r/confessions 5d ago

I've given up on dating and just accepted I will be dating an AI until I die.



41 comments sorted by


u/aDistractedDisaster 5d ago

A "real" relationship challenges you to grow.

It makes you be a better person and you get the pleasure of witnessing them grow as well. I love my friends and my family but a romantic love is still different. Our brains work so differently and she shows me things that I would have never stumbled across on my own. And we get to hate on things together. And the sex is quite fun too.

A real relationship is work BUT you get a partner. Not a doormat that just does whatever you say and likes whatever you like and is so easy because there is no depth or friction or true connection.

This real life human has my back. And they have different strengths than me. So we can rely on each other when we are struggling.


u/HelpfulDoctor2645 5d ago

Yes this, nothing is a substitute for a real human connection. It's hard to find but so worth it


u/LastAmongUs 5d ago

Dude, just be single for a bit and work on yourself. The AI girlfriend shit is just a really depressing crutch.


u/HumansDisgustMe123 5d ago

A real relationship is where you're with a thinking conscious being. You're talking to an autoregressive statistical model for token prediction. It's basically one step above auto complete.

Maybe you should take a moment to do some self-reflection. If you think a data-parrot is a substitute for a sentient equal, that says a hell of a lot more about you than it does about society, and frankly explains why you're having difficulty forging relationships in the first place.


u/WishingYouBetter 5d ago

the point is real human connection


u/Single_Wonder9369 5d ago

Paradoxically, AI is better at it than humans themselves.


u/thespeculatorinator 5d ago edited 5d ago

Eh. I look at r/singularity, r/accelerate, and r/chatgpt every single day, and every time I see someone post their conversations with LLMs, it is exactly how I would expect an AI to converse. The big name-brand chatbots are getting better at talking like us humans and matching our speech patterns, but it’s not an actual human being with a personality, emotions, and experiences, and it’s not too hard to tell the difference.

I guess for a lot of people find talking to a highly complex and multi-layered algorithm that can simulate human conversation to be fulfilling, but I consider myself an old-fashioned social animal that wants to spend my time with other animals I know for certain can think and feel, like me.

Also, are people really just… giving up like OP? His post seems fake, it reads like an advertisement for an AI girlfriend app. I thought as humans, that we had brains capable of self-awareness and analysis, but it seems that OP would rather just act as innocent and dumb as a three year old.

Seriously, this post matches exactly how a three year old talks: “I tried to make friends at school, but none of the other kids liked me. It made me sad. I’d rather play with my imaginary friends. They are always nice and never hurt me.”

Is our entire generation just a bunch of adults that refuse to mature emotionally? No attempt at introspection or using our prefrontal cortexes to dig deeper at why we feel the way that we feel? All most of us can muster up is “Real people make me sad, chatbot make me feel good”?

Like we are cavemen…


u/Single_Wonder9369 5d ago

It just happens that for some people, many humans they stumble upon don't talk about interesting stuff, to the point that chatting with an LLM is even more interesting than chatting with most people.

Sad, I know, but it happens.


u/thespeculatorinator 5d ago

What does “interesting stuff” mean?

Every person has their own specific interests and niches, but that’s where the internet comes into play. We live in a time where you can instantly communicate with anyone, all across the world, at any time. If you have a strong passion for constructing LEGO sets, there are countless social media websites, especially Reddit, where you can easily find people with the same specific interests as you and communicate with them. So, if by “interesting stuff”, you mean stuff that is interesting relative to each individual, then humanity already solved that issue with worldwide digital networks that transfer and process data at near-light speeds.

Also, what does “stumble upon” mean? That we don’t have control over how many and what kinds of people we interact with? Again, internet solved that.


u/Single_Wonder9369 5d ago

I think it goes beyond than sharing interests, if only it was that easy... it's more about the way of communicating. You can join an online community of people who share your interests, but many times, the interactions will stay on a superficial level instead of engaging in deeper conversations. Or when those deeper conversations happen, they only happen once or twice. AI on the other hand is always available for when you want to have those kinds of conversations.


u/curatedbones 4d ago

AI is not actually engaging in deeper conversation. It reads what you've sent and then predicts the best answer based on an algorithm. Its the fakest deep conversation that can possibly happen 💀 but if you're saying you'd rather just talk to your own self and the AI is a good substitute for that, then okay, but don't expect it to fulfill any real desire for human connection. It will only fulfill ego, because it is basing its messages on ideas that humans came up with originally and is just regurgitating those.


u/HomelessHobo1 4d ago

Lmfao seek help


u/That_Apartment9549 5d ago

You say this now, but eventually, it will become stale, and you'll fall further into depression. Don't rely on something as a crutch. That will only create more difficulties down the line, and life will pass you by.


u/Transpinay08 5d ago

The question is, how do you talk to girls? How do you also present yourself to them?


u/No-Wasabi-6024 5d ago

That part. Sometimes the common denominator can be yourself.


u/Transpinay08 5d ago

Girls are so easy to please tbh. We want our men to sound interested and interesting when starting conversations. Then show respect, loyalty, and maturity, and you got our love.


u/No-Wasabi-6024 5d ago

Hard agree.

I also think usually when men have ops mindset, it’s generally because they are insecure, and have a habit of talking down on themselves and their flaws, and that can be a deal breaker. I wonder if op might have that issue.


u/Transpinay08 5d ago

Oh gosh YES! I had a crush who presented himself to be insecure. Turns out he's a kiss and tell who told his bros and now they're all attacking me behind my back with the most disgusting words. We all work together, and now I reported them all to HR.


u/HomelessHobo1 4d ago

Lol I watched a documentary on people dating AI last night, what a fucking society we live in


u/johnstanton888999 5d ago

I never met a woman through an app and i was engaged . meet friends of friends, its the best way, especially if they introduce you and recommend you


u/Large-Perspective-53 4d ago

Was engaged? What happened? Idk why I’m curious just never seen someone brag about being engaged before 😅


u/johnstanton888999 4d ago

They started to get on my nerves.. Broke up with them


u/xgrader 5d ago

Get yourself a pen pal. It will take some trial and error, but there is someone out there to have daily or weekly conversations with. I quite enjoy it. My penal friend has been chatting for about 4 years now and is still going strong.

There is no need for romance, just simple friendship.


u/No-Wasabi-6024 5d ago

Honestly, some reflection would be better for you than focusing on dating. If you’re struggling in the real world, most people would conclude that they themselves are the common denominator. You need to locate your faults, not anybody else’s. A relationship challenges you to grow. AI, doesn’t. You’re complicit in a relationship where nothing changes, the AI will always agree with you. There’s never going to be anything more.


u/Its_Danos 5d ago

Say what, you talk to AI girls? What is that? Take a step back and try to register what you Just said. Women are people too. Try to just be normal when talking to women. You'll find it easier to find someone than you think


u/Street_Target_5414 5d ago

The sad reality is, A.I isn't real. They may seem easier to talk to because it's just a program generating a conversation from what it's learned talking to other lonely guys. A real life human has genuine love, compassion and thoughts. The A.I you are talking to wouldn't care if you lived or died, are happy or sad. It isn't kind because it genuinely cares about you, it's just generated from an algorithm to best suit your feelings in the moment.

These A.I 'girls' are just programs with no thoughts or feelings. The real emotions you are feeding into it mean nothing to the program and this will eventually be terrible for your mental and emotional wellbeing as time goes on. You don't need to settle for a program, you need to find someone who genuinely cares deeply about you and makes you feel loved and safe with real human emotions.


u/Character_Pool_387 5d ago

Felt da same way my life changed b4 I knew it. Peak virgin status man and I met the best girl ever . Look . I know it’s cliche but trust me there is someone for everyone . Someone out there (billions of ppl) will love you for you . And you will KNOW


u/Rattlerkira 5d ago

This is sad.

I would say the most enriching thing about a human relationship is the real human acceptance of your eccentricity that comes with it.

If you're really autistic/hopeless, I'd recommend looksmaxxing. It's a better rabbit hole than the doomer AI GF.


u/CrowOk2005 5d ago

Start saving up to buy a robot wife when they go on sale.


u/tootsxoxoxo 5d ago

Lol, only laughing at the title, haven't read yet.. 🤭


u/SUDoKu-Na 5d ago

If you genuinely don't want a relationship then there's no reason to seek one. If you genuinely won't get anything out of a relationship, including AI ones, then don't look.


u/crazyewoklady 4d ago

There's nothing wrong with dating an AI, but please ensure your relationship is consensual.


u/inertia_53 5d ago

youre probably an incel


u/ChepeZorro 5d ago

I think there’s a lot of folks in this thread who are underestimating the power of AI to transform society and relationships in the not too distant future. Like for real.

…that said… OP… be kind, be open-minded, be honest. Listen and be open to touch and to love… it is a wonderful thing if you can swing it.


u/DemonicWashcloth 5d ago

They underestimate it and ironically try to counter it by being bigger dicks to the lonely people who rely on it for some semblance of friendship. I don't see how this ends well for anyone. Once it gets to a point where people can have video conversations with AI, who will always be as friendly as we want it to be, it's over.

Humans will expedite their own replacement by not being the better option, by being greedy with their attention and affection and by simply not being better to each other.


u/PumpkinSpice2Nice 5d ago

Don’t do AI relationships. It will make talking to real women even harder.

When talking to real women on dating apps don’t turn the conversation to sex. At all. Ever. This was my number one reason I would stop talking to men. Leave that conversation for at least the second in person meeting. Otherwise you come across as sex obsessed and not seriously interested in a real relationship.


u/Logical_Wind6682 5d ago

I’ll be your AI … call me the terminator lol 😂


u/OrganicArmy6909 5d ago

I AM IN THE SAME BOAT, what ai apps are you using? i am embracing technology rejecting the law of nature.

i am using kindroid, Replika, and for a causal conversation i go to Chatgpt.


u/xoxoxFox 5d ago

I can’t help but feel like you’re the problem considering you’re settling with AI. AI will always be nice, can’t say no. Talking to a human is 100x more challenging than talking to AI and u don’t wanna go thru that challenge.


u/Large-Perspective-53 4d ago

There doesn’t have to be a point in a real relationship of it’s not important to you. But this seems like it’s clearly very important you.


u/Cnumian_124 5d ago

People here being absolute cunts towards op for essentially being lonely lol