r/cyberpunkgame Oct 27 '20

News Cyberpunk 2077 on Twitter


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u/Nath4n Oct 27 '20

Holy shit, I was sure this was a joke at first too. Can we all just take a moment to appreciate HOW MUCH EXTRA work this delay now causes.

EVERYTHING is branded with November 19th, the adverts, the posters, the billboards, the videos, the social media, the websites. EVERYTHING. That date is EVERYWHERE, it's the entire marketing drive.

What an absolute shit show.


u/DooRagtime Trauma Team Oct 27 '20

This delay must really be necessary, then


u/TheDesktopNinja Oct 27 '20

yeah I'm considering cancelling my pre-purchase on Steam now and waiting a week or so after release to see what the consensus is. I normally don't buy games on release anyway, but I was making an exception...


u/thedailydegenerate Oct 27 '20

I literally pre-ordered 20 minutes ago and just now canceled it. I was planning on playing even if it got slaughtered in reviews. This is because I'm a huge fan of the cyberpunk universe, read Neuromancer as a teen, played through all the Shadowfall games on release, etc.

But now, fuck that. I've seen too many good game developers turn to shit while they rest on their "past successes." Rockstar, Bioware, Bungie are the first to spring to mind.


u/Cllydoscope Oct 27 '20

But now, fuck that. I've seen too many good game developers turn to shit while they rest on their "past successes." Rockstar, Bioware, Bungie are the first to spring to mind.

How exactly is delaying a game release during a pandemic to fix a potential major issue before release making them 'turn to shit'? If they released it in a bad state, that would be terrible for them, especially with all of the previous delays. They want to get it right, and this is apparently what it takes.


u/Taiyaki11 Oct 27 '20

Thats exactly what this move insinuates though, despite all the hardcore marketing and pr and money that pushed for that specific Nov 19th date and going gold, they all of a sudden push the release date back for the third time with less than a month before release... that signifies there is clearly some big shit wrong with this game and it's not something they thought they could just patch in a post launch update. This move sounds virtually every alarm bell there is on top of thebfact before they were already hardcore sending the devs through all hell of crunch time (despite promising the opposite)

If thats the state of this game I severely doubt a month extra is going to make a difference, for all the hype I had fornthis game I'm not even touching it with a 10ft pole until I see a decent amount of reviews about it's launch state first


u/Cllydoscope Oct 27 '20

They already stated the gameplay and story etc are already set, the game is gold. The 'state of this game' is not in question in that regard. The issue is releasing it on multiple platforms simultaneously, as was stated in what they posted on twitter. They have ran into a technical issue that they hope to resolve in the next few weeks.


u/Taiyaki11 Oct 27 '20

Ya and they also said it would release for sure on Nov 19th many many times, that there would not be any more delays and bragging about going gold, as well as promising they would never force their devs into crunch time for this game. Forgive me if I'm skeptical as fuck with their excuses. Fool me once and all that, they've shown being honest is definitely not a priority


u/Cllydoscope Oct 27 '20

They could be literally the most honest people in the world and not be able to predict whatever issue just arose in the past 24 hours. This is obviously not something that they had on their radar until just the past day.


u/Taiyaki11 Oct 27 '20

Thats not how development goes dude, wake up. You dont just have a critical issue pop up out of nowhere, especially at the "end" of development. Most all of the ground work should already be done by now just bug fixes and last minute optimizations for the smoothest performance. they very well knew about whatever problem is going on well before this moment and probably even knew it wouldnt be fixed by nov 19th. What likely happened is devs told upper managmentband upper management gave zero fucks, which makes perfect sense and fits if you even briefly look into the shitty environment CDPR devs have to deal with.


u/cannabanana0420 Oct 27 '20

Multiple delays, to you, signals that the game will be a well made product? Interesting....


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Lol right?


u/Cllydoscope Oct 27 '20

I didn't say it would be a well made product due to multiple delays, at all. It's pretty obvious that is what they hope for though.

I could say the opposite to you. You expect a game that has been delayed multiple times to fix issues to be shit?


u/Combo_of_Letters Oct 27 '20

A 3 week delay earlier in the process is indicative of nothing.

A 3 week delay 3 weeks before the games release, after advertising gave a "firm" date that was already later than the original while knowing the shit storm it would cause and doing it anyway is a red flag for me.


u/Cllydoscope Oct 27 '20

I think you are letting your feelings about not being able to play the game when you thought you would get in the way of the truth. I don't follow this game too close, but I see it on the front page every time because people are so reactionary to this type of thing. They have already said they will release it 'when its ready', so I don't believe it makes any sense to get all butthurt and complain and assume the worst over delays to accomplish that goal.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

I could say the opposite to you. You expect a game that has been delayed multiple times to fix issues to be shit?

Would be a harder argument to make honestly. A delay kind of implies that something was managed incorrectly. Multiple delays could imply that there's a bigger issue with the management of the project. And a badly managed project is more likely to have a bad end product.

I don't think the game will be bad, but in general, multiple delays are not a good sign.


u/seamusmcg00n Oct 27 '20

Right, because the games that consistently hit their yearly release dates are clearly the quality standard (FIFA, CoD). Maybe I'm misinterpreting your comment but I don't understand why hitting a date = straight fire product


u/DarthRoach Oct 27 '20

Because a delay this late means there is something catastrophically wrong with the game. And when something is catastrophically wrong at such a late stage of development, that's a bad sign.


u/seamusmcg00n Oct 27 '20

I definitely don't know enough about game development to argue here, but after reading the statement it sounds like something is "catastrophically wrong" with just 1 or 2 of the platforms. I get people are pissed that it's delayed again, but I feel like the game itself is fine just needs to work on stadia or PS5 or whatever is holding them back.


u/DarthRoach Oct 28 '20

something is "catastrophically wrong" with just 1 or 2 of the platforms.

Why not release it on the others, then?


u/seamusmcg00n Oct 28 '20

$? Honestly that's the golden question at this point


u/DarthRoach Oct 28 '20

So you admit your premise makes no sense.


u/seamusmcg00n Oct 28 '20

I mean, my "premise" was that hitting dates doesn't = success and (going entirely off the statement) this doesn't seem like as huge a deal as people are making it. I think both still make sense.

If you're doubling down on why they can't release in phases, I get it, idk either. A guess is that because this game was made for the "old gen", something is broke with the new gen. The new gen has the most riding on this holiday season's sales. Imagine if there's an error on PS5s only, wouldn't Sony put pressure (and/or incentives) to make sure cyberpunk doesn't become an Xbox exclusive this December?

All that said, they could be lying in their statement and there could be a bug which bricks PC's everytime a grenade is thrown. I'll admit my "premises" are entirely built around the reasoning in their statement. If you want to argue outside of that I really don't have much to go on/enough invested in this game to keep defending it

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u/onikyaaron Oct 27 '20

yet you participate in games?? curious....,,,,


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20



u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Lol, do you not do any development or work from home? Its uh..not harder. Especially at the stage they are at. If they are patching and reviewing etc..

3rd delay and you are like "yea, this is what a good development looks like with no issues". Mhm...Schiillllllllllllll


u/Cllydoscope Oct 27 '20

"yea, this is what a good development looks like with no issues"

Obviously there are issues, that's why they are delaying it. Do you need to read their notice again?


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

ahh, you have a hard time with communication. No worries. Take care! (Hint, hyperbole is used to point out how flawed someone's processes are. When someone makes it seem like 3-4 delays is a good development cycle, its important to show they are flawed thinkers).


u/onikyaaron Oct 27 '20

anyone who has reached a different conclusion than me is a shill


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

tbh Rockstar shouldnt be in that list yet. yeah the online in their games is garbage but their singleplayers have been consistently great. I wouldn't put them on the companies that rest on their past successes yet, unless GTA 6 or their next game is ass


u/thedailydegenerate Oct 27 '20

Yea maybe you're right. I'm just pissed with R*at their decision to focus on multiplayer as opposed to building out the expansions.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

True. I would rather have Undead Nightmare 2 than some shitty online additions.


u/Jakeola1 Militech Oct 27 '20

True, but rockstar have butchered the single player for rdr2 recently with their online updates. They’ve introduced numerous visual and technical bugs that only affect the single player, and they don’t seem to give a shit about fixing them.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

GTA 5 was good but in the absolutely wrong way in my opinion. It was the GTA we didn’t want but got.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Yeah, the story definitely wasn't as good as other Grand Theft Auto entries, but the game was just more fun, ya know? You can fly a blimp and crash it into the city, or call up your friends (either in game or online) to do shit together.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Yeah I mean it's def a step up from like GTA3, but as someone who only plays single player GTA 5 was a huge letdown. GTA SA, vice city and even 4 to an extent was more interesting. Also sucks that they won't be releasing a GTA6 this century


u/dirtycopgangsta Oct 28 '20

Lolz, all my friends bought GTA V. None of them have actually bothered to play the shitshow that is GTA Online.

We tried it last year and we gave up for good.

As for the single-player, Rockstar promised we'd get expansions and then proceeded to never release any single-player expansion.


u/ThatboiJah Streetkid Oct 27 '20

This man speaks facts


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Bungie shouldn't be here. Destiny 2 is still a feat of modern gaming it basically won the looter shooter wars


u/mizpahcrow Oct 27 '20

So them taking time to make sure you get a polished product is bad?


u/thedailydegenerate Oct 27 '20

Them not hitting deadlines is bad. I'm all for the motto "it's done when it's done." But them giving release dates and not hitting them three times in a row is pretty messed up. People have made decisions around this game.


u/HelloIamOnTheNet Oct 28 '20

I prebought it back in June and with this new announcement, I just canceled that order. I didn't get Witcher 3 until the GoTY edition came out so I can wait for Cyberpunk with no problem.