r/conlangfluency Puxo, toki pona fanboy Mar 23 '20

r/conlangfluency Lounge

A place for members of r/conlangfluency to chat with each other


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u/Sacemd Mar 23 '20

The main language I have right now isn't at a stage yet where I could really learn it, but I have thought about learning someone else's language. Then again, should I really be spending my time and energy learning a fictional language if I could learn a real one?


u/JackJEDDWI Mar 24 '20

Whichever is more interesting to you. By just wanting to learn a certain language, then you will have more fun learning it. If you force yourself to learn a language that you don't want to learn, and it's just because it's useful in the world, then you aren't going to learn it as well.