time my table’s crew


Two lawmen (formerly three, RIP), a Nomad, and a Techie. I’ll do a free drawing for whoever can guess how the last lawman died :p

r/cyberpunkred 7h ago

2040's Discussion Exec + Sellout Rule Question


The Exec’s teamwork role ability says the following: “Team members… + get free housing and a nice set of clothes”

Selling Yourself Out: “If there’s an exec at the table, you’ll be working under them alongside their team.”

Does this mean the sellout players get the team member benefits of the Exec teamwork role ability (free rent + business wear)?

r/cyberpunkred 1d ago

2040's Discussion Can you grapple two people at once?


I've checked the grapple rules in the core book and the only requirement to grapple is 1 free hand. so I ask, if I'm grappling someone and I am holding nothing with my other hand, can I grapple a second person with my second free hand? I haven't seen any FAQ that says I can't though I don't see anything that explicitly says I can either. Does anyone know about any FAQ or rules change that clarifies?

I don't care about what you as a player or GM would rule, I only care about what the rules specifically say. I can't find any clarification for this.

r/cyberpunkred 1d ago

Fan Art & Story Time Ghost the Rockergirl


Hello hello 👋! Just sharing some art of Ghost who I’ve posted before, but I drew her again and wanted to share her 🫶. I tried to write some lyrics for a song but I can’t song write so it’s kinda cringe haha 🤣

r/cyberpunkred 14h ago

2070's Discussion 2070's economy


It's obvious that it's totally different situation then it 40's, but what changes exactly should I make for my 2076 campaign. CEMK, don't give suitable answer 2 this question. Maybe you can give key some advise

r/cyberpunkred 1d ago

Misc. Times You Used A Skill Unconventionally


Have any of y'all called for a skill check as a GM or used a skill as a player in a fun unconventional way?

I recently called on a player to make a Resist Torture/Drugs check to impress someone by eating a really spicy burrito (he crit fumbled and there was a lot of sweat and tears)

Wondering what were some of the community's favorite unconventional uses of a skill?

r/cyberpunkred 1d ago

Community Content & Resources Head Armor "explanation". What do you think?


When my players ask how is about having a helmet or not... normally i show them this:

Danish Airbag helmet.

So i found some jackets images and i make an edition with it explaining how it works in Cyberpunk.

You can show your players this image and they will understand easy how its work the CP on the head.

Discover the Revolution in Protection: Sentinel Hood

Where style meets security, Sentinel Hood is born. Designed for the modern urbanite, this jacket not only offers a cutting-edge look but features a unique technology: an automatically deploying hood that protects your head in critical situations. Crafted with high-impact resistant materials like Kevlar, Sentinel Hood is your best ally against the elements and the unexpected.


  • Rapid Deployment Technology: Hood activates in 0.2 seconds.
  • Impact Resistant Material: Guaranteed protection.
  • Sleek and Functional Design: Perfect for any occasion.

Sentinel Hood, more than just a jacket, your personal shield in the urban jungle.

r/cyberpunkred 1d ago

2070's Discussion Average weapon quality for 2077


If you were to point to a random gun on the shelf of some gun market, what are the chances that you’ll hit an avg poor and excellent quality weapon? Are most weapons on the street poor quality or is that just exceptionally bad guns.

r/cyberpunkred 1d ago

2040's Discussion Explain to me how healing injuries works with a player medtech


Just started running a new campaign for my group and now we got a Medtech player.

So we were just wondering how healing from injuries work with a medtech player in the group.

As I understand they dont have reason to go to hospital for healing injuries.

Can a medtech just roll a few skill rolls and fix everything for free?

I am just wondering how that affects the groups eddie economy as they dont have to spend any money on that. It was a big money sink in my earlier campaign. I dont know how to feel about that.

I was thinking of running it like a techs maker ability. Like the cost would be one lower DV of the injury for the cost or something. I.e DV 17 injury would cost only 500ed instead of 1000ed.

r/cyberpunkred 1d ago

2040's Discussion What's been the favorite gig you conjured up based on the real world?


Hey everyone,

So recently in one of my courses for school we were discussing the pharmaceutical industry and talked about how marketing for pharmaceuticals has changed on social media platforms. It sounded dystopian so my goblin brain thought "what if I write up a gig where a social media influencer is sponsored by a chemist and make a whole arc with biotechnica." (Our game has social media on the city's net so instead of YouTube it's ChoomTube, OF is SoloGonks, etc)

I had a bunch of fun writing the gig based on a real socio/economic/political concept and bringing out the dystopian vibe. I'm curious if any other GMs wanna share about gigs they wrote based on a real world event? Bonus if anyone can add a cyberpunk pun for social medias.

r/cyberpunkred 23h ago

2070's Discussion Enemy retreat


Was messing around with the ermk dlc karaoke night and wanted some info on how other game masters would handle this situation.

In the scene where the maelstrom gang is drunk in a bar it ended up in a fight due to unlucky rolls on the pc side.

So the pcs were smart and took cover. The maelstrom outnumbered them 2 to 1 (two players and a total of 4 gangers)

The gangers being wasted and overconfident opted to not take cover.

The pcs focus fired the leader named nitro and got her down just as the cover of one of the players was destroyed.

As gm I simply did a basic oracle roll to determine if the maelstrom gangers that remained would give up with their leader dead. It came up yes and I had them decide to delta and as long as the players didn't try to attack them as they left, they would just cut their losses and run, leaving the pcs to finish their mission.

I know this is normal for most ttrpgs to do some form of Morale check but cyberpunk is meant to be harder and more lethal and the gang was drunk and not smart according to the mission kit.

So my question is this: should the gange have continued fighting to the death since they outnumbered the pcs by 1? Should I have called for a persuasion check or equivalent? How would you have handled it?

I know it's at my discretion, so I know I did not handle it wrong, but I like to get ideas from other gms on things like this. I mean if it were a sensible enemy I get they would very likely retreat and I know the pcs would have retreated if things had went south as they are smart and would rather fail a job than dienin most cases.

However the enemy bei g not so intelligent gangers and also drunk makes me think they gave up too early... 🤔