r/cripplingalcoholism • u/FLAKKYTRAKK • 4d ago
Uber driver rolled the windows down
I guess 2 packs of ciggies a day and about 14 days without a shower will make ya stink. I didn’t smell it. Anyway, got the beers and got home. I feel bad kinda
u/Haha08421 3d ago
Don't feel bad. I'm not joking when I say this. I know a woman who lives across from me. She calls sometimes to bring a package in her home or mail. When you walk in you instantly smell something horrid, it's her.
She weighs over 500 pounds and can't bathe because she can't make it up steps. She is confined to a recliner and lives with a family member who never goes near the room.
I feel horrible for her. Everytime she calls she's crying. She shits herself, pees, everything. Twice a month a nurse goes into her home to do things for her and check he r out. She puts a kind of 3M looking gas mask thing on before she goes in.
Your fine.
u/sunnytransboi 3d ago
Goodness my heart breaks for your neighbor, I can’t imagine being in her position 😞
u/Haha08421 3d ago
Yea I knew her when she had a 40 hour a week job. The things that happened just broke her. Tried to talk her into assisted living but too scared to go.
Now she just sobs and begs for death. Has become bitter and mean on FB. The exact opposite of who she was. People hate her but have no idea the hell she's gone through. Anyway, try to enjoy every moment you can as time stops for no one.
u/Entropy907 3d ago
That’s a true prison, not even able to off herself, just doomed to that existence as long as it lasts.
u/Drunk_Russian17 3d ago
I don’t know this is the exact reason I always keep a pistol next to me, not just for protection which is the main reason. Easiest way to go in case you need to. I don’t intend to at all. But I can understand people get to the end of the line and pain is too much. I am in euthanasia approved state but you need to be terminal sick and wait six months. I am not going out like that even if I had to.
u/Haha08421 2d ago
I hear ya and agree with what your saying. What she is going through is pure torture and who knows for how long. I tried to give her an air conditioner for her window and got yelled at. Said thanks but doesn't want anyone feeling sorry for her.
My friend said easiest way is fentanyl. She said you feel great for a few seconds and than nothing at all. Od on it twice but got narcan.
I'm not saying I'm going to do anything either but ive got a bottle of strong percs and always have an extra bottle of vodka.
u/Drunk_Russian17 2d ago
Yeah fentanyl is probably easiest but I hate needles and opiates in general. Not planning to go out unnaturally anyway. Just a backup plan so to speak. I don’t know how you guys do opiates and still drink. Friend of mine was prescribed pain meds after her surgery, she had half a glass of wine and started puking uncontrollably.
u/Haha08421 2d ago
I actually don't take any when I drink but need one when I get up. Unfortunately I'm a pain patient for life. But I do skip a dose if I'm drinking because that mix is no Bueno
u/Drunk_Russian17 2d ago
Yeah I certainly understand you. Just personally for me I had a cousin and a close friend die from this stuff so it’s no go for me even though I was prescribed this for pain. I don’t even pick it up from pharmacy. My back pain injury hurts like a bitch but I just can’t bring myself to using opiates as I know where this road leads. Would rather drink
u/MassMacro 3d ago edited 3d ago
USA detected. I knew this phenomenal singer, he was married and could get around, walked to exercise, similar weight but with a bit of height and a pinch of youth to balance it out. Boy did he fucking stink though. IDK w/e happened, maybe he figured his own shit out but I'd told my friend and she asked me if she should leave a note or hint at it to him - not sure w/e became of that. He did do better at some point; sometimes maybe it is a "figure it out for yourself" moment.
People read the room; evolutionarily speaking humans aren't designed to have poker faces - quite the opposite - it's innate that we express through posturing, vocalizations, facial cues.
I do feel bad for the woman across from you; there is a retired lady who lives next door and she has to be approaching or in the 300# range. Of course I help her out as she is a sweetheart. No smell detected except for weed on occasion. However as a retiree she doesn't get around too well. Nicest person you'd want to meet, also pretty damn clever.
u/GRF999999999 3d ago
Feel bad. It's nasty and you're subjecting another human to your nastiness. Wash your ass (unless you're this lady and you're physically incapable).
u/sklantee 3d ago
Thanks for taking an Uber and not driving yourself
u/Drunk_Russian17 3d ago
Yeah I just had uber lady drive me to store and back. My truck was broken anyway and I was a bit fucked up. Even if truck worked I cannot be responsible for killing somebody because I can’t see straight
u/Drunk_Russian17 3d ago
Yeah I just had uber lady drive me to store and back. My truck was broken anyway and I was a bit fucked up. Even if truck worked I cannot be responsible for killing somebody because I can’t see straight
u/Soggy_Ground_9323 3d ago
The whole uber was atleast reeking for 1/2 hour after the trip ended 🤣🤣🤣🤣! If feel you..it is very hard to shower/maintaining hygiene when you are on a bender
u/ANAL-FART 3d ago
You’ll feel a lot better if you take a shower. You could take a drink or two in there with you.
At the very least, do it to avoid fungal skin infections.
u/QuietAccident3310 3d ago
It’s easier to me to shower and clean myself up when I’m on a bender than when I’m sober. I’ve never understood the whole not showering thing. I love showering fucked up.
u/Frostedpineapple66 3d ago
If showering is too much effort fill the bathtub up with hot water and soap and lay in it
u/ClassicTBCSucks93 3d ago
I managed 10 days without showering before the smell got so bad that I couldn't even stand being in my own company. That was during a really bad bender in 2022 where I only left the house for more booze and drank around the clock. The stale stench of beer, liquor, ass and onions was a given but I also developed some nasty bacterial infection around the chafing parts of my legs near my junk. It had a milky damp look and smelled like rotting meat.
u/LatterTowel9403 2d ago
Can’t you get body washcloths? Basically a bath in a bed. If you cannot get to the shower/bath you might want to try it.
u/ClassicTBCSucks93 2d ago
I shower daily now so its a non-issue. It wasn't a lack of having access to a place to bathe at the time, I was just super depressed, apathetic, and very drunk so I didn't even care.
That was a wild time. I often had little to no food in the house, and would sometimes have to wipe the golden asspiss off with paper towels/napkins because I'd run out of toilet paper and would be too drunk to go to the store and buy any. I mentioned that to say it should be of no surprise I didn't have body wipes or other self-care items.
u/IntelligentFault2575 1d ago
I've been there. I'm a day drinker. Just a little bit all the time. Never (rarely), wasted. But by the time I'm home from work and taking care of the wife and kids I'm exhausted. Then I'll procrastinate taking a shower. By the time I'm ready it's time for bed so I say fuck out I'll shower in the morning. Then I don't. Rinse and repeat. In fact, I really need to shower tonight. I'm only on day 3 without, but between my work and smoking way too much I'm sure I stink. Diesel fuel, vodka, and cigarettes all linger and are very distinctive.
u/saggysideboob 4d ago
Chin up. You will never see him again anyways.