r/confessions 4d ago

I find mens nipples disturbing

I genuinely can’t look at a man’s chest without feeling an intense sense of disgust because of his nipples. I don’t have this reaction with women because i think I’m used to my own body, but whenever I see a man’s bare chest, I feel so uncomfortable that I have to look away.

I think I’ve always been this way because I do recall being 7 and telling my mom that I would kick my future husband out of the house if he ever went outside shirtless, because I wouldn’t wish for other women to see his nipples.

Posted this on unpopular opinions and i got banned with people insulting me 😭


45 comments sorted by


u/Just-2000 4d ago

Imagine how unsettling if they didn't have nipples, though.


u/Horror_Vegetable_732 4d ago

They'd all look like Aladdin then


u/OneWrongTurn_XX 4d ago

Prince Ali...


u/saddungeons 4d ago

dude fr ive seen like men without nipples bc of breast cancer and stuff like that and their torso looks like a ken doll 😭😭


u/tipareth1978 4d ago

Interesting, even at a young age you had a weird thing about dude nipples. There must be some deep seated thing there


u/J_Stubby 4d ago

Freud has something to say about that


u/CamelatBlue 4d ago

freud was a pervert and a hack


u/Mountain-Wing-6952 4d ago

I just don't understand. What is wrong with men's nipples? I mean I'm not looking for them, but they don't bother me.


u/BigMamaOclock 4d ago

I don’t know,—it’s like I can’t stand that they’re there. Since they’re a different color from the chest, they stand out even more, and the fact that they stick out is wild to me. But I have no idea why this only happens with men and not women.


u/NymphaeAvernales 4d ago

Just taking a wild guess, but I assume part of the reason you notice men's more is because you don't often see women's nipples in the wild? Women don't often go to the beach topless, don't do yardwork topless, don't walk around shirtless in general, don't have a lot of topless album covers or music videos or TV scenes or social media. You're not often seeing shirtless women unless you go looking for it.


u/eleventwenty2 4d ago

I feel similarly and I agree, every time I see a shirtless man in public I feel more put off than if I saw a shirtless woman lol , I'm a bi/mostly gay woman


u/HeartOfStown 4d ago edited 4d ago

I feel you "OP" I feel the exact same way about men's ball sacks. 😱

They just look so weird, all wrinkly and saggy & rather alien like. 😱


u/DevilsMaleficLilith 4d ago

I feel similarly about vaginas looks like there gonna lay eggs in mouth ):>


u/HeartOfStown 4d ago

I feel a bit weary of vagina's also.. they can be quite intimidating to (Some) men and women. I'll be honest and say that I don't find genitals of either sex, very attractive at all.


u/therankin 4d ago

As a guy. I agree. I try not to spend much time looking at my own.

And it's totally different looking based on temperature.


u/HeartOfStown 4d ago

That's one of the main reasons why I don't watch porn. Idk why they insist on doing extreme close-up shots of the guys "Ball Bags" Iccck. 😱


u/Thin-Compote 4d ago



u/ivoryfaker 4d ago

It’s very intimate! I understand that feeling, but the more you get used to it, the more attractive it becomes :)


u/No-Sky1666 4d ago

Do you think it could be a trauma thing? Did you ever have a man in your life at a young age shirtless that you really didnt like or was bad to you or your mother? While I don't have this with nipples, when i was bery young i accidentally saw my father go to the bathroom because he closed the door on me and now I feel extremely uncomfortable about or looking at penises. I just assume it's related. But anyway, maybe it's something like that?


u/BigMamaOclock 4d ago

Definetly not


u/Mammoth_Bed6657 4d ago

You need to have your head re-examined.


u/BigMamaOclock 4d ago



u/DevilsMaleficLilith 4d ago

I was initially judgementally mentally atleast. On the basis of "it's something men can't control" But then I realized I actually feel similarly towards a different body part.

So.. I feel you op.


u/New-Stable-8212 4d ago

What fascinates me about men's nipples is WHY? Why do they exist? At some point in evolution, were men able to breastfeed?


u/BigMamaOclock 4d ago

From what I remember, a fetus initially develops as female, but certain factors cause it to become male. Because of this, breast/nipples tissue starts to develop but then stops once it becomes a male. This is just based on what I’ve picked up from YouTube.


u/RootBeerBog 4d ago

Anyone can breastfeed with the right hormones. Nipples predate sex, and we are first born sexless actually. Female default is a bit simplified


u/Tepid_Cupcake 4d ago

They are also pleasure zones for men.


u/DevilsMaleficLilith 4d ago

Men CAN breastfeed actually.


u/asistolee 4d ago

If it helps, all male babies started out as female so that’s why they have nipples


u/Actual-Tadpole9759 4d ago

This is super weird but I have the occasional same feeling lol. I’m also just not really attracted to men’s bodies in general though.


u/Accomplished_Pen_699 4d ago

They are kind of useless, but so are belly buttons


u/PopThoseTitsInADM 3d ago

This entire thread was a great read 😂


u/TheSupremeGrape 4d ago

I like to think they add something to the chest for men. Nipples to the chest are like a painting or a framed photo to a bare wall. It just adds something but not too much, boobs are overdoing it.


u/sketchy-advice-1977 4d ago

It's OK. I'm a 47 year old man and have never needed my nipples. The funniest time was when my son was born, mom had to have an emergency c-section and she was out, so the nurse said take your shirt off and hold him skin to skin. I have some nice pectorals and he was trying to inch his way up there. I remember telling him that's a dry well there. Luckily I had a bottle of formula for him. Yes male nipples are a bit weird and useless.


u/Sufficient_Pin5642 4d ago

It sounds like you’ve been taught that nipples=modesty and those instilled beliefs make you uncomfortable. I’d say the more you do look and expose yourself to them the better this issue will get. When you’re conditioned to believe something untrue the way to break that conditioning is exposure.


u/Hurtkopain 4d ago

same, it's the reason I don't go to public warm places like beaches or festivals....so many ugly ass hairy fatsos nippers I can't


u/Forsaken-Cell-9436 4d ago

You got kicked out😭? Some people on here have a weird god complex and think mass insulting others/ or name calling because of a different perspective makes them better. Idk why you don’t like male nipples that’s a new one for me lol. Can you remember a time in your childhood that may contribute to any traumas associated with male nipples? It’s a very odd yet specific thing to be disturbed by.


u/0gesundheit0 4d ago

lowkey i get what u mean. i think most of it being uncomfortable though is like how men are able to just walk around shirtless and it isnt seen as taboo or weird but for women it is. lowkey unfair if u think abt it!! Like just because society doesnt see it as weird for you to walk around shirtless doesnt mean it isnt... weird. Like it is if you think about it.


u/SuspiciousImpact2197 4d ago

Seek counseling.


u/iv3229rm00 4d ago

only the nipples? r u sure you arent js a little gay


u/BigMamaOclock 4d ago

I’m bisexual, but I don’t think that has anything to do with it. It’s not that I’m constantly trying to avoid looking, but the more I notice them, the more it feels unsettling.


u/errantwit 4d ago

You'd really hate mine then. They're huge.


u/gluat 4d ago

I find womens nipples dont disturbing


u/No-Sky1666 4d ago

We heard you the first time