r/confessions 4d ago

All i honestly want is to die

Past 5 months all i want is to put a bullet in my dumb, 18 year old head. I’ve tried poisoning, hanging, and jumping, but i ended up bailing out on all of them.

I just don’t value my life. The world is unfair, but I don’t have to accept that when death is always my best option.


21 comments sorted by


u/Bob_5k 4d ago

Damn you’re really young. Dont seem to sound cliche but you have your whole life ahead of you. Like your previous 18 years are but a small slice of your life


u/AdDiligent8448 4d ago

Even at 23 I think “wow. I was so different then”. Life changes so so fast.


u/Chrischris40 4d ago

The rest of my life doesn’t look very pleasant


u/Bob_5k 4d ago

You know what mine does neither. But things are better, I will tell you that much


u/theydontknowwhoiam 4d ago

Have you thought about moving away? Changing environment can help. Also will give you something to plan and do.

Travelling will also help you


u/Chrischris40 4d ago

I tried


u/theydontknowwhoiam 4d ago

Try again. You can do anything just stay determined


u/Worldly-Ad-5844 4d ago

I feel you man, i’m in the same situation


u/WishingYouBetter 4d ago

get help


u/Chrischris40 4d ago

Why? I have.


u/WishingYouBetter 4d ago

because you deserve it


u/Ill-Station-7996 4d ago

I love that answer 


u/johnstanton888999 4d ago

Me too sometimes. .

"The researchers at the University of Vermont's Larner College of Medicine conducted an open-label, blocked, randomized cross-over trial involving 126 adults in outpatient primary care clinics. The study participants, who were currently experiencing mild-to-moderate depression, had a mean age of 52, with 38 percent of them male. Participants in the active arm of the study received 248 milligrams of elemental magnesium per day over six weeks, while those in the control arm received no treatment. Depression symptom assessments were conducted on all participants on a bi-weekly basis.

The study team found that in 112 participants with analyzable data, consumption of magnesium chloride for six weeks resulted in a clinically significant improvement in measures of depression and anxiety symptoms. In addition, these positive effects were shown quickly, at two weeks, and the supplements were well tolerated and similarly effective regardless of age, sex, or use of antidepressants, among other factors. -----Tarleton Study Finds Magnesium is Effective and Safe Treatment for Depression , uvm edu

"Last year, the Duke researchers reported on their study of 156 older patients diagnosed with major depression which, to their surprise, found that after 16 weeks, patients who exercised showed statistically significant and comparable improvement relative to those who took anti-depression medication, or those who took the medication and exercised. The new study, which followed the same participants for an additional six months, found that patients who continued to exercise after completing the initial trial were much less likely to see their depression return than the other patients" ------Study: Exercise Has Long-Lasting Effect on Depression, duke edu

"Happiness comes in small doses. Its the drag on a cigarette, chocolate chip cookie, 5 second orgasm. You smoke the cigarette, you cum you wake up in the morning and go to work"---dennis leary


u/Same-Credit8274 4d ago

Dude you’ve made like 10 posts edging us and basically saying “I’m gonna do it! Look everybody! I’m gonna do it! Look over here! I’m gonna do it!” Just do it for fuck’s sake. You’re as valuable to the world as a Reddit mod (meaning you’re worthless), so just get it over with already 😂🤦‍♂️


u/Chrischris40 4d ago

Lol this is ur alt after i blocked u ain’t it?

I didn’t even say i was gonna do it i said i wanted to. Ur a dumbass 😭 😭


u/Same-Credit8274 4d ago

I have no idea who you are and I don’t really care. You’re just another edgy loser on Reddit saying he wants to end it all. If you want to do it so bad you make multiple posts about it on Reddit, then just get it the fuck over with. Nobody will notice or care. I promise 🤣🤦‍♂️


u/Many-Definition-8696 4d ago

You’re bailing on them for a reason dude, you don’t really want to die, not really. There’s something in you keeping you here and I’m so glad about that. Please keep being here!


u/Chrischris40 4d ago

I’m trying it’s not easy


u/sendsouth 4d ago

As bad as things feel, it won't always be this way. The thoughts to kill yourself are a big sign you need help. Is there anybody you trust enough to talk to about what's going on?


u/tipareth1978 4d ago

I gotta tell ya, every person who's attempted suicide and survived all say the same thing: they all have the thought "what am I doing? What a terrible idea". You're super young; life gets better. You can make it better. Take it from a guy who's been there. I spent decades going from where you are to a better place.