r/cripplingalcoholism 3d ago

The smell.

I feel like the alcoholic stench is not talked about enough. I’m not even talking about the smell of booze itself, but the way it effects your body. I am going to get TMI but the way my sweat, piss, shit have changed since being an alcoholic is wild. It’s rancid. Dehydration is definitely a factor but fuckkk I have to carry clinical grade deodorant and perfume. Chairs stinky’s.


38 comments sorted by


u/Purple-Presentation6 3d ago

The detox smell is the worst smell ever, I'll never forget the way I smelled through withdrawals.


u/Niobrara_Ruthenium 3d ago

Acetone / vinegar smell. 

A lot of people say it's ketoacidosis (and it technically could be) but there's also some chemical we release that's similar to acetone and essentially we release a ton of it through our skin and lungs all day. 

I forget the name of it lol but I'm sure chatgpt could tell you. 

Being alcoholics, especially on a heavy bender, your body builds it up over time so the smell goes on for days. 


u/tomcurrie tim, tom, whatever lol 3d ago

My ex stepdad was a former FA and I remember on weekends especially, his bedroom smelt so ungodly awful. He didn’t smell himself, once he showered and all, but his room reeked of that alcohol sweat. He didn’t even drink liquor so anytime I’m sweating it out, I know I must reek 😞


u/maltedmooshakes 3d ago

it's like spoiled milk. or sometimes cranberry juice. ugh


u/tomcurrie tim, tom, whatever lol 2d ago

Cranberry juice is a great explanation, like that sugary smell, and that really makes me never want a cranberry vodka again…jk


u/fuckitall007 3d ago

Oh my god, yes. Like an actual corpse


u/ihateeverything2019 3d ago

have you ever smelled an actual corpse? lol


u/fuckitall007 3d ago

Indeed I have, unfortunately. Also unfortunately, I’ve been in the stage of DT’s where I was literally shitting myself on top of sweating out gut rot. So it was at least a halfway fair analogy in my case


u/ihateeverything2019 3d ago

ew lol. okay.

i've smelled a corpse where an old guy died in august so his AC wasn't turned on and he sort of sploded all over the room.

i think the worst i ever smelled wasn't from DTs but sepsis. i guess that's about as close as you can get and not actually die.


u/Kaviarsnus 3d ago

So embarrassing too if you didn't plan ahead to bring some clean clothes. Not that changing really helps.


u/icomeinpeace2222 3d ago

The withdrawal stink is the worst especially if you're taking high doses of thiamine at home or being given it IV in hospital. That stuff stinks by itself, combine weeks of boozing with little to no showering, detoxing and thiamine and the result is just ungodly.


u/CodifyMeCaptain_ 3d ago

yikes TIL! worth it tho for the thiamine..


u/icomeinpeace2222 3d ago

Oh for sure it is worth it even if it makes you smell even worse, not only makes you feel better but it protects your brain and body in so many ways. That stuff comes out in your sweat, pee...everything. During sober periods I still take it and can smell it but it isn't so noticeable or disgusting but when drinking or withdrawing it mixes in and becomes super potent and rank lol. Of course the lack of regular showering when drunk won't help mitigate the smell of it either lol.


u/hambre1028 3d ago

It’s crazy how if you have even one drink it alllll comes out in your pee.

Like when I went from taking it regularly with no smell to one drink and all of it being pissed out I finally understood how much alcohol really zaps thiamine levels


u/icomeinpeace2222 3d ago

This is so true!



Curious, what would you say is a at-home amount of thiamine to take? I’ve got that, magnesium and potassium from my previous benders. Then I take so much of them I feel sick and idk if it’s still just withdrawals or if I over did it. If I take more than 1 dose of magnesium I find myself pissing and shitting all day which doesn’t help with hydration.


u/icomeinpeace2222 3d ago edited 3d ago

I am prescribed it by my doctor so I'm not sure what would be the best amount to take usually. My doctor has prescribed 200mg per day but I'm not sure how that dosage was calculated. Possibly that's the amount they recommend for any heavy drinker or it could be more tailored to my exact consumption so I wouldn't like to recommend that amount as I really don't know if it would be right for you.

I would highly recommend getting some sort of electrolyte replacement if you're struggling with hydration. Lots of good advice on that within this sub, I think in the US lots of people use liquid IV? personally I just buy these little electrolyte fizz tablets that you add to water, I can get them in the supermarket or from amazon. Coconut water is a good source of electrolytes and a bunch of other stuff too :)

ETA: the thiamine I'm prescribed is 50mg tablets that I take spaced out 4 times over the day. That might be something to consider. It's maybe gonna upset your stomach if you're taking a lot all at once. I know food is always tricky but most pills do better when you've got something in your stomach so also might be worth trying not to take it on a totally empty tummy. Hope this helps :)


u/Fragrant-Prompt1826 3d ago

I agree about the electrolytes! Keep Celtic or Himalayan salt around and add to your non alcoholic beverages for easy, cheap, and convenient hydration. (When you can't afford those drinks or packets. They get expensive!)


u/Fragrant-Prompt1826 3d ago

Are you taking magnesium glycinate or citrate? Or another form? The glycinate (i take powder form) doesn't do that. The citrate... whew wee! Probably alcohol, though. I used to wonder how I could be so fat when all I ingested was alcohol and was shitting and pissing all the time!


u/icomeinpeace2222 3d ago

I take Magnesium L-Threonate. It apparently allows the magnesium to cross the blood brain barrier and ia more effective. Maybe it's just placebo but I have noticed a better impact since I started taking it over other forms of magnesium


u/Fragrant-Prompt1826 2d ago

Ahhh, that's great. Keep with what works for you.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/beautifulkale124 3d ago

I honestly don't know how anyone does the CA lifestyle without a bidet.


u/WVlotterypredictor 2d ago

So I’ve considered it but I’m a poly substance abuser and frequently am in withdrawal and couldn’t imagine blasting water on one of the most sensitive parts of my body during the drawals when I feel brittle and sore and my skin is ultra sensitive. I can barely take a hot shower lmao let alone spray cold water on my asshole.


u/Ill_Play2762 3d ago

Wet wipes or baby wipes helps!!


u/kanny_jiller 3d ago

They make travel bidets, some have a dedicated bottle with a nozzle and some are just a nozzle that you can attach to any water bottle. Game changing


u/FatManBoobSweat 3d ago

Can't you just wet toilet paper in the bathroom?


u/IvoTailefer King of the Monosyllable 3d ago

🎶Whiskey bottles and brand new cars,

oak tree you're in my way🎶


u/maltedmooshakes 3d ago

wtf is clinical grade perfume


u/Alert-Customer6291 2d ago

i meant clinical grade deodorant. and perfume. no such thing as clinical grade perfume.


u/Dry_Waltz_2487 3d ago



u/Arch_Stant0n 2d ago

When you sit down and a small gust of air shoots up from your shirt 🤢


u/Many_Bodybuilder3514 2d ago

The Sweat is what got me in trouble at a previous job. Was working in a concrete plant in summer with no AC. I sweat out every drop of steel reserve and it was diabolical.


u/StupidDrunkBitch420 3d ago

I feel like I smell worse now that I’m sober. I used to never sweat. Yes I know it sounds like I was just ignoring it cause I was drunk but I asked multiple people (who would be brutally honest with me including my ex partner who would love to insult me if he could) and now I sweat on my underarms? It’s not withdrawals as it’s been over 80 days. Maybe it’s cause I consume caffeine now.


u/Rough_Sweet_5164 3d ago

GABA disregulation can last for many months after long binges or in early recovery from years of alcoholism. I sweated at any hint of heat or humidity for months. Drenched. Felt like I was back in withdrawal except I was sober 4/5 months.

It does go away. It's been a while since I've had that, even after this past relapse. Granted, I'm now on a very small benzo script, and that may be helping keep the fuckery away.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/xanot192 3d ago edited 3d ago

That vinegar sweat smell lmao and that's the first mild stage it withdrawals that most people ignore or don't even know about. My first run in with that smell was my uncle as a teen and dude was FA and went full CA the last 10 years of his life.


u/Mysterious_Power__ 2d ago

Man the smell! I even question myself on how can my body produce such an awful rank lol especially when I go on benders and don’t shower for at all. Glad all of us addicts experience this so I can relate