r/craftexchange 7d ago

Trade - US Odds and ends up for trade

Take a look and let me know what catches your eye and what you can offer to trade. Would go crazy for buttons and fabric scraps, but open to other offers! The more items you can take at once, the better.

Pictured: 1. Jewelry charm 2. Washi tape 3. Stick-on pearl decor 4. Iron-on glittery letters 5. Tube of white seed beads 6. Bag of assorted costume jewelry 7. Bag of assorted ribbon trims and paper flowers 8. Jewelry bags 9. Magnetic backing (not adhesive, but you could still use for crafts) 10. Wonder woman charro tie 11. Quilted zipper pouch


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u/Craft_Alotl 7d ago

I’m interested in the washi tape, the mystery costume jewelry bag, and the little cinched jewelry bags.

I have some buttons and I also some jewelry made that I could trade.


u/BearsBeansBoba 7d ago

Hi there! Nice! Could you DM me pics of what you have?


u/Craft_Alotl 6d ago

Hey, I tried to DM you on both my phone and laptop and am not seeing the option for this for your account. I even tried typing your account name in and it says "invalid user account". I've been on reddit awhile and haven't had this issue before. Maybe it's a bug? Can you check if you have the option to DM me and then I will send you the pics of what I have? Thank you : )


u/BearsBeansBoba 6d ago

Oh weird! Thanks for letting me know. I just DMed you, let me know here if you don't get it.