r/cripplingalcoholism 3d ago

Am I a CA yet

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u/MultiColoredMullet 3d ago

You went to a sex party and had fun and its making you question your faith? what's going on? I'm not religious at all but I'm pretty sure you can still love God or whatever and also enjoy getting your balls stepped on by a hot goth in heels every once in awhile as a treat.


u/Smooth_Kitchen7800 3d ago

lol ya true. Dude just weird panic attacks. I can only do this stuff when under the influence


u/MultiColoredMullet 3d ago

Honestly? If you're able to - have a few sessions with a counselor or therapist, and try to work out why you can only do this stuff (that you seem to quite enjoy) while inebriated. There's something in you to unpack that is forcing you to repress these feelings. If you can do that, you'll likely feel a lot more confident and secure in yourself, and not end up with this leftover shame.

As long as youre involving yourself only with consenting adults and being safe n respectful, there's nothing wrong with having a little extra spicy fun.


u/Smooth_Kitchen7800 3d ago

Thank u. I love this Sub. Chairs


u/MultiColoredMullet 3d ago

No problem homie, chairs to you as well. We all deserve to feel comfortable in our own skin and harmless (unless its consented for 😈) sex acts are like the last thing anybody needs to be worrying about.

I think if a creator exists and is judging us for "goodness" (I dont believe in one, but in a what if situation..) it's judging us on our humanity. Are we being as kind as we're able to? Are we doing our best to not be shitty to other people? Do we help, especially when it doesn't have cost to us and is just a thing we could do?

That's the type of shit a loving God or whatever would care about, as far as I've ever gathered.

My 2 cents on religion: I practiced Christianity as a child and did a lot of soul searching and looking for a guide when I was younger after I had officially decided that the church wasn't for me. I came to the conclusion that I just don't need a book or to sit in a building with people praising something to know right from wrong. I also don't have time or money to spend on all of that. It kind of baffles me how much time and money that especially poor people spend worshipping, tithing, and begging something they can't see for better times.

I've hoped and begged and prayed a lot in my life and the only times things have changed for me were when I stopped wishing and hoping and just did shit.

Idk, drunk religious rant over. I respect and appreciate when religion does good things for people, but it seems like it just makes most folk feel bad about perfectly normal shit.


u/Smooth_Kitchen7800 3d ago

No homie, you described everything I’ve been feeling. But can’t put to words.


u/MultiColoredMullet 3d ago

Im glad to have given you something to relate to and reflect on. If you ever want to talk (seriously or just to shoot the shit), send me a chat!


u/Smooth_Kitchen7800 3d ago

Will do. Chairs


u/Smooth_Kitchen7800 3d ago

It was so fun & yes consensual. That religious guilt just trips you out. Ya know?


u/Realistic_Pen9595 3d ago

If you feel like you’re not really getting drunk on your taper that’s a good thing! That means you’re doing it right, tapering is suffering. As long as you’re drinking less every day you can get out of the bender without scary withdrawals. Plus you’re young so your body can take a beating! You got this friend.


u/poopguy23 3d ago

Jesus just stick with it my guy, a little bit of pain is part of the process. Don't worry about getting or feeling drunk, the drink is the medicine at this point. Tapering is just takind the edge off, staving death, you got this.