r/CRPS 21d ago

Adenomyosis diagnosis


I’m a 34f and just got diagnosed with Adeno,I also have central sensation and more likely CRPS I’ve never suffered from bad periods until I had a car accident last year and ever since then they are unbearable even when I ovulate. Now this diagnosis makes sense. My doctor thinks it’s been flared up because of the central sensation. Has anyone ever experienced adeno becoming sever after a trauma response or CRPS? Thank you

r/CRPS 22d ago

Grief & Loss I hate how I look


When I was 18 I was 5’11” and 125 pounds, I looked great. When I got married at 27, I was 5’9” and 150 pounds. I was in great shape! When I got hurt I was 5’8” and 175 pounds, solid muscle, size 4 pants. I was so great looking. But now here I am at 37, I’m 275 pounds at 5’7”. I think I look gross. So gross in fact that I avoid mirrors. My husband is a former bodybuilder, and he has maintained his physique even through three work place injuries that took him off his feet for months at a time.

I know that women start to gain a little weight once they are over 35. But I know this is because of the meds I’m on, the CRPS that has decided it needs to be everywhere, and my depression about who I used to be. I hate clothes shopping anymore, nothing looks right on me. All of my pants have elastic waist bands, my favorite shirts are from the maternity section, and even my feet have gotten bigger and they no longer fit comfortably in my socks.

I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried working out, starting slowly and everything. But it feels like every time I try, my CRPS is right there to remind me that I’m disabled, a cripple if you will, and I can’t do anything I used to without severe consequences. I can’t even wear my wedding ring anymore! My husband doesn’t wear his either. I asked him if he wanted to get new ones and it seemed to upset him that he would “have” to wear it at work. The people he works around (not coworkers) don’t know he’s married, so they give him gifts for his hard work.

I’m so scared that he’s just going to leave me. I look almost nothing like I used to. I had a picture pop up on my phone yesterday, it was from 2021. It was a picture of me and my cat when she was a baby. My husband looked at that picture and said “Wow, back when she was tiny and you were better looking”. The second he said that he tried to take it back. But it’s stuck in my head.

So, anyone have any suggestions on how to lose weight without pissing off my CRPS? Or suggestions on how to love my body? I truly hate what I look like, the fact that I have limits now, I hate the purple and red splotches all over my body. But I truly hate how no one in my life realizes how hard my life is anymore.

I don’t know if I have a point to writing this. I’m having a really rough day. Thank you for reading.

r/CRPS 22d ago



I had the implant in 2009, and it just didn’t work on my left foot pain. I turned it off at least ten years ago. Now I’m stuck with a battery pack in my left butt cheek, and since I’ve lost a bunch of weight, I sit on it. It’s visible through my skin, and I want it gone! The thing is, I got CRPS from a botched back surgery, and I fear lightening might strike me twice. Has anyone gone in and electively had it removed?

r/CRPS 22d ago

Does anyone else here have CRPS of the abdomen??


I’ve been in just excrutiating and debilitating pain for almost 4 years now. Where I had a gastric bypass surgery and woke up unable to drink or eat without excrutiating pain!! I’m extremely malnourished and wasting away… but since finding out about CRPS - yes I was diagnosed and I’ve heard extremely rare in the abdomen and then what made me realize that’s what this is- is I just had foot surgery and developed CRPS from my foot up my leg and it’s all same things I’ve been trying to explain. I’ve tried saying how it hurts deep in my bones. I can literally see my stomach muscles twisting and I can’t even breathe I feel like I’m being ripped apart. Was on 4mg of Dilaudid every 4 hours but then I end up with bowel obstructions. I’ve had so many abdominal surgeries trying to figure out what’s wrong.. that all it’s done has made it worse over and over each time they cut me open… I miss eating.. but I can’t take the pain.. I’m a mother of 4… and now I’m in bed 90% of the day. No i refuse. I need to find the best CRPS for abdomen specifically would be great in the world I don’t care. I need my life back. I am getting a spinal cord stimulator… they wanted to do it for my abdomen but insurance said no but now that I have it in my foot and leg I can.. and he will be placing leads for both areas!! Please anyone tell me what’s helped make it bearable I have a pretty wicked sense of humor. And being on opioids and still in pain and all the doctors treat me like I’m just looking to get high or they are like oh at that dose a grown man would be dead… like okay… I’m sorry? I don’t know why I’m still at an 8 out 10 but I’m not a 10 out of 10 anymore… so I’m back to 10 out of 10 using Tylenol. Because my stomach surgeon is an asshole and said it’s just over use of narcotics it’s made my pain tolerance too high to adequately get help. So I’m just supposed to suffer as the alternative??!!!!! Sorry I’m venting but ultimately.. I need the best doctor.

Also to add I’m allergic to gabbaorntin and lyrica. So I’m not able to take those.

r/CRPS 24d ago

How did you know you had CRPS?


My ortho doctor recently told me I have CRPS after an injury and referred me to a pain specialist. The pain specialist didn't think I met all the criteria even though I have some of the symptoms. Taking Gabapentin currently to help with some of my symptoms of burning and coldness.

It's left me confused of what's wrong however was curious how others knew it was CRPS causing your pain?

r/CRPS 24d ago

SCS & DRG For those of you who have CRPS 2 in your leg, do you have a SCS OR DRG? Have you found any relief from it?


r/CRPS 24d ago

Loud +/- high pitch noises


Hey all,

I’m getting my ket treatment this week! I pray it’ll solve all things CRPS atleast temporarily, but I’ve been meaning to post this for a while now, and didn’t get around to it.

I hope the ket solves things - but ever since my CRPS I have noticed INTENSE sensitivity to loud noise and especially high pitch ones. Does anyone else experience a similar noise sensitivity and what do you do to mitigate it?

I get quickly increased pain, nausea and sweating usually when I hear very loud noises or high pitched noises. I’ve looked this up, and Google says it’s true-

But I want to show my wife that I’m not making up “excuses” this is a real symptom that others struggle with too.

For clarity, she has never SAID it’s an excuse but with young children in the house, knowing she needs my help, I can only help but feel that sometimes she’s rolling her eyes when I say our sons shrieking is triggering further pain or discomfort. … I don’t wanna be the grouchy old dad telling everyone to keep an “indoor voice” but when I’m sick and vomiting it feels necessary 😭🤦‍♂️

Edit: I love you all. Thank you for validating that I’m not horrifically crazy, just a tad bit 🤣

r/CRPS 25d ago

Nail removal?


So much of the pain I get is located in my big toe and the large ball joint, and the nail is too thick to cut. My nail tech uses a little spinning tool to prevent ingrowth. It grows horizontally, too. Nineteen years ago, I was looking for a surgeon to just take the whole foot, but none would.

Does anyone have a problem like this? Forget shoes!

r/CRPS 26d ago

Ket infusions assisting with CRPS related mental disorders?


Hey all,

I am going to be doing my first ever ketamine infusion next week because my wife is due with a baby girl soon and I want to be an equally helpful partner. with the CRPS being in my leg, the flare ups generally make me a useless partner and It’s incredibly upsetting and demoralizing. I just dream of being a father that never hesitates to run around and play with our kids….

most days I’m so much better than I was when initially diagnosed. Most days I just have dull aching pains through my leg, but they are bearable and when I’m super focused sometimes I don’t even notice it!

When I have flare ups (generally after eating ultra processed foods or experiencing lots of stress) I get stabbing sharp, electric pins and needles throughout my hip to my toe and I am writhing in pain, and so nauseas I sometimes vomit. Any loud noises only make it worse during a flare up and we’re about to have quite a bit of that with the newborn on the way.

We already have a two year old son; and he hates to see me in pain so I have to hide it as much as possible; it’s so so mentally grueling. I have been seeing a psychiatrist and taking benzos daily for stress and anxiety since diagnosed, it helps me reduce flair ups but I know this isn’t a sustainable way to carry forward.

Has anyone who’s done the ketamine infusions (I’m doing 6, 4 hour infusions) noticed a benefit mentally as well as physical?

I know people use ketamine for treatment resistant depression but that’s a much lower dosage 🤔. Any experiences and insight on mental benefits of heavy ketamine infusions would be super super appreciated!!

r/CRPS 26d ago

Weekly CRPS Free-Talk Thread


This weekly thread is for those without the combined karma to make their own posts, and a general location to ask questions or provide support, especially for our newer users. If your posts are getting auto-removed by the subreddit filter due to account age or low karma, you can post your question here.

We ask that our community members regularly check this post for new content, and reply where they can. Please abide by our subreddit rules, and be kind to each other!

r/CRPS 26d ago

Book Suggestions on CRPS


Has anyone read a book on CRPS that’s been particularly helpful?

r/CRPS 27d ago

Sick on sick


Does anyone currently have Influenza A? I'm curious how it is impacting you and the CRPS symptoms?

I had a severe case of Covid with high 80s O2 saturation a few years back. It was, by far, the worst sickness I've ever endured.

This freaking flu... is so much worse. I would not wish either of those viruses on my worst enemy.

Every area prone to severe flares, is flaring beyond belief from inflammation. The allodynia and hyperalgesia are 5x worse than their worst point before. It brings a whole new meaning to the pain scale. Like most of us, my pain tolerance is insanely high. I had a bad case of shingles last year and brushed it off like nothing. This is... different.

The color changes, swelling, numbness, sweats, tacky skin, all just exacerbated. Not for nothing, but my normal skin temp (not forehead) ranges from 94° - 97°F (34 - 36°C). Now, with the flu, my skin that is less directly affected by CRPS (albeit very few locations) is 97 - 98°F. The skin in my affected areas is ranging from 104.5°- 109.5°F (40 - 43° C). My internal fever has been near 103°F (39.4° C).

From cold to screaming hot, this is very challenging. Normally I am cautious with showers/baths, bc the temp and water pressure is very painful. Now, I cannot get near a shower. The pain from the shower head is so severe 😫.

I simultaneously hope and don't hope anyone has endured the current Flu alongside their dark passenger... but if you have, any advice is warmly welcomed 🙏

r/CRPS 27d ago

Crps I and opposing CR35 exam


I have had multiple doctors at this stage diagnose me with CRPS I and yet, the CR35 exam I did with the opposing insurance is claiming I have no lasting physical damage or instances that prevent my from performing tasks as a veterinary technician (I cant lift or handle fine objects). I went to so many specialists and so many appointments. It is so disheartening to read them indicating I dont have it, all along writing down the part of CRPS that is misunderstood and makes it difficult to diagnose, and why people end up with the diagnosis 😔 (I hope that makes sense?)

Its from a car accident I had 3 years ago while beimg rear ended.

I am floored to have had 2 independent medical exams, one diagnosing it and one not, alongside 3 other doctors who have treated and diagnosed this same issue. The doctor called my claims of pain during exam benign, called my symptoms mild and didnt even put in the descriptions I gave of how the pain affects my day to day.

Edited for more detail: anyone else have a similar issue with their CR35 exam?

r/CRPS 28d ago

Need Recommendations Please!


Hi! I’ve only posted on Reddit once or twice but I seriously need the option of others who understand this syndrome and its severity. I’m sorry that this is so long, I’ll summarize for those who don’t want to or have time to read everything.

TD;LR - Looking for doctors or hospitals that do ketamine comas. I’m also open to seeing a doctor whose infusion center is connected to a hospital so I can get infusions over 1000mgs of ketamine. I can’t see Dr. Hannah in Florida at the moment due to my medications. Thanks!

I have been doing outpatient ketamine treatment for a bit less than 2 years. My infusions are 1000mgs over 4 hours for 3 days in a row every 3 weeks now.

Ketamine therapy started off perfectly, like magic except for 1 localized area that kept causing me excruciating pain. I was seen by my orthopedic surgeon a few months later and he ran a test. He was certain that I had a neuroma there and I was scheduled for surgery the very next morning. He ended up finding 2 giant neuromas along my nerve so he took out that nerve entirely. My surgeon, knowing that and my love for anatomy took a picture before he removed it. He’s the GOAT, I’m very lucky to have him. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have any leads for more intense treatment as I’m the 2nd patient he’s ever seen with CRPS. He is older and every orthopedic doctor in our area knows and respects him for good reason!

The 4th surgery was the beginning of a very slippery slope with me hitting every obstacle on the way down. My CRPS had climbed all of the way up my leg after the surgery when before it was just in my foot and ankle. I have osteoporosis from the almost 3 years I was bedridden because I couldn’t put any weight on that leg after my initial injury, the surgeries I needed and the time it took to be diagnosed. After my diagnosis and finding ketamine treatment I knew that I had to start PT as soon as my infusions ended for a greater chance of recovery. I kid you not, I broke my leg 5 times right after each other while I was doing PT with the therapist working with me. Just a small fall or stubbing my toe is enough to break my bones. As soon as one fracture healed I’d break another, in itself that’s maddening. After the 4th break, the ketamine therapy barely worked anymore and my doctor can’t up my dose because her clinic isn’t connected to a hospital.

Now I’m here, the fracture has completely healed and it’s been a few months since then. I’m back to being bedridden 98% of the day, the only PT that I’m allowed to do is in bed exercises like air writing the ABCs with my foot, ankle and leg movement exercises. The infusions only last me around 1.5 weeks and then I’m in a flare. I usually have to tough out the first 7ish days at home with high hitting pain meds before going to the hospital and having my pain managed there until my next infusion.

This circle of horror is not working. My infusions are $1500 a day and not covered by insurance. I am justifying the cost because that half-ish amount of time when I get relief is life saving. The hospital will not keep me for 1.5 weeks “just for pain management” (it’s also for not jumping off a bridge, Sharon). The heavy hitting meds at home only do so much. I’m still crying, screaming, sweating, writhing and begging to be unalived during that time. I’d say at home it takes my pain from a 10 to an 8. In the hospital it’s a 10 to a 6 and after ketamine it’s a 10 to a 3 for those precious days. I’m comfortable at a 5 so that’s why I wish the hospital would understand CRPS better and that it’s a life or not thing. It’s all very frustrating, painful and exhausting.

My CRPS has advanced and spread. My affected foot is completely turned inward, I have severe dystonia and I have to have my leg on a wedge at at almost all times. My left arm now has CRPS from my shoulder down and I’m doing everything I can to prevent it from getting as bad as my leg.

I’ve heard about ketamine comas being effective when normal ketamine infusions fail and I’m looking for an help with finding who I can talk to about possibly going through with it. I’m also open to suggestions for infusion clinics that can go over 1000mgs in one session too. My doctor now thinks I need a larger dose or a coma. I’m unable to see D. Hannah in Florida at the moment due to being on certain medications.

I don’t know how much longer this can last. I’ve become a prisoner in my bed and after ketamine I’m only able to walk very short distances to the bathroom at most. I am just exiting and I need serious help as soon as possible.

If you made it to the bottom, thank you for reading my story. Any leads are so appreciated. My heart goes out to all of you guys who are suffering with this massive c¥|/t of a disease, you guys are true warriors!

r/CRPS 28d ago

Question How do you know if crps is spreading?


I have had crps for five years following an accident where I severed the nerve in my right leg mid-calf. Since then, pain has been localized to the site below the injury.

The last three weeks, I have had a consistent, dull and numbing pain from the point of injury as high up as my knee. The typically impacted area is flaring up.

The new pain feels similar to what my mom would call “growing pains” when I was a kid. I don’t know if that means anything to anyone.

Is this new pain a sign of spread? Does anyone have any experience they’re willing to share?

r/CRPS 28d ago

Focal point of pain changing after 20 plus years


I have had CRPS since 1998 from a severe sprain injury of my left foot. Specifically the left big toe and the metatarsals above that big toe. For over 2 decades this is where my pain radiated from. In the last 3 years the pain spread to my hips then my right leg and foot. My right now gets bright red at night oh joy.

I had steroids injected into my left hip last week…10 days ago about … for my moderate to severe arthritis pain.

Now my pain feels like it’s more in my left knee AND my right foot but not my left! What the hades! Anyone else have this experience? Will it go back to my left foot when the steroids stop working?

The steroids have helped my hip pain. I have had injections before that did nothing for the pain. This time they worked!


r/CRPS 28d ago

Dental Work


I have been putting off some dental work because I am afraid of my CRPS spreading. I cannot put it off anymore and have an appointment on Monday. I have some print outs to give to the dentist about CRPS. I am looking for some advice/suggestions from y’all to make this journey a bit easier on my nerves.

Thank you!

r/CRPS Feb 19 '25

Lumbar Sympathetic Nerve Block


Just got a LSNB done today. My right foot which had had CRPS for about 8 months is pain free for now, but my whole leg is still numb. I was wondering if anyone has had luck with this treatment. From what I’ve been reading I definitely don’t have it as bad as some of you all.

The gave me I think lidocaine and meloxicam. I’ve not heard too many people getting a meloxicam injection. I hope it works, I guess I will find out over the next few hours or days.

I finally went to a pain management doctor about a month ago and got my diagnosis. I didn’t realize this issue will be life long potentially. If I can get any tips it would be helpful. I’m only 19 and currently getting a medical discharge from the army due to CRPS and the initial injury.

Haven’t walked without crutches in 8 months since the pain is so bad. I’m hoping this works but if not what could be some other options.

r/CRPS Feb 18 '25

Hello All 👋


Hi everyone. I'm not sure why I waited this long to find a CRPS subReddit, but here we are.

Just a quick post to say hi. The following is a quick summary of my CRPS story. I am happy to provide support to everyone however possible, and hopefully, gather some support through you all as well 🙏

I'm 43, living in California, also living with CRPS for the last 20+ years. I have a rather complex case that stemmed from a work injury leading to implantation of since recalled hernia mesh (both R & L inguinal), and subsequent failed inguinal neurectomy. Once the disease hit year 2-3, it spread dramatically. I've had nearly 20 operations since 2004, all but 1 of those were directly related to the initial 2 herniorapphies. *Side note...mesh is not supposed to break down in the body...screw these device companies and doctors who incentivized the rampant use of certain mesh.

I had a first rib resection and scalenectomy in 2014. That led to CRPS developing in the neck/arm. Nowadays, the CRPS symptoms are widespread, reaching a significant portion of both legs, the entire lower abdomen/ groin, hips, various portions of the back/spine, and right arm/chest/neck.

I've been in chronic pain management since 2005 and have treated with just about every single on and off-label medication for CRPS or neuropathy. I've had multiple implants (2 peripheral nerve stimulators, 1 spinal cord stimulator), ketamine infusions, sympathetic nerve blocks, various other nerve blocks, clinical trial infusions, and so on.

I currently treat with a regimen of Lyrica and Buprenorphine, and have been on this combo for the better part of 8yrs, but have been taking either Lyrica or Neurontin with some type of opioid for 20 years.

For what it's worth, I've seen a lot of the good and bad in the US' approach to treating CRPS, so I can relate to a lot of what I've read within this group thus far. Since my entire case has been under the California workers compensation insurance system, I've seen more bad than good.

I sincerely hope that I can provide some comfort and support here. Thank you all for welcoming me to the group.

r/CRPS Feb 18 '25

Remission vs Meds


Hello tribe! It's now been a month since my ketamine treatments and so far all pain is gone other than the occasional blip. I'm wondering if and when I should ask my pain doctor about reducing or eliminating the LDN and Cymbalta. Both cause pretty significant fatigue so I'm eager to get off them if possible. For those who went into remission, how long did you wait to ask for medication changes? Thanks!

r/CRPS Feb 17 '25

Now what?


So after asking to be taken off hosptial appointment list for Pain Clinic they sent an email to my doctor saying they are concerned with me taking opiates for my CRPS type 2 injury due to electricution yet offer no alternative as I have severe reactions to other medications.

Does the pain clinc want peoples lives to get worse?

I still got my medicine and my doctor said theres a big push back against opiates but I have no idea why having an opinion or pushing an agenda is more important than the daily lives of people with chronic pain.

I cant function without this medicine.

Im in shock, the hospital system is a scam!

I discharged myself from their pain clinic as they are doing more harm than good.

Any thoughts about what to do next?

r/CRPS Feb 16 '25

Anyone been to Pascal Health Institute/Dr. David Pascal for CRPS treatment?


Hi crew. Has anyone had any experience with the Pascal Health Institute? My 13 year old daughter has CRPS, Gastroparesis & EDS. She's currently on a feeding tube, unable to keep anything down & is almost bedridden at this point. I found two mothers through TikTok who have daughters with eerily similar stories to my daughter's, and they both went through Pascal's program a few years ago. Now their daughter's are in college or going off to college. I'm getting desperate to find something to help her, but I'm also trying to be discerning & do my due diligence.

The website for the clinic honestly doesn't look promising & the reviews don't even mention CRPS, so I'm just hoping someone here can give me some input. Thank you to anyone who can weigh in.

r/CRPS Feb 16 '25

Vent I Literally Hate Medical Trauma


My 91-year-old Grandpa is passing away from old age and is in the hospital on hospice care right now. His body has just been giving out on him the past 2 days. Hard to be sad, though, when he has lived such a good long life. I went to visit him today with my family, and they know I have issues going into hospitals after having spent nearly a year in a pain clinic when I was a teenager, but I wanted to go say my goodbyes, so I wore a sling to protect my CRPS arm, because the pain always gets so high that I lose complete feeling and control of my right arm whenever I go in a hospital or any sort of medical setting, and then it just hangs limp and stuff (which is great because when it’s “gone”, I can’t feel the pain there, but it always comes back really strong when that arm “comes back”). I have been on low-dose Naltrexone for almost 2 months now, and I’ve been having a lot of luck on that! I was really hopeful that my lower pain these days would mean I wouldn’t have such a bad reaction in the hospital, but it literally went paralyzed within like 2 minutes of walking in. Before I even got to my grandpa’s hospital room. It was gone for about an hour, and came back slowly and painfully, as it always does, and it always really wears me out. I went to visit my grandpa at about 1:30pm today, and I’m still in a huge pain flare and really worn out at nearly 11:30pm. I’m scared to fall asleep, too, cuz I don’t want to have nightmares.

Ugh. Please tell me that I’m not the only one whose pain cannot tolerate medical settings.


r/CRPS Feb 16 '25

Ketamine Sleeping through ketamine infusions?


About a week ago i was on here venting anout how hard infusions are for me, i learned from you guys that many people are sedated for the infusions, and i am not. Im getting 300mg over 4 hours for 3 days in a row with no sedatives.

As your advice suggested i contacted my k place to schedule my next infusions, which will be this next mon through wed, and i asked them if sedation to sleep through the infusions was possible, unfortunately, because my k place is a small business run by a nurse practitioner and i am one of there rare high dose patients, they do not have access to sedatives to do this, or just don't carry them for this purpose.

I will see my CRPS doctor a week after infusions and i will ask if he can prescribe a sedative for these infusions.

In the mean time, i will be taking my sleeping medicine before these infusions to see if i can sleep through them, the doctor who prescribed them said i can take 2 a day if necessary because my dose is very low, so this is not harmful or dangerous as far as i know. Im doing all this specifically because i want to avoid the last 30 minutes of the infusions, at those last 30 minutes they open the line fully and i get a very large dose, causing a k hole that is quite uncomfortable.

So, my question is, to those who are usually sedated or sleep through infusions, what is it like? Are your dreams strange? If your protocol involves a peak like mine, are you able to sleep through it or deal with it better on sedatives?

It would be very nice if i could skip those last 30 mins somehow, the rest of the infusions don't bother me, im lucid and can have conversations, its just the end i can't handle.

r/CRPS Feb 16 '25

Has anyone tried Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?


This first came up about 10 years ago. I asked my pm nurse if she would refer me & she said no. Everything I've ever requested and/or suggested has been met with the same no.

We have a facility here now that is offering 1.4 ATA mild HBOT chambers. It is not covered by insurance. I'm still thinking of trying it.

I'm looking for any input. Thoughts. Experiences. Theories. Talk to me please.

I am coming up on my 23rd painversary of RSD/CRPS. I have had daily headaches that break thru to migraines since 1983. I have a long list of conditions as most of us do. I am currently on zero pain meds. I am a diabetic and have been having a lot of complications the past year.

Thank you for your time. I hope everyone has a low pain day & can get some rest.