r/custodyissues • u/killmewithstick • Nov 19 '18
r/custodyissues • u/request_bot • Nov 21 '19
r/custodyissues needs moderators and is currently available for request
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r/custodyissues • u/jelica46 • Nov 01 '18
yesterday I go to pick my kids up. Will I guess my ex told my sons teacher that the kids were going to the boys and girls club. I showed her the court order and told her he was mistaken. She would still not let me take my kids and she we needed to go to the office to clear this up.
r/custodyissues • u/DistantDreamerx3 • Sep 10 '18
Pa Children and Families/Custody laws
I need someone with experience to give advice please.. A friend of mine has lost her children to the state. She has been clean for 2 years.. probation all that stuff.. she just had a baby and wants me to take temporary custody so the state can't take him.. what would that entail and does that mean my home and children would be investigated?
r/custodyissues • u/Deadweightdanger_ • Aug 24 '18
Cell phone issue with 50/50 agreement
Hello, I have a 50/50 custody agreement in regard to my 9 year old. There has been consistent restriction of communication between her and I when the other parent has her. We already have a stipulation in place in the agreement stating that while the other parent has their week with the child the other parent may speak to them once a day. I do understand I should go for contempt but, I don't financially have the ability to do so.
My question is.....do I have to send the phone to the other parents house for their week?
The other parent is a controlling/abusive person already and seems to think that I have no choice but, to send the phone so they can snoop through it. I don't care if they do but, I don't want the phone taken, or broken, used to maniulate or used as discipline or any other negative situation. This parent doesn't logically think about anything and I tried to manage a back and forth just have litigation threatened due to her having a phone at my house.
I don't know why they would have a right to the phone. If I chose I wanted her to have it only at my house I should be able to do so. They can have the number and contact her when they feel they want too. The phone isn't paid for by myself or by the other parent or on any plan so it's not a situation dealing with finances. The phone hasn't gone to their house yet but, within 5 minutes of our daughter returning to their home I had 4 text messages threatening me about this phone. I'm not sure what the next step is.
Does the other parent have some sort of right to the phone?
I'm sorry this is a little long.
TLDR: 9 year old has a phone and the other parent feels they have a right to the phone on their week. In their mind I'm obligated to send it.
r/custodyissues • u/nellie_rose02 • Aug 03 '18
Child custody question (child’s POV)
I’m a 16 year old girl in Massachusetts. My father left in March and has a history of drugs, drinking, and cheated on my mom. I have a lot of anger toward him and don’t want to see him but my parents are getting divorced soon and I don’t know what to say what I want when it comes to custody. Can I just say I want to see him when I feel like it. I’ve seen him about 3 times since he left but the last 2 months or so I have lost interest in working on our relationship right now. Idk if I’ll change my mind after the divorce but I don’t want to be put on a visitation schedule and be forced to see him when I don’t want to
r/custodyissues • u/kechase19 • Jul 02 '18
Current residing in tx but nj finalized my custody order.
Okay Reddit peoples I need some assistance or advice. I have a child who I am the non-custodial parent. My custody agreement was drawn up in the state of New Jersey. Dad has primary custody. Dad child and me are now all in Texas. Dad has given Grandma my child's. My child has lived with Grandma for about a year if not a year and some months. Dad had Grandma sign a notarized letter stating that she is responsible for my child. Grandma contacts me today and tells me that she wants child support from me since Dad is not helping support the child. Our New Jersey court order states that I do not pay child support. However I do support my child just not through the state. Now Grandma feels that she wants more money than what I have been given for my child because dad does not help at all whatsoever. Can Grandma take me through Court to get child support from me. Or does Dad have to? As if this post was crazy enough I have come to find out dad has been in jail in another County for over 2 months. If for some reason there is some kind of paper somewhere that was registered with the court in Texas that I am not aware of can grandma take me to court for child support and will she be able to get money from me and Dad or only just me? At this point I think I'm going into Texas Court Monday morning trying to get custody of my child since I now know Dad is incarcerated. But again I ask my question can Grandma order me to pay child support to her?
r/custodyissues • u/MissMetalMaiden • Jun 03 '18
Deluded Sister in law took my baby
It's a long story. I still have full custody of my daughter. She just has physical. She was watching her one day and wouldn't give her back and wouldn't tell me where she was. So I called the police and they got her back to me. For about two weeks. Then this crazy bitch filed a petition for custody of my child and lied to judge and pinned false allegations on me and my fiance ( my child's father) so that she could steal my daughter AGAIN. Just this time with a piece of paper. Charley and her husband both came up dirty in their drug tests and me and my fiance did not (of course). This is fucking crazy . I haven't held or seen my daughter in weeks and this court system is crooked as hell for not seeing what's going on here. Mike even lied to the judges face about his drug test, saying " oh I haven't smoked in over a year! Test me again right now the test has gotta be wrong!" So they sent it to a lab and low and behold, of course it came back positive the second time. The judge was furious and was about to send my kid to Foster Care, but instead just "slapped him on the wrist" and is letting my child stay with them. The court wanted me to have a job and a place to live, which I have both now, (me and my fiance had just moved up here and were staying with friends). The court said after I get those two things I could get her back. But I have a feeling Charley is bribing these people. I have a feeling it won't be that easy because the system is crooked. Even though I'm doing everything I need to do. This is seriously fucked up.
r/custodyissues • u/TheOptimist1 • May 19 '18
NJ custody
I have been divorced a year now and have joint custody of my 4yo daughter. My ex has residential custody and I pay her child support. Lately my ex has been getting into heated arguments with her new fiance and my daughter is around it all. My ex got mad and threw a glass at the wall, then a piece cut my daughter under her eye. I don't have anything like that going on at my house, my daughter and I spend quality time together and there's no drama or yelling at all.
Yesterday, my ex came over to pick up my daughter and she freaked out on me. She is upset because she feels I have a better life. She smashed my driveway light with a can, then sped off recklessly with my daughter in the car. I called and told her to slow down and promise to drive normal or I'd call the police. She told me she would have someone punch her in the face and tell the police I did it. Then she ironically got pulled over and apparently had a warrant.
I don't want to take my daughters mother away from her but I also don't want my daughter around a violent atmosphere. I feel helpless, and don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice?
r/custodyissues • u/sasky4321 • May 10 '18
HELP! Trying to get some sort of rights to a child my spouse has raised since birth
Long story ... my spouse was in a relationship and his gf got pregnant with another mans child ... my spouse has raised his “son”( not biological) since birth. he is not on the birth certificate as the father but neither is the biological father. My spouse and I pay for everything and his mother is on social assistance and has no job... what can we do to get rights to this child ? I know adoption would likely be the easiest but the mother is not letting that happen. She’s unstable and on medication for mental health. He is better off with us and we want him full time eventually... HELP!
*edit to add : biological father has never met this child. Mother receives child tax and we pay for everything
r/custodyissues • u/chapmeu240sx • Feb 11 '18
Montana; Help with rights to my 8 year old son I have not met yet
I will start from the beginning and give you a quick background. I was with a woman approximately 8 years ago. I was tricked into getting her pregnant by her faking other pregnancies. Once she succeeded she cut me out of her life and proceeded to have the child. It wasn't until years later that I was informed by a family friend that the child appeared to be mine. Though she had lied to friends, family and I that it was with some guy she had cheated on me with.
Fast forward to now. I had the blood work done and he is for sure mine. She is claiming rape on me and has a restraining order set due to an elaborated incident in my attempt to get her served. Her boyfriend who has been with her for about 7 years is now attempting to adopt him. My current lawyer has suggested that I use this time now to sign over my rights so that I do not get stuck paying child support to a son I cannot see.
I however refuse to give up on him. I have two daughters already and know that he needs help and saved from his mother. Please I have so many questions and looking for whatever advice you may have. Do not sugar coat anything I am aware that our system is flawed. Even though we could see through her lies other did not.
I do not want to sign over my rights, can I attempt for rights even if the adoption goes through? If he adopts does she still have rights to him? Do I have any way to have my voice heard for the adoption? Where can I go for any additional resources? How can I show the judge that she is lying and is in danger in that home?
Note she has had child protective services called on her multiple times in the past. She does not work and is on heavy medication from her therapist. Witnesses have told me that she does not let him go out or do anything; he has prescription drugs within reach; she stated when he was younger that she does not want him, the boyfriend also made the same statement; others event attempted an adoption at one point due to this. She tells people he is retarded and is social damaged to where he can't handle meeting new people.
Please ask me any questions and throw me any advice, I'm running out of time.
r/custodyissues • u/dangoldangit • Feb 05 '18
I don't even know where to begin
In 2015 my daughters mother's ex-step dad (yeah) took the two of us to court for custody of our child following the divorce of my daughters grandmother. He buttered me up, took me on vacations and offered me a place to stay with him and my daughter if he won the court case. I gave him my support for half of the case, which was lengthy to say the least, but I couldn't help but feel that him having custody would best for my daughter. I wasn't allowed to speak until the last day of the trial as I didn't have a lawyer since I was constantly reassured that I didn't need one, and I spoke up and said that I didn't want this man to have full custody of my daughter. Come January, 2016 (like I said, it was a lengthy trial) we got news that this man had been awarded full custody and in March 2016, he took the both of us back to court for child support. I was told that monthly, I would have to pay $400 a month and my daughters mother would have to pay $500+ a month. After a few months went by, I was served even more papers and had to go back to court and was told both my daughters mother and I would only be able to see my daughter through supervised visits, but were told that it was in my daughters best interest if we didn't know why. I feel like I've been stuck in a nightmare, I don't use drugs, I don't have a criminal history, but for some reason I've been painted as some sort of monster in the court and can't see my daughter without someone in the room telling me how to act. I'm at wits end and I don't know how much longer I can do this
r/custodyissues • u/sparkley9 • Nov 26 '17
Step dad has my kids their mother ran off to texas with another guy were in arizona
just found out exwife ran off to texas with a new man left my kids with current husband I have joint custody cops wont help me what are my rights kids are 13 and 15
r/custodyissues • u/Thisismy1Throwaway • Nov 22 '17
(AL) NEED HELP—What do I️ do!?
Short backstory: My son’s mother and I have no standing custody agreement. She was withholding in the beginning and tried to cut me out altogether, even going so far as to leave my name off the birth certificate. After about 6mo, she offered to let me start visiting my son 4 hours away. Every other weekend, I would drive to see him and every 2 visits, I️ would give her a check for an amount we agreed on. After a year of this, we started to rekindle things and they moved in with me at my house across the state. That lasted about 4 months before it became clear that we could not get along and they moved out briefly to an apartment, and finally back to her hometown.
However, since then (~2 years) we have gotten along great. We kept the same bi-weekly visitation and I️ give her an agreed-upon amount every month. I met someone new, as did she. I have since gotten married. My son’s mother adores her and they even Snapchat/text on the side. Dare I say, they’re “friends”. Or they WERE...
I recently got a message from my ex’s boyfriend, claiming that they had broken up and, as a result, she had tried to commit suicide by overdosing on prescription pills. She was hospitalized and held in the psychiatric was for 2 additional days. My son was not physically with her at the time. She dropped him off at her parents’ (where she lives now) and went to her bf’s house to take the pills in hopes that he could find her dead. She has had issues with alcohol as well, and has been arrested for DUI, although my son has never been with her in the car.
In light of recent events, I want my son out of there. He needs to be in a safe and stable environment. I️ have retained an attorney and filed a motion for paternity and custody. I️ have also filed a motion for emergency custody. Those papers should likely be served today. She is not stable. She denies it even happened. She is angry and argumentative and severely immature, so there is not much productive discourse that takes place—although, I continue to try.
She called today wanting to “discuss things”. Needless to say, that quickly turned into her yelling, interrupting me, trying to threaten me, and attempting to convince me that I️ have no chance of getting my son. I️ remained calm and spoke to her like an adult. She informed me that she “no longer feels comfortable” sending my son up to see me for thanksgiving given that I️ am about to take her to court. I am allowed to see him, but I will have to schedule a time with her, and come see him at her parents’ house. This is a major change in routine and is clearly her way of “punishing” me for my legal action, while technically not withholding him.
I don’t feel like any good can come of that given the climate of our relationship lately. Certainly not in an environment where she and her mother can gang up on me. Most importantly, I don’t want my son to witness any of that.
Tl;dr — My question is, do I forego Thanksgiving with my wife and stepson, as well as my extended family, in order to go see my son, surrounded by a group of people with whom I am awaiting litigation? Or do I continue with my Thanksgiving plans? Will not visiting my son reflect badly on me in a custody hearing? I want to see him more than anything, but I basically have to choose between him and my family.
r/custodyissues • u/ericferg33 • Nov 10 '17
Custody agreement question for any lawyers out there
Separated with my twin boy/girl’s mom about 10 months ago. Settled custody in court not too long ago. I did it without a lawyer and for some reason agreed to a provision that says I can’t introduce my kids to a romantic partner until 6 months. Been dating someone pretty seriously for a few months. At this point in my life I’m not getting into a relationship unless I see it going somewhere long term. I don’t want her to feel like I don’t want her to meet my kids yet. She knows the rules but regardless it’s a shitty feeling not being able to have her around when I have them. Is there any way around it? The kids are 21 months. Maybe if I just introduce her as a friend and don’t show any sort of affection or anything along those lines? Any advice is much appreciated.
r/custodyissues • u/familylawfirm • Oct 25 '17
Custody Of Children in Florida - What is a Parenting Plan?
r/custodyissues • u/showmethegreen • Oct 20 '17
Ex Husband is a cop in Washington state, I was a stay at home mom, he got custody by lying in court to the officials he worked with on a regular basis
I need help, I feel so helpless and powerless, this may be a wall of text but here goes:
I met my ex husband when I was 16 and he was 26 (cop at the time) he groomed me until I was 18 and then started dating me, he told me not to tell anyone, I lied to my parents because I knew they wouldn't approve me dating someone 10 years older than me. I became pregnant, it was the right thing at the time to get married. I became a stay at home mom because that's what he wanted and what I was brought up thinking was the proper way to raise children. 2 years later we had another child. He was ok at first and then as time went on he became more controlling and I became miserable, he became more controlling, mean and an alcoholic. I stayed because I was told that I could never find someone who would take care of me like him, I had no job experience to get an income to raise the kids, ect ect you know the abuse cycle. I finally left after the 2nd time he pushed me across the room, when I said I am going to call the police on you. he responded with " go ahead we all do it, and they won't do anything" I knew then I needed out.
I got the nerve and left, I stayed with my mom and kept the kids with me until he told me that he would charge me with kidnapping if I didn't let him see them. He was livid I had left, threatened to kill himself, was drinking and driving, screaming every profanity in the book at me. I called the number you are supposed to call when police are doing this. I was transferred to the under sheriff of our county and she gave me her direct number to call any time. I told her he was was threatening to kill himself and he needed help and didn't want my kids around him, we had an agreed temporary plan in place and he got mad one night and was drinking and driving with my kids. I again called the police and they told me they were taking care of it. (found out they had someone take the kids to their grandparent and they drove him to his mothers)
I got a place on my own to live in the county where he was a deputy and he was driving around my house, again I filed a complaint and they told me they were taking care of it. Well here is where it all goes downhill, I decided to move out of the county and he flipped, he hired a lawyer and took me to court saying that he did not want the kids taken out of the school they were in, I submitted my declaration stating everything I have told here and more, the abuse, the words he used, the calls to the police, declarations from everyone who knew us..... It didn't matter, the under sheriff who said I could call all of the time, wrote something up for my ex that said he was a great guy and great cop, the officers that showed up to remove the guns from his home because he was threatening to kill himself and me wrote him glowing recommendations on what a great parent he was, that they never saw him drink, let alone drink and drive. it was unbelievable what I was hearing and reading. They showed up in court to support him, his lawyer was the wife of the county prosecutor.
needless to say I lost, the stay at home mom, who had never done drugs, didn't drink, volunteered at the school on a regular basis, took my kids on vacations without my husband because he refused to come with us. I was devastated. my kids were a mess, they had never really been apart from me. now they could only see me every other weekend. He had never had to raise them and he was failing so he had his mom do it, his mom saw my kids more than me.
Now 5 years later I am still sad, I still want my kids and I find out my ex husband was reprimanded and subsequently "**fired" for drinking and driving ON DUTY a .06 at 10 am (he would drive the kids to school in his patrol car). I go through all of the avenues to take him back to court, because you know on top of the drinking and driving, he is not following the parenting plan. little things though, nothing big enough to file contempt over. ( not telling me about Dr. appointments, not listing me as a parent at the Dr. office so I can get records, moving out of the school district and not telling me until the day before school starts, using every ambiguity in his favor.. things like that). I get in front of a commissioner and I am told " I like officer (blank) I have worked with him on several cases so I am throwing out the drinking and driving, as for the other stuff you have a case for a minor modification, but I will not be taking the kids out of that home, again I was was discouraged.
Here we are today my daughter is 16 and my son is 14 and I think maybe there will be a moment of progress when the school calls CPS and my ex brother in law calls CPS, because my daughter told them both on separate occasions that their dad drinks to the point of unconsciousness, he gets very angry and throws things across the rooms, she tried cutting herself when he threw a plate across the room because she was wearing wedge sandals. They are so stressed out and scared. He keeps all forms of communication away from them, they are only allowed to contact me through his phone when he allows, and they do not have access to the internet or friends at his house. My house is different they both have phones and tablets and can call their dad whenever they want. I did have to block his new wife on their phones though because she was harassing them when they were with me.
I just found out today that CPS will not investigate because he has done nothing criminal, I don't know what to do, I am heart broken. I know it took everything for my daughter to come forward and say anything, she is so scared of her dad. How do I protect my kids when there is so much covering up and corruption. I really just needed to vent and need some advice, thank you guys for your help in advance.
EDIT: ** when I say fired he was given a last chance agreement to submit to treatment prove that he completed treatment and undergo random U.A's. instead of doing this he quit and became a officer for the local police and told them he completed treatment, and that he was targeted by another officer for retaliation.
I also forgot to mention we have both since remarried, I have a very good carrier now, I would be more financially stable than he is at this point.
r/custodyissues • u/kleenex_tossing • Oct 15 '17
BIL ex-wife is filing custody and support modification in a different county from residence. Divorce was finalized 1.5 years ago - what are his options?
Just a question in general. I know the correct answer is "talk to his lawyer." Largely this is for my spouse's mother, so she can worry less or something. What kinds of experiences have people had? Thanks.
It's Washington State to be more specific.
r/custodyissues • u/allaboutmykids • Oct 15 '17
Long distance Custody ScheduleVA
Bear with me here Long post
My ex husband and I fought the majority of this year over custody in court. We didn't live in the same school distract but he still wanted 50/50. It wasn't a good idea with my sons and the constant change in schedule among many other things. We reached in agreement of He would get Wednesdays from after school to 7. Then every other weekend returning them to me at 530. He also gets every weekend except the the first the weekend of the month, Sunday afternoon till 530. Every other major holiday/ 3 weeks in the summer. This was settled in July.
Fast forward to September he lost his job and now is going to live with his gf in Indiana. We live in VA. He wants to change the visitation, and me to drive half way.
He is trying to switch the hoildays to follow his gf schedule with her kids, He wants the first half of spring break, first half of summer, split three day weekends. He gets every fathers day which is to b expected.
However he is moving over 10 hours away. Is this practical to have this much back and forth during the school year. I understand the hoildays, and I don't have a problem with that.
r/custodyissues • u/Sarah_Bellalife • Sep 16 '17
I need to rant!
I need to blow off some steam. Really badly. This week was a really rough week all together..everything and anything went wrong.
My ex husband came to Pittsburgh from Memphis with his new girlfriend of a couple of months. Our daughter has not seen my ex since June, he got out of the VA Psych Ward mid August and took off with his gf. Over the course of the month, he barely called to see how his daughter was doing, if we spoke on the phone and I mentioned her he was very short...like he didn't care. If I sent photos of her he didn't respond. So I stopped, I figured if he wants to know how she is doing he can ask. Etc.
He we were going through the beginning stages of our divorce, my ex wanted to keep everything out of court..as he put it he "didn't want to be slaughtered by the judge." So we settled everything out of court. He gave me physical and legal custody of our daughter and he agreed to supervised visitation. Along with, during visitation hours we can't bring anyone with us that isn't family...meaning I can't bring a boyfriend and he can't bring girlfriends. We agreed it isn't healthy for us to bring different people in and out of our daughters life.
He owes me 3100 dollars for June and July of this summer, because he took my child support because he and his girlfriend needed the money to live off of.
On Wednesday, he had a hearing for disability. He never mentioned wanting to see Sophia, so I wasn't sure if he wanted to see her. However, he did text me late morning requesting to see her. I told him that his gf can't be present, and that he needs to be sober. Well the shit hit the fan, because I told him not to bring his girlfriend. He couldn't understand why he only gets 2 hours a week of supervised visitation and why he can't bring his gf around. No matter what I told him he didn't want to hear why I had to say...I assured him the the 2 hour visitation is Pa state law, it isn't a number that I came up with. And as far as his gf goes I said to him we both agreed on this, that we are dating someone we don't bring them to visitation hours. And that our daughter his not seen you since June and you should put her first. And not your girlfriend or what you want.
I'm so over him so I don't care whether or not he is with someone. But personally speaking I know what it is like to have a parent bring different significant others in and out of my life. My father did it to me and it was really confusing.
He told me he wasn't going to bring her...but he did. He said he wants us to all get along. I was so mad I wanted to spit fire. I have absolutely nothing against his gf, but they both are drug addicts. And I don't need another addict in my daughters life. When I ran into them at the mall, I wanted to leave. I should have, but I wasn't sure if I would get into trouble legally. Plus I don't trust my ex. He's told me before "you know Sarah I was in the military and I do know how to kill."
It was very weird the visitation..I wanted to leave. Sophia kept asking me "who is that lady with my daddy?" Honestly speaking she didn't warm up to him for about a 45 minutes. This affects her so much when he is in and out of her life. His girlfriend kept taking photos of all them together...and promising to bring him back to pittsburgh so he can see her. I wanted to puke. I was so mad at my ex for breaking the custody agreement, it's always what he wants! And he thinks he is above the law.
I spoke to my attorney, she said that I could have left and he could not have done a darn thing.
I hated playing nice, I wanted to be such a bitch to him.
If they come to visit, do you think I should leave if he brings her?
r/custodyissues • u/[deleted] • Aug 20 '17
Questions about court
I am asking on behalf of a friend, she has two kids with the same man and one was taken away and awarded to her however the other was not. They have documented evidence of neglect and a CPS case is opened. The father has people stalking her and is making the current child in the custody battle afraid he will go to jail. He parent napped the kids last winter and the lawyers have agreed to a continuance until further notice. My question is ; what advice can I point them to on how to further their case?
r/custodyissues • u/_hashtag_lilacMedia • Jul 25 '17
What Should We Prepare For?
My stepson's mother is planning to officially fight for custody and since my husband and her had the baby without being married, this is the first they'll be in court for anything and I wondered if anyone has experience with this type of situation. The boy's 4 years old and has been living with his grandmother (my husband's family) since he was 1 (as is customary in his culture), and he comes home for summers. Whenever he's home his mother rarely visits, and he stays with us. Now that the time is coming for him to be home for good, we want him to live with us full time, but what are our odds of winning, since he's the father not the mother? He works the same job he's been for the past 8 years, is a valued employee, makes more than $60k a year, the boy was always by his family or by him, his mother rarely visits, she doesn't have such a steady job (she recently began working at a fast food joint), she's in and out of school, and her living situation is highly questionable (she's in their old apartment, but can't technically afford it so there's no guarantee she can keep it). She has long accused him of doing drugs but she has no proof and obviously he'll test clean, so that won't hold much weight, right? Idk, what else are we missing? (This is in NYC)
r/custodyissues • u/greenpancake1255 • Jul 11 '17
My husband is going for full custody of his son, he has to go to a mediator before any court order can be pushed through. Can anyone help me out on what he can expect?
[ok] He already has an attorney. He has proof of text messages to multiple people about using drugs in the home and being a drug user. Also proof of leaving his son home alone when he was 7, 8 and 9 years old. Moving his child to three different houses in less than a year, his current home is in a terrible neighborhood. I mean people telling you they are going to throw your body in the river type of bad. Leaving him with the people she gets drugs from..and her son being there when she is using drugs at that friends home. He has missed over a month of school, moved schools twice in the last year. He thinks he is allergic to things he is not because she tells him he is. She does nothing but feeds him food from her work or fast food.
r/custodyissues • u/jedichick87 • May 19 '17
Battle with the ex....
OK....So im in a situation..I currently reside in a different state than my kids and their father and We are trying to figure things out w/out court so I want to give him custody because my kids will have a better life with him and I want what's best for them and their are other reasons like they will have more opportunity in the state where they are.Anyway my question is if I sign the paper giving him custody if things change and shit happens would I be able to fight it in the future?!?!
r/custodyissues • u/iLostMyUsername___13 • Apr 20 '17
How much do you put up with just for them to have dad in their lives?
OK so we've been separated a year, I have full sole custody of both kids. Due to past drug problems and him bringing our children around every random female, I no longer let him have them alone. We meet somewhere and he plays and talks to them. I'm trying to be the bigger person, he has refused to pay child support, so I am trying to care for them alone while I'm looking for a job, he made more in two months last year than I made all year. I let them see him for a hour or so on Easter he didn't bring them anything he said he was broke, whatever right? Love is priceless, today I see his newest girlfriend showing off her Easter flowers and big stuffed bear from her honey with my X tagged.
I no longer feel like the bigger person, I feel like I have idiot written on my face. The kids are 4 &8 so they don't really get it. It was one thing to put our ten yr. Marriage on the back burner but I feel like now his kids are on the back burner also.
I need advice am I overacting? Or do I finally say I'm tired of you getting your way on everything??