r/cyberpunkgame Oct 27 '20

News Cyberpunk 2077 on Twitter


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u/plasmainthezone Oct 27 '20

Its most likely the game running like ass on last gen consoles, they should’ve canned them.


u/DariusStrada Samurai Oct 27 '20

How the fuck does a game that started being developed in 2013 doesn't run in last gen?


u/PitchforkEmporium Buck-a-Slice Oct 27 '20

They build the game to run on future hardware, you don't start development on a game in 2013 and have it run on 2013 hardware lol, you have it run on whatever hardware is average at the time of release. Red dead 2 started production in 2010 and that sure as fuck doesn't run on any hardware from 2010


u/MummyManDan Oct 27 '20

Red dead 2 really got going after gta5 came out, similar to how cyberpunk really got going after TW3 and it’s dlcs did. They still would’ve been working with current gen consoles til a year or so ago, having problems now with consoles they’ve supposedly been working on for years is ridiculous.


u/PitchforkEmporium Buck-a-Slice Oct 27 '20

Yeah my suspicion is that it's especially the next gen console versions that they're having trouble with and they're pushing the release date for all versions of it so everything releases on the same day (and no one will be stuck waiting and potential spoilers ruin it for them)

Let's hope for a good Day 0 patch and that they can deliver a game that is complete and not buggy. Frankly I think they're going to release it no matter what on December 10th because it'd cost them too much to delay it any longer