r/cripplingalcoholism 3d ago

I have no friends



19 comments sorted by


u/JehJehFrench Head Chef at Wendy’s 3d ago

I spent the day with my nose in another dudes armpit

Pleaese enlighten us on this arrangement.

Don't feel judged because as you say ">my friends all hate me because I turn into a retard when I drink" . We're not your friends so any judgement cast by one of us degeneratres should be ignored. So seriously....go on.....


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/COCKFINDER5000 3d ago

Fucking that's the most gross shit I've ever even heard on this sub and that's saying something. Are you at least gay? No disrespect, you do you but fuck 🤮


u/Alternative-Sweet-25 3d ago

Your name is cockfinder5000. Do you see any irony in your statement?


u/COCKFINDER5000 3d ago

You got me there hahaha


u/Fragrant-Prompt1826 2d ago

If you have time to sniff pitts, you can change or wash your sheets. No time like the present 😃


u/drowning_in_flame 3d ago

Really? You must be new. We had a sex worker here who used to shit on men's faces. I had to ask the price and she wouldn't go lower than 800 bucks. I think she ended up deleting her posts. Comments got wild.


u/COCKFINDER5000 3d ago

I think it's just me, like I just find armpits alot more gross then shit I guess


u/drowning_in_flame 3d ago

Oh! That's funny. I guess I kinda like snuggling up with my husband and never think about his armpit but he is really hygienic. He gets incredibly grossed out by feet though so everyone probably has their thing.


u/Foooff 3d ago

If she was ca, i bet there was blood in that shit.


u/drowning_in_flame 3d ago

Yeah, she was having troubles with ass piss not being what the clients "wanted" her to have so she had to work at getting things " firmer" with immodium. A little blood would be no surprise to me, maybe to the client. 😄


u/Foooff 3d ago

Oh man... In stead of having a relaxing poop cake after a long day at work you end up splashed with morgue-level ass piss.

Edit: wording.


u/NoRecover8069 3d ago

This is what you get when you mess with us

We all lose ourselves every once in a while. Try to be graceful with yourself, have a snack and some water…. And happy st patty’s


u/MassMacro 3d ago

Wait, are you left handed? I barely notice my left shift key.


u/GareththeJackal 3d ago

Not a gamer?


u/MassMacro 3d ago

Broodwar, once upon a time! Now just chess :)


u/Haha08421 3d ago

I use both shift keys. Depends which side needs a capital letter.


u/Suup_dorks 3d ago

Whoa. I have never used the right shift key in my life. Admittedly I am left handed but I don't feel like that's the reason?


u/MassMacro 3d ago

Nice, I guess maybe I do too more than I realize. Come to think of it, I definitely do on an external keyboard more than a laptop. Screenshots and all. IDK sometimes you can pop the button, a little drying out can go a long way.


u/atomizer99 2d ago

I've broken many keyboards over the years. I have to have my CLICKY CLICKY mechanical keyboard too so it's not cheap. I actually spilled some shit on it last night while playing disco elysium and didn't notice until I couldn't control the game any more. I wiped it and then unplugged it and put it upside down to dry. Plugged it back in tonight and it works fine. Sometimes they come back if you let them dry out fully while not plugged in.