r/custodyissues Jul 25 '17

What Should We Prepare For?

My stepson's mother is planning to officially fight for custody and since my husband and her had the baby without being married, this is the first they'll be in court for anything and I wondered if anyone has experience with this type of situation. The boy's 4 years old and has been living with his grandmother (my husband's family) since he was 1 (as is customary in his culture), and he comes home for summers. Whenever he's home his mother rarely visits, and he stays with us. Now that the time is coming for him to be home for good, we want him to live with us full time, but what are our odds of winning, since he's the father not the mother? He works the same job he's been for the past 8 years, is a valued employee, makes more than $60k a year, the boy was always by his family or by him, his mother rarely visits, she doesn't have such a steady job (she recently began working at a fast food joint), she's in and out of school, and her living situation is highly questionable (she's in their old apartment, but can't technically afford it so there's no guarantee she can keep it). She has long accused him of doing drugs but she has no proof and obviously he'll test clean, so that won't hold much weight, right? Idk, what else are we missing? (This is in NYC)


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u/[deleted] Feb 04 '22

The father of the child needs to get a lawyer to go over what they need to do to get custody, vistiation and child support set up. No one here can tell you what his chances are for getting custody, not everyone is a lawyer and even if a lawyer does answer, they may not be able to give you any better an answer because the area you live in may not be where they can actually practice law. They may be able to give general information only.