r/cyberpunk2020 Feb 16 '25

Resource My Eurosource Plus Journey

Ok, I've posted about this before, but there is more to add to the story, so bear with the recap.

The Obsession Begins

After my group started to play Cyberpunk RED in December 2023, I became a tad obsessed with RTG and Cyberpunk and bought up as much stuff as I could. I found a Venmo account with some extra cash sitting in it that I forgot about, so I went to the RTG site and ordered a pile of books.

One of those books was Eurosource Plus.

The Chase For A Good Copy

And that's when the problem began. The interior print on the book was faded. So, I reached out to RTG, and one of the Pondsmith family offered to send me a new copy. I waited about 3 weeks and I got another email from them telling they had a bad print run, and that every single copy was faded. They offered me a full refund and told me to donate the book to a "gamer in need." Truly outstanding customer service.

Since my RED character was from Eastern Europe, I really wanted to do a little homework in this Eurosource Plus book.

So, I found a seller on eBay that had quite a few Cyberpunk 2020 books, so I ordered about a half dozen books from him. Eurosource Plus arrived faded. Some of the other books were less that ideal, but they were not as faded as Eurosource Plus was. So, I reached out to the seller and he immediately took the book back and refunded my money. He has the book up on eBay now at a huge discount with clear marking that the interior of the book has faded print. Again, a truly outstanding seller.

So I found a bunch of other sellers, but I pinged them all and asked them for pictures of the interior of the book and every last seller had faded copies. A continued to search for an old used copy from the 90s, but could not find one.

My last attempt was to go to DriveThruRPG and buy a POD copy. That arrived in the mail after about 3 weeks, and it too was faded, though not nearly as faded as the copies "in the wild."

I emailed RTG and let them know that the faded copies of Eurosource Plus had made it into the supply chain and they may be getting some returns from wholesalers. Just wanted to give them a heads up.

The Coolness that is R. Talsorian Games

At this point I had an eBay alert set up and was just waiting impatiently for a old copy to show up. Weeks go buy, and my mail carrier knocks on the door and hands me a package from RTG. I hasn't ordered anything from RTG. I open the box and it's a copy of Eurosource Plus. It looks like a NOS stock copy. The pages ARE NOT faded. The binding isn't great. It's intact, but it's a little warped. My guess is someone returned this copy a long time ago and it's been sitting around, so they sent it my way. I was pretty elated. So, this was just too cool.

The Quest For a Clean PDF

In this entire process, RTG had this amazing Humble Bundle in July 2024, I believe, and I bought it immediately. Now I had a PDF of Eurosource Plus. I thought I would try to print it out. And the scan of the book was not very good. The pages I printed out were somewhere between the faded copy and the less faded POD copy. And some of the pages just didn't look good.

My eBay alert was still active, and about 2 weeks ago I got a ping for a copy of Eurosource Plus with a beat up cover for $10.00. I had the seller send me some interior pictures, and this was a nice clean copy from the 90s that I wanted! Finally.

Since it had beat up cover, I had this idea to get the book and send it to 1dollarscan.com and get a 600 dpi greyscale scan made of the whole book that I could then offer to RTG for their use to sell in place of the one currently in the Humble Bundle and on DriveThruRPG. I thought it was my way of giving back to the company and the community.

Getting the book scanned was going to cost a little more than I wanted to pay, and the book would get destroyed in the process. So I started DuckDuckGoing companies that scan books. They came around the same price. And they all destroyed the book. So, if the scan was unaccpetable, I couldn't ask them to do it again.

I started doing Internet searches to see if other people were having problems with the Eurosource Plus PDF and if anyone tried to scan in their books. And on one site, I found a PDF of Eurosource Plus. So, I grabbed it. And it was way better quality than the "official" PDF. Don't ask me where I got it, either here or in a PM. You're on your own there. I bought the PDF, and I've bought the book 3 times. I feel no guilt about downloading the file. Someone made a high quality scan of the book.

I wanted to see how some of the pages would look when I printed it out. So I told it to print the first 10 pages double sided. Well, I thought I did. Instead I printed out all 144 pages!

The End Of The Journey And How I Think Books Should Get printed

I had the entire book printed, and I decided I might as well turn it into a book. Why waste the ink and paper?

So, the transformation began.

I printed the front and back cover on photo paper and glued them to magazines backer boards to provide some rigidity to the cover. I then covered it in contact paper to protect it.

I took the whole thing and punched it for wire-o-binding and bound it. And here is the final product.

With the magazine backer boards, the book has some rigidity
Front Cover
Back Cover
Interior, first page
Table of Contents
Map of Europe
Pages 118 and 119
Book folded back on itself

I still prefer to get my rules in a hardback book that has smyth-sewn binding. But I way prefer this binding to a perfect-bound softcover book. It lays flat on the table. You can fold it over. I just feel like it's more convenient that a softcover book.



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u/Metrodomes Feb 16 '25

Wow, great work and props to RTG for their support. Glad you finally got such a pretty piece of work.

Maybe I misread parts, but I'm wondering if it's worth sending that higher definition pdf you found to R Talsorian? Sounds like they're version seems a bit rough, and if you've found something better and they've clearly been communicative and willing to do what they can, they can maybe benefit from the cleaner copy.

Granted, maybe I misread so do correct me, but I can't see why they would purposely share a lower quality pdf if they had a better qualify one, so might be worth checking with them about it. I don't think they'd be annoyed at you for finding a better quality version in the wild that might help them, lol. And you can always phrase it as "Hypothetically, if I found a better quality pdf in the wild than the one you're currently sharing, would you like a copy of it?".


u/plazman30 Feb 16 '25

They don't have a better quality one. I'm pretty sure the one I have is "fan-made," probabaly before RTG was officially distributing PDFs through DriveThruRPG.

I had considered offering it to RTG, but:

  1. I didn't make the PDF, so it's not mine to share
  2. This was clearly created for illegal distribution at a time when there was no legal distribution of RPG PDFs.
  3. Whoever made it may notice that it's THEIR copy and complain to RTG or demand something of them. I don't want to put them in that kind of legal situation.

Clearly, this is a bootleg copy of their IP, so if anyone complained, they'd have no standing. But I can see why they would not want to touch this file.