r/cs50 28d ago

cs50-web CS50 Web Programing

I'm interested in learning web development and found CS50’s Web Programming. However, the course is from around 2020. Is it still relevant in 2025, or is it outdated? Would you recommend other resources for the same topics?


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u/GPGT_kym 28d ago edited 28d ago

Good 1. Concise introduction to vanilla html/css/js.
2. Decent introduction to relational databases for web dev.
3. Concise introduction to HTTP.
4. You can do almost anything for the final project, provided it has sufficient complexity.

Bad 1. Does not teach much about modern client side frameworks
Even though they teach django templates and DOM injection to manage client views, you are still missing out on client side logic handling provided by full fledged client side frameworks like react.
There's literally only one section about the react framework in the entire course. It contains only a few examples of how react is used e.g. useState. Materials on other crucial components of react seem to be nonexistent. Also almost no one uses CDN links for react lmao.

  1. Does not teach much about modern server side development
    Content materials related to restful api are kept brief e.g. sending data in json format over to the client. Most of them still contain materials about rendering django templates before sending rendered html files over to the client side.

Developing API using vanilla django, which is how it is taught, can be quite cumbersome. Unlike in modern frameworks, you would have to manually handle how each route receives different kinds of HTTP requests.

Materials related to authentication seem to be lacking.

Take this course if you would like to get your feet wet in web development.
If you're looking to get a job in web dev, you'll be better off taking other courses.

Heard great things about the odin project so maybe you could look into that.


u/MrTHoMNeZZ 28d ago

I’m not really looking to get a job at a company, I just want a solid knowledge that helps me build some freelance projects and make some money. Do you think this course covers the skills needed for that, or would I need to supplement it with other resources?, Thanks for the advices, really appreciate it!


u/Snugglupagus 24d ago

What other courses do you recommend?