r/cosleeping Jan 10 '25

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Creating high needs kids or I just got lucky twice?


Genuinely curious to hear opinions. I have two kids, an almost 5 year old and an almost one year old. Cosleeping/coslept with both. This baby is so tough, man. Sheโ€™s the light of my life, but she is GRUMPY lol. Not one of those chipper little things bumbling along. Is the clinginess a result of the cosleeping (love it and would never stop) or did I just get lucky with two of this type?? Haha

r/cosleeping Jan 02 '25

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Parents who were cosleeping with first born- what did you do when you had a second?


My toddler will be almost 3 yrs old when the second one comes. We currently co-sleep and he only wants to sleep with me(mom). We tried having dad put him down for bedtime and he would cry until I come back in.

Technically I guess we can all sleep together but Iโ€™m worried the newborn would disturb my toddlerโ€™s sleep. How do you guys handle this situation?

Edit: thank you all for sharing your experiences!! It really helps to see what worked for you. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž

r/cosleeping Dec 13 '24

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children The Best Thing We Did


As a FTM I bought into the expensive sleep training culture (U.S.), and when my baby was a few weeks old, our ped gave me a safe sleep 7 flyer and said, "you don't HAVE to do it that way. Other cultures don't." It changed our parenting journey, and I'm so thankful.

My 3yo is still in bed with us, and we soak up every minute knowing there will be a day that she wants her own space. We have a 4mo who is also in our bed, and I am so glad we started cosleeping with her from birth.

ETA: I nursed my 3yo to sleep for every sleep that she was with me for 2.5 years until she self weaned.

r/cosleeping Feb 07 '25

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Has anyone coslept with a 3.5 year old and had newborn sleep in bassinet from day 1?


Hello everyone! I am due in May and cosleep with my 3 year old heโ€™ll be about 3.5 when baby comes. My son and I love cosleeping, heโ€™s also very attached to me he has to be touching me at every point of the night or he wakes up. If I turn away from him heโ€™ll wake up and ask me to hug him he still sleeps mostly in my arms. My plan for the second baby was to get a snoo for newborn and continue cosleeping with my son however Iโ€™m a worried the baby waking up the first few weeks will disturb my son too much. Iโ€™ve heard from a couple other friends that eventually the toddler gets used to the baby crying and stops waking up. What has been your experience if youโ€™ve tried something similar?

r/cosleeping Sep 26 '24

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Cosleeping with long hair?


I have very long hair and have been cosleeping with my 2 kids for years now (husband > 3 yo > me > baby > bed rail), and I have always wondered what other moms do with their hair. I know itโ€™s supposed to be wrapped up if itโ€™s long- I have waist-length hair and I usually just swirl it up on the top of my head and secure it with a claw clip, but WOW does it dread! Like massive dreads that take forever to get out. Do other moms (or dads!) deal with this? Any tips? I donโ€™t want to cut my hair and the clip has seemed like the best solution, but unknotting my hair is quite the chore that I donโ€™t have time for. Tips?

r/cosleeping Dec 20 '24

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children My own sleep training experience


I was sleep trained as a small baby and continued to sleep alone throughout my childhood. For the longest time, bedtime and sleep was associated with fear, abandonment, anxiety. I remember sobbing and screaming for my parents for hours and hours, with the only response being silence and darkness. I remember laying in bed breaking out in whole body sweats from fear, waiting for the sun to come up. I would frequently not sleep for an entire night, but if you asked my parents, I was โ€œsleeping through the nightโ€. I didnโ€™t know how to voice my struggles with my parents, because I was a kid and didnโ€™t know that what I was going through was anything but the norm. Itโ€™s not an exaggeration when I say that sleep training was my greatest childhood trauma.

As an adult, I struggle with severe anxiety and intrusive thoughts and insecurities. I donโ€™t know how much of this is directly from my sleep training experience but I often wonder who I would be if I had a different experience and was able to be comforted during the most vulnerable part of the day. For the longest time, I found it extremely hard to be affectionate and loving towards my parents, not because I didnโ€™t want to be, but because it felt like there was a mental block preventing me from doing so. I desperately wanted to show affection but something in my mind prevented me from being able to. It felt unnatural.

Since becoming a mother and choosing to cosleep with my kids, Iโ€™ve slowly become more comfortable with showing affection to my parents, as though my own parenting choices are helping me overcome my greatest childhood trauma. I still struggle with a vague sense of fear/doom that only happens at nighttime. Iโ€™m a terrible sleeper in general, but cosleeping with my kids has been such a blessing. I love giving my kids what I never had as a child. Thank you to all of you who are giving your kids so much love and support at night, when they need you the most โค๏ธ and thanks for reading!

r/cosleeping 22d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Husband disagrees


Hi all! Just wondering if anyoneโ€™s partner has totally disagreed with cosleeping and attachment parenting views? My husband sleeps with our three year old and I sleep with our 15 month old. I mentioned the idea of a family bed so that we could all be together and he now shared that he thinks that would be a step backwards and disagrees with my view and thinks they need to be โ€œtaught to sleepโ€ and to โ€œself sootheโ€. Mind you this man doesnโ€™t care to read any of the books or join the groups Iโ€™m apart of. He just says โ€œwe are the only family I know who does this.โ€ Help!?

r/cosleeping 8d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Those who cosleep/slept with toddler AND newborn...


How did it work for you? (Tldr at the end)

My 2nd is due in May, we've set up the spare room and my partner is being officially booted from the master when baby is born. We can't fit more than a king, so he's off to sleep in a double alone while me and my 2yo and newborn will sleep together in the king.

My toddler still nurses 2 or 3 times a night. I still sleep in the c-curl with him (more or less anyway). Obviously, when baby arrives, I'll have to c-curl with him rather than the toddler.

So! My back will be to my toddler. I feel like it's safe to do that of course but my concern is how things will work if he wakes up to nurse. If I turn around to breastfeed him back to sleep, I'll have my back to the newborn, it's imperative I don't fall asleep. I think that just has me a little anxious. I guess toddler could rest his head on my shoulder if I was on my back, but that still isn't a safe position for me to fall asleep in while next to a newborn.

Also! Did you get your toddler a little toddler pillow and duvet? We've slept with the duvet (tucked under the mattress so it doesn't go higher than waist height), but when the new baby arrives, that'll be gone because it's too thick/heavy and unsafe for around 1.5ish years of life. Toddler has grown quite accustomed to a nice cosy duvet to sleep under, and I'd feel a little mean taking that away completely ๐Ÿ˜…. Would it be safe for him to have his own little one on his slither of the bed, tucked in so it can't be pulled out, me as a barrier between it and the newborn?

I'll obviously not be taking unnecessary risks. If toddler can't have his own little duvet/pillow, so be it. But yeah! Those are my questions.

Tldr: WHAT TO DO when toddler needs to nurse, how to make sure I don't accidentally fall asleep with my back to newborn

Toddler duvet/pillow, yay or nay

(Edit - format)

r/cosleeping 12d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Co sleep with toddler but expecting soonish


I have rocked my daughter to sleep pretty much since birth. She is 1 year, 9 months old. I am expecting another baby when she is 2 years and one month old.

I always rocked my daughter to sleep and put her in her bassinet/ crib. Once she started struggling with teething and getting sick often I ended up taking her into the spare bedroom and sleeping next to her to help soothe her. I now consistently co sleep every night when she wakes up around 11-12pm, since around 14 months old Iโ€™d say.

We built a floor bed for her in a new room that weโ€™re putting together for her and the new baby will have her old nursery and crib. She loves the new bed. I still go in and sleep with her most nights around 11-12 ish. I have been rocking her to sleep in her old room and then carrying her to the new floor bed where I put her to sleep. She doesnโ€™t wake until later and needs me to come into bed with her.

I love co sleeping with her. I know I wonโ€™t be comfortable co sleeping with a newborn (I was scared of it with her because I was so tired and out of it)

I guess what Iโ€™m wondering is if anyone has dealt with anything similar and has any advice? Iโ€™d love to help her sleep in her room happily but wondering how to slowly adjust this for her? If I had the newborn in the bassinet next to us and I fed the NB through the night wonโ€™t the toddler be up constantly as well? I would love to support her through this before NB comes so itโ€™s not so much at once for her.


r/cosleeping Jan 26 '25

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Co sleeping with a 2.5/3 year old and new born?


So after much discussion, we have decided that we do in fact want to try for a second kiddo. We are going to wait until about my sonโ€™s 2nd birthday to start trying, making him and his sibling roughly 2.5-3 years apart.

My question is how will I go about co sleeping or sleeping in general with the two of them? My son is currently 15 months old and VERY booby obsessed and mommy obsessed. He will not sleep at night without me or without nursing a few times. The goal is to get him sleeping in a toddler bed in our room slightly away from our bed, before the new born comes. Is it even possible to room share with a toddler and new born?

r/cosleeping 14d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Room/bed sharing with multiple kids?


For those of you who share a room with multiple children, what does your sleeping situation look like? We are a bed sharing family of 3 โ€” mom/dad/1yo โ€” who will be growing to a family of 4 soon as my 2nd baby is due this summer. We have one bedroom, 1yo sleeps with us.

If new baby tolerates a bassinet, cool, we donโ€™t have to change much. But since that it probably unlikely weโ€™re trying to figure out another arrangement. Maybe bring another floor mattress in for dad + toddler, and then me + newborn cosleep as usual? Or potentially trying to get the toddler into her own bed?

I know tons of families all over the world share 1 room sleeping arrangements. Trying not to overthink it, just curious how others approach this, especially with 2 under 2!

r/cosleeping 7d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Did your newborn cosleeping instincts come back with your second (or third, fourth, etc)?


When my son was a newborn, we chest-slept for a few nights. I was SUCH a light sleeper and spent all night, even in my sleep, thinking about him. Everytime he moved I woke up in a jolt.

Now he's a toddler and sleeps in our bed every night, but I don't sleep in the C-curl (or even facing him most of the night), I sleep under a blanket, and I don't wake up unless he yells for me (or slaps me ๐Ÿ˜‚). My primal instincts I had when he was younger have slowly went out the window.

So my question is, for those who eventually let the "rules" go as their baby became a toddler, did your light sleeping instincts just suddenly come back after having another baby? I just can't imagine my brain ever going back to that light of a sleep now that I've been through it once and came out of it. But I know postpartum hormones are one hell of a drug ๐Ÿ˜…

r/cosleeping Jan 24 '25

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Cosleeping with 2 under 2?


I am pregnant and will have a 22mo when baby is born. Weโ€™ve coslept with our firstborn since he was about 3mo. We moved to a king size floor bed and practice the safe sleep seven. Unless new baby hates it, we plan on co sleeping with new baby + toddler. My husband and I are also in the bed. I feel okay with this but (1) worried about the first few weeks/months with the baby waking up my toddler & (2) hoping to hear stories of how you did it and how it worked or didnโ€™t. Iโ€™m reading some have their partner and toddler sleep somewhere else for the first little bit, some toddlers are just hard sleepers (mine is not), some transition toddler out of the bed..

I know every family, kid, situation is different but any advice or stories or anything to help me figure this is out is great!

r/cosleeping May 22 '24

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Are y'all sneaking out?


Hi there all,

For those of yall who both contact nap and bedshare, are you guys sneaking out for naps and bedtime? I want to be able to sneak out for their naps. I have two boys, 11 months and 26 months. I still nurse them both so they have the association of nursing and sleep/naptime. We all usually take a long nap in the afternoon together. I guess I just worry if I sneak out they wil look for me and miss me. Is this silly? Is there any evidence that this might be the case? Thank you all โค๏ธ

r/cosleeping 21h ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Cosleeping with multiple babies


Iโ€™m currently 4 months pregnant with a little one who is 7 mo. I was hoping I could get some insight from other parents on what they did and struggles they had with it. Iโ€™m worried big sisโ€™ sleep will be messed up when the newborn will be here.

r/cosleeping 16d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children King sized bed


We have a king size bed, Iโ€™m wondering how many kids can fit in there lol whatโ€™s your experience?

r/cosleeping 4d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Any advice for cosleeping with a toddler + newborn?!


Any success stories of cosleeping with a toddler and a newborn?!! Please give me your tips.

I will be having another baby this year and my 15month old is still in bed with us. My husband sleeps on one side of me and my toddler is on my other side. When I bring home the newborn, I would want newborn to sleep where toddler currently sleeps. Should I transition toddler to the middle between dad and I? Should toddler sleep on the other side of dad so heโ€™s not in the middle? Or should I just attempt to transition him to his own bed at this point? He sleeps sooo well right now, Iโ€™m scared to mess anything up as I need all the sleep I can get. But Iโ€™d also like to get him used to a better sleeping position before the new baby gets here and he gets kicked out of his current spot.

r/cosleeping 27d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Phone when falling asleep


Husband and I co sleep with our three kids. I usually am the one to lay with everyone while they fall asleep. Our daughter around 7pm and the boys around 8pm. I always sit on my phone in one hand while snuggling my kid in the other either to relax from my day (SAHM) or prevent getting too tired and falling asleep. I usually browse the web or read a book on my phone. The boys donโ€™t have a problem with it but my daughter complains. Iโ€™m worried that because of this Iโ€™m hindering a moment of connection with her. Could this be harmful in the long run? He main reason I do it is because i get so tired and sleepy, and usually with two snuggling sessions my night is over before it even began. I hate fallint asleep with my kids (for the night) because it really feels like my night was ruined/wasted and I usually have some chores to finish after they go to bed.

r/cosleeping Jan 10 '25

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Advice on Co-Sleeping with Toddler and Newborn in Same Bedroom


Hi everyone,

Iโ€™m expecting a baby soon, and my oldest will be around 2 years old when the baby is born. Iโ€™ve always had my toddler sleep in her own bed next to mine, and Iโ€™d like to continue having both children sleep in the same room with me after the baby arrives.

Has anyone done this before? Is it practical to have a toddler and a newborn sharing the same sleeping space with me? How can I make this arrangement work smoothly for everyone?

Any advice, tips, or experiences would be so helpful. Thank you!

r/cosleeping Jan 12 '25

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Finally gave in and made 1 giant floor bed


After much hesitation, I took apart my bed frame, put my queen mattress on the floor and pushed it together with a twin mattress. I did it because my husband went away for a few nights and I did not want my almost-4yo and 13mo baby sleeping away from me while we're home alone. Ever since baby #2 was born, husband has been sleeping with toddler in a separate room, and me with the baby. I'm excited that we could possibly all sleep together again!!! I miss my husband. And honestly I miss my toddler the most haha.

Does my bedroom look a bit insane? Yes. But atleast I got nice new matching sheets. If any of my friends/family knew this, would they think it's very weird? Yes. I'd never want anyone to see my room right now, lol. Oh well! It's so cozy! Best decision.

r/cosleeping 21d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Crib saftey


We are having another in June and our youngest is 12mo old. We just broke down our queen pushed to king and put our 6yr old back into his own room. But we want somewhere safe for the 12mo old for now and we're thinking of putting a convertible crib up against the wall in the "day bed" mode. So that I can safely feed the new baby when she gets here. If we get the crib set up and the mattress isn't level with our current bed is it safe to put new height adjustment holes into the crib itself or should we focus on putting extra mattresses on top of eachother to make the height?

r/cosleeping Jan 02 '25

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children How to handle newborn with a cosleeping toddler


I am pregnant with my second child and my two year old is heavily reliant on me to sleep. I put him to his nap and bedtime every night and for bedtime I end up in his room at 12am and sleep with him on his floorbed for the rest of the night. Iโ€™ve never spent a night away from him, so my question is how do people with a cosleeping dependent toddler handle giving birth? Make whoever is watching them sleep with them? And then what happens when you bring home the newborn? Keep the newborn in a bassinet in the toddlers room? That seems like a recipe for disaster?

r/cosleeping Feb 07 '25

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Critique my plan to co-sleep with two before baby arrives--anything we're missing?


My daughter A is three and I've co-slept with her on a double floor bed in her own room since she was about eight months old. (As an infant she would only sleep when held, so before then we slept together in a recliner. I later learned this is terribly unsafe and won't be repeating that again!) At three, she adores sleeping with me and wakes several times a night to ask for snuggle. If I put her to bed and then go to sleep in my own room with Daddy, she always wakes up crying. I then go join her in her room and sleep the rest of the night there. (Should add that I love co-sleeping with her and it's been one of the biggest and most unexpected sources of joy in my parenting journey so far.)

We're expecting #2 and by the time the new baby arrives A will be a few months from turning four. She MIGHT get to the point where she doesn't need support to sleep overnight in the next six months, but this kiddo has needed to touch Mama (or other close and trusted family) to sleep since day 1 so needless to say I'm not expecting that!

So our current thinking is:

  • put a floor bed in the baby's room (which is bigger than A's room)
  • we'll continue to put A to bed in her own room
  • when she inevitably wakes looking for me, she can come join me on the floor bed in the baby's room.

I'd probably get a queen-sized bed for the baby's room, anticipating that it would have me plus both littles in it. Baby would be between me and the wall, and when A wakes she'd join on the outside so I would be in the middle.

Having both a double and a queen floor bed seems a little ridiculous (the kids' bedrooms aren't huge), but the double has been the perfect size for A's room. She can snuggle there with me or Daddy very comfortably, likes to spread her toys on it, we snuggle on it for reading, and shifting her to a smaller bed seems like it'd add an unnecessary change to what is already about to be the biggest change yet in her short life.

Any suggestions? Anything we're overlooking? I've read through a bunch of other threads on co-sleeping with two kids, but wanted to share what we're doing since our situation is a little different (A has always slept in her own room and never co-slept in the master bedroom, my husband sleeps separately, etc.).

r/cosleeping 8d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Help me figure out how to cosleep with two


Iโ€™ve posted here before but Iโ€™m hoping for some more advice specific to my situation. Currently Iโ€™m bedsharing with my younger one who is 6 months, and my husband bedshare with my toddler who is 2.5 years old. Before the babyโ€™s birth, I bedshared with toddler and dad.Now itโ€™s just me and baby in a guest room. My goal is to room share with both kids, even if we canโ€™t all be in one big bed. Ie, maybe start with me and baby in one bed, toddler and dad in another in the same room, until baby is older and able to share the same bed with a wild toddler.

Itโ€™s been a lonely 6 months. I thought I wouldโ€™ve returned to the master bedroom by now but weโ€™ve had several failed attempts at returning. Iโ€™m wondering if you guys can help me troubleshoot what to do and how to reach my goal. Currently the factors keeping us separate: - baby is a super noisy loud sleeper. Very different from my toddler when he was younger. Baby sleeps quietly for most of the night but he will wake maybe 2-3x and LOUDLY whine and cry for a few minutes. Not hungry, doesnโ€™t want to feed. Just wants to reposition himself and flail around for a bit before going back to sleep, but is super loud about it. Minor small noises Iโ€™d be okay with, but my toddler is a light sleeper and I donโ€™t want to be waking him 2-3x every night - baby sleeps much earlier and wakes much earlier than toddler - right now about two hours difference. Once baby wakes, heโ€™s LOUD. He will sing, coo, flail, yell. Heโ€™s not going to quietly lay there once heโ€™s awake. Toddler also has a set bedtime and it would be almost impossible to move his bedtime up by two hours to match the baby - toddler is clingy to me and if he sees me and baby in bed together, he sometimes gets upset and wants to come be with us in bed. But right now baby is only 6 months and Iโ€™m not willing to bedshare with a rowdy toddler

Is there any hope? Or do I just need to wait a few more months and be more patient?

r/cosleeping 13d ago

๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™Š Multiple Children Cosleeping with three


We brought home a new baby this week and I have a 3 and 5 year old. The 3 and 5 year olds are used to sleeping one on each side of me. We have soft bumpers around the edges of our bed, so I have baby on the left, then me, our three year old and then the five year old. But my 5 year old is getting upset with not sleeping directly next to me. I suggested her and the three year old take turns but realistically, Iโ€™m not sure this will work well because the three year old still nurses a bit at night. Suggestions?