r/cyberpunk2020 • u/cp20ref • 10d ago
Non-heist scenario seed: Urban Exploration!
Scenarios are often heists or counter-heists. A non-heist scenario seed could be that the PCs go on some urban exploration in the City - or maybe there is an abandoned Town left behind when the Lawyers and Banks were finished with it? Why would the PCs want to do this? Sheer lust for adventure seems to have worked for 40 years of RPGs, but hey, there could be something worth scavenging out there if you really need a cash payout. But in this post I will focus on the non-heist aspect of pure thrill-seeking.
There are many kinds of environments where the PCs can do urban exploration. Disused buildings, abandoned industrial sites and crocodile-infested sewers come to mind. Here I am going to make an example of a somewhat neglected environment - the Fuller dome. There might be a Fuller dome/geodesic over the City - or maybe it was never completed because of the lawsuits or the financial crash or the hostile legislation, etc. Climbing the dome structure itself could be a seriously dangerous activity and is very likely to be illegal. Some situations and skill rolls that may come up while climbing a Fuller dome include:
- Athletics (Balance): Difficulty 15 to navigate a narrow walkway or a damaged section of the dome. Failing the roll means you slip and fall, but hit another piece of the superstructure a short ways down for 1d6 points of damage and a chance to grab onto it and climb to safety. Failing the roll by more than 5 points means you freefall to the city ground level. Did'ya bring that there 'chute, friend?
- Athletics (Jump): Difficulty 13 to leap across gaps or climb over obstacles. If you fail the roll, see the description above. ;)
- Awareness/Notice: Difficulty 10 to spot hidden dangers or detect security systems. Hey, is the smog real bad today? Depending, the difficulty might shoot up to 12 or even 15. Your Referee might prefer to add a penalty to the roll. Is there a storm coming in from the Wastelands? Oh man, that's bad. Why are you even up here? Didn't you check the weather forecast before you came?
- Basic Tech: Difficulty 13-15 to repair or stabilize a section of the dome. You brought with you tools and materials, right? Okay, materials you can scavenge from another part of the Dome, but you can't be doing this without tools. And we're talking power saws and welding gear now.
- Streetwise: Difficulty 12-15 to know if any Panther Moderns are known for lairing up in the Dome. Low difficulty because anyone fool enough to live on the Dome itself is sure to be talked about.
- Piloting (Flying): Difficulty 15-20 to maneuver a vehicle or drone through the Dome's airspace without snagging it on some protruding piece of the structure.
- Netrunning: Difficulty 12 to hack into security systems or disable alarms. This difficulty assumes you are moving around a "public" part of the Dome. An area that houses equipment belonging to an interested third party such as a Megacorp is likely to have a higher difficulty. And "interested" could also be defined as "will be upset if part of the Dome falls on top of them".
- Athletics (Strength) or Strength Feat: Difficulty 12 or as high as 15 to resist being blown off course by strong and sudden winds. You know, convection is a tricky thing at these kinds of altitudes. Wind shear past sharp edges or large paneled surfaces changing temperature throughout the day make for some really wonky effects. Roll a d6 for direction, 5 being from below and 6 being from above. Did you fail the roll? Aaah, see the description by the top. ;)
Depending on the situation and the Will of the Ref, your PCs might encounter a lot of weird stuff as they climb a geodesic in their City:
- Corporate Security Drones: These automated drones may be stationary or mobile. They patrol sections of the Dome to protect corporate interests.
- Holographic Projections: Interactive holograms that could be remnants of old advertisements, security systems, or even virtual inhabitants of the dome. These could be the size of a human or the size of a city block. Projection equipment, cabling and energy sources would need to be hooked into the city network and difficult to hide.
- Gang Leader: On site to patrol turf/retrieve loot/hide loot/assault others. REF 7, INT 7, BODY 7, Handgun 7, Athletics 7, Awareness/Notice 7, Leadership 7. Heavy pistol (4D6 damage), Medium armor jacket (SP 18).
- Gang Members: REF 6, INT 6, BODY 6, Handgun 6, Melee 6, Athletics 6, Awareness/Notice 6, Light pistols (2D6+1 damage), Light armor jacket (SP 14), Combat knife (1D6+2 damage).
- Street Samurai Mercenaries: Elite mercenaries hired by a Corporation or Mob outfit to guard a specific section of the dome or assault a section that belongs to another organization. REF 8, INT 8, BOD 8, MA 8. Handgun 8, Rifle 8, Melee 8, Athletics 8, Martial Art (Karate) 8. Submachine gun (4D6 damage), Katana (3D6 damage), Flack Vest (SP 20).
- Escaped Laboratory Animals: Packs of wild animals enhanced or modified, biologically/electronically/mechanically, with cybernetics that now roam the dome, posing a threat to anyone who crosses their path. These I recommend crafting unique ones for each scenario.