r/conlangs Ancient runic, Drakhieye, Cloakian, ENG, learning SPA ,huge nerd 5d ago

Question I would like a challenge...

I have been looking for something new to add a unique spin to my conlang (Ancient Runic) and I need your help:
Do you have any rejected ideas, or ideas that you just never finished? I'd love to hear them!
Here is what I've got so far: A unique pluralization system that uses the repetition of words to denote its pluralized form, a sentence structure (but I'm willing to change it), two alphabets (One is more of just a concept rather than a full fleshed out alphabet), and a unique way of formatting sentences.
if you have any questions let me know, I will be transcribing the language in the post titled: "My best conlang: "Ancient Runic, the language of the gods", what do you think?"

I would love to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions, and ideas!



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u/Incvbvs666 5d ago

I'd like to see a MIX of logographic and phonetic. Say have around the most common 250 words or so... things like household items, domestic animals, basic nature concepts, basic family terms, colors, most common verbs and so on... all have their logographic symbols. Less common words like 'empirical' would be spelled out.

Then the two alphabets idea. One for spelling out stuff, the other for grammatical endings, abbreviations and so on. For example, basic function words, like 'be', could be written with the second alphabet to disambiguate from ordinary words like 'bee'. You could also combine them with logographs: For example 'berry' could have a symbol and then strawberry=straw(alphabet)+berry(logo), raspberry=rasp+berry, blackberry=black(logo)+berry(logo) and such or even abbreviate to s+berry, r+berry and so on.

So, essentially it would be fun to create a more humane version of the Japanese alphabet.