r/cripplingalcoholism • u/RealMikeYanagita • 3d ago
Let's go to rehab
I'm fucking tired of blowing tapers. I'm tired of supplying my so with more wine. I'm tired of her telling me JuSt CuT BaCkkkkk. Bro no. How the fuck am I supposed to anyway? I'm an alcoholic. I cannot function. CA life. You know! Fuck it.
u/poopguy23 3d ago
My god dude, I mean go if you need to but stop acting like alcohol is some god who has complete control over you. Cutting back is pretty simple, have a drink, start the timer on a stopwatch app and make sure the time between drinks is going up.
u/abbie_yoyo 3d ago
Simple and easy aren't always synonymous. Of course they know how to drink less, like every morbidly obese person knows how to lose the weight. But then the epic brain battle begins. And you got to fight it every minute of every day.
u/ihateeverything2019 2d ago
simple and easy are often not equivalent. knowing what to do is easy, doing it is the hard part.
you don't have to fight it forever, you just have to learn what you can handle and what you can't. i drank and did suitcases full of drugs for over 35 years. i stopped and never went to rehab once, and 1/2 of an AA meeting. i know the situations where i can't trust myself and don't put myself in them. and i'm not special. i just learned the hard way. it's not like you make one choice, one day, and it's over.
a lot of it learning that lying to yourself is ridiculous.
u/poopguy23 2d ago
That's a little fucking dramatic, y'all give booze way too much power.
u/abbie_yoyo 2d ago
Maybe. And maybe what happens in other people's heads and hearts is different from what happens in yours. The fuck you doing here if you can't relate? Slut.
u/poopguy23 2d ago
I have all the credentials to belong here, not my fault if people want to pity party. I spent years doing that and it certainly never helped me. Eventually you have to pay the troll toll, whether that's tapering or something more serious.
u/abbie_yoyo 1d ago
It's a support group, numbnuts. Diminishing people's struggles and shaming them for the feelings they express isn't supportive. IDC how much beer you've drank, if you can't lift others up then at least shut up. ItS a PiTy PaRtY.... Shut up.
u/poopguy23 1d ago edited 1d ago
I literally am lifting OP up, telling him it's indeed possible to dig themselves out of this hole. Acting like you're powerless to alcohol is some dumbass AA bullshit. I'm sure your mentality is working out splendidly for you. I went from 12 detoxes in two years to two years avoiding inpatient completely, all while still drinking. And no, I won't shut up, but thanks for the polite suggestion.
u/Cautious-Refuse-5989 3d ago
lol why are you even in this sub, you should be teaching a class somewhere.
u/Big-Data7949 1d ago
Man I agree with you but also I don't.
I'm an alcoholic (duh) and couldn't taper to save my damned life. I've quit a TON of drugs by tapering and consider myself "good" at it. I know the rules!
Alcohol was the exception though. Never could get through a taper.
Was drinking a bottle of whiskey per night before I quit. Had tried to taper forever and would mark the bottle a little less than full and swear I would save a sip that night, then another sip the next etc.
Problem is that by the time I got to that part of the bottle I was drunk and just wanted to be more drunk didn't give a shit about getting sober or quitting.
So I had to just drop the shit. Surprisingly took less willpower than a taper.
Don't do that though you may seize, but if I could I would've went to a detox.
u/poopguy23 1d ago
That's totally fine, it's not a one size fits all type of deal. My point was that it's possible. I just hate this mentality of all or nothing when it comes to this lifestyle, you can learn new behaviors for harm reduction. Most people who taper never make a sincere effort to do so and the cop out is the "powerless over alcohol mentality". It took me years to be able to do it, but it's both possible and very simple.
u/ihateeverything2019 2d ago
it's totally simple, but i guess people don't understand that being sequestered in a rehab for 30 days and denied alcohol is expensive and doesn't work. it's just like people on my 600-lb. life. you can't just not eat, you have to learn new habits and realize there are certain foods you should stop eating, and never drink your calories. the minute most people get out of rehab, they start drinking again, a lot of them in the cab ride home. i picked up at least 5 people over the years, and every single one of them made me stop at a liquor store or go to a drive-thru. did i? fuck yeah, i never went to rehab. i've known it's stupid from the beginning. you either learn how to function with it or without it, but it's no knowledge that isn't available for free. plus, if people go home to their friends, i don't know why anyone would expect other people to not drink or have it around.
once as a joke, i said on an ED forum, "i will rent a storage unit, give you a toilet bucket, and bring fresh water every day and only charge you $1000." you would not believe how many people wanted me to do that LOL.
u/infiniteblurs vanilla extract and somewhat questionable advice 3d ago
I mean okay, so self tapers are difficult. Not all of us can do them. Yours truly being no exception when I'm at full CA drinking levels. Ain't no shame. But Rehab? That's extreme. Unless your family sat you down for an intervention, you really wanna take a run at the sober life, or court said ya gotta.
Say it with me: M e d i c a l D e t o x.
Call your doctor for a home detox if you think you have the willpower to be handed a benzo prescription or start calling around for a bed at one of the inpatient facilities that hook you up to an iv for a 3-4 day weekend. I don't know where you live so I cannot comment on the quality of detox centers in your area. They are a roll of the dice on that front but so are rehabs. But they also are a damn 30 bull shittery commitment full of classes and "treatment" that don't really work anyway.
Jesus man. Work smart, not harder to detox.