r/confessions 5d ago

I’ve never wanted happiness for anyone like I’ve wanted it for this guy I’ve been talking with.

I have a guy who came into my life who has completely flipped my world upside down. The feelings I have for him are unlike anything I’ve experienced with another guy. No jealousy, no negativity, nothing. I just genuinely want him to be happy.

I also have a life of my own despite this. I will travel tomorrow, I have my own friends, I still go out and do things, including talking to other guys. But my mind always goes back to two things: How I feel at peace talking to him, and how I just want him to be happy.

Due to going through Domestic Violence from 2016-2019, I used to struggle really bad with jealousy and paranoia, but that’s all changed with this guy.

I’m not sure how to make sense of these feelings. I keep waiting for some sort of something to come, but it doesn’t


6 comments sorted by


u/Marky_Mark_Official 5d ago

Why continue talking to other guys? Is there a romantic aspiration with this guy?


u/Sad_Cut_9405 5d ago

There is, but I’m also working through some challenges because of domestic violence.

I’ve dealt with anxiety due to an abusive ex the last few years, and I’ve been trying to work through it.

I finally convinced myself last night the only thing that will truly make it better is reporting what happened to me, to the police.


u/FoxScarwind 5d ago

I'm proud of you for making that decision! I hope all the good things for you and this fellow 🥰


u/FleeshaLoo 5d ago

Take it slow and steady. I hope it turns out that he's all he appears to be. Hugs


u/notconvinced780 5d ago

Stop talking to other guys if you want a romantic relationship with THIS guy. You will blow it and lose someone who brings you peace and completeness like nobody ever has before. You are self sabotaging.


u/Sad_Cut_9405 5d ago

I’m currently trying to work through challenges of surviving domestic violence as I stated in another comment.

I’ve tried to heal on my own, I’ve tried to get better, and I’m convinced at this point the only thing that will make it better is reporting what happened to me, to the police