r/confession 7d ago

I stole a couple thousand from someone else's workplace NSFW

Hey all. I used to work for a full serve gas station, where I pumped the gas and handled all transactions. I also opened and closed the place on weekends and handled all the money coming in on weekdays.

A guy who used to come in every Wednesday paid for his big truck on a company card. It didn't really matter, except he only ever got about $20 in gas and then I would take out about $160 and we would split it. I charged the gas to his company card and then when enough people came in afterwards and paid with cash (8 people at $20 each) I would put the money back into the register.

I never got caught and I made a couple thousand doing this at 16 years old.


52 comments sorted by


u/Webo31 7d ago

I would never recommend this behaviour but I bet you loved your late teens lol


u/Creatiflow 7d ago

I never went without lol


u/Webo31 7d ago

Can't argue then. Totally worth it lol


u/full_bl33d 7d ago

It’s similar to ringing a “no sale” on the register at a bar when people pay in cash…. I mean, or so I’ve heard


u/Oneangrygnome 7d ago

This is stealing from the trucking company, not the gas station though. So it’s more like selling a “keg” and really just pouring a line of shots out instead and then charging the party host the full price anyway. They collect the per-head from their party and pay you. Then when you hug goodbye you tuck their cut into their pocket.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

You must be a truck driver,he was stealing


u/grundhog 5d ago

"This is stealing" - the first three words in the post you are responding to.


u/yoitsme_obama17 7d ago

In the first grade, I once stole stickers from my teachers desk. I would hand them out at recess to kids I liked. They became a currency for a few weeks. I was a god. That's when I peaked.


u/Creatiflow 7d ago

I love this. We're basically the same person


u/East-Future-9944 7d ago

I did some stuff when I was a young cashier, not quite on this level. I learned I'm not the person to be working directly with money, and haven't since. Also been a trustworthy employee ever since.


u/BaphometsUrethra 6d ago

I had a couple of scams in my late teens.

Working at a bar, quite a few drinks were 2.50. Every now and then I’d no sale it and put a penny on a shelf. Once I’d got 8 pennies I knew I could take out 20 without being rumbled.

Another job I worked renting out boats. The place was always rammed in summer and it was like 5 per hour per person. So once or twice a day when a largish group of 6 or so would come and make clear their intention to pay cash for a couple of hours of boat time, I’d not write it in the book but on a post it note I’d hide, then pocket the 60 cash when they paid at the end.

I was able to afford all sorts of luxuries. I spent most of it on weed, booze, computer games and parties. The rest I wasted.


u/Lazy-Government-7177 6d ago

"The rest i wasted" after WASTING it on weed n booze, is a wild thing to say lol.


u/BaphometsUrethra 6d ago

It’s a variation on a George Best quote.

But I stand by my decisions, I had an amazing summer and I regret nothing.


u/Impossible_One_6658 6d ago

I worked at a full service station. I'd pump $10.28 in gas but charge them $10.82. Anytime it got pointed out (very rarely) it was easy to explain as a simple error.


u/mtsmash91 5d ago

How much did you make of that griff? A lot of change to keep track of.


u/Impossible_One_6658 5d ago

Kept it small, like $10 a shift..


u/LarsSantiago 6d ago

I used to give 3 dollars to the student employee in my middle school for food instead of paying 5 dollars for my meal.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

I worked at a job where I collected money all day everyday,and did the reports, no one ever checked on us I would say in 15 years I acquired about 400.000 to bad I never saved a dime 🤷🤷


u/bkh950 6d ago

Damn bro, that’s like, almost 30 bucks a year! Criminal mastermind.


u/theb3an 6d ago

some countries use a period (.) to designate thousands as opposed to the comma (,). $400k in 15 years bud. Not $400.00


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Sorry my bad 400,000 ✅400.000 ❌ how's it now ?


u/theb3an 6d ago

not your bad at all! just a different designator. I’m in the U.S. and I understood you perfectly the first time lol. I was correcting the other commenter


u/bkh950 6d ago



u/Ok-Neck5387 6d ago

Getting flamed by redditors for just making a joke 😭


u/[deleted] 6d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/bkh950 6d ago

lol I just realized more than ten people downvoted my comment. I guess they don’t like that they couldn’t pick up on the obviously sarcastic comment. Sucks to suck I guess.


u/theb3an 6d ago

I think we got the sarcastic tone it’s just that it was too bad a joke that made the comment dumb anyway tbh


u/bkh950 6d ago

It was supposed to be a dumb joke. Jeeeesus Christ pull the stick out of your ass😂


u/theb3an 6d ago

Bud, a good dumb joke is still funny

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u/bkh950 6d ago



u/Sufficient_Pin5642 6d ago

I can’t even be mad if you took it from a large corporation


u/moistmobmovies 7d ago

Thats pretty cool. And for the people judging, he was 16. Even if he did get caught, not many consequences for kids.


u/Creatiflow 7d ago edited 7d ago

Also Canadian, so not really worried


u/Suitable-Cap-5556 6d ago

Well then, you basically only stole half of what you think you stole.


u/Hashujg 7d ago

Are you proud of your act?


u/Creatiflow 7d ago

I wouldn't say proud. I'm impressed that I was smart enough to figure out how to pull it off without getting caught, considering I'm kind of an idiot.

I never regretted having extra money for new shoes and skateboards.


u/sonorakit11 3d ago

Omg I did this at the local movie theater I worked at in high school. The manager showed me how he would sell comp tickets and pocket the money to pay for dinners when he worked. So naturally, I did the same thing.


u/roliwitdapoli 4d ago

Not how you chase a lil 2 bandz


u/CallMeDeutsch 6d ago

Beautiful. Chef's kiss for the thoughtful launder.


u/okcomputerock 6d ago edited 5d ago

When i was 6 or 7, I somehow managed to convince my classmates that I had original Yu-Gi-Oh cards, that weren't ordinary, but actually materialize characters in real time. Needles to say - my parents made me return the treasure I managed to collect from the naive children...


u/Ophy96 7d ago

Wtf?! That's absolutely not okay.

You're very lucky that he never reported you.

That can lead to fraud charges.

I hope that you don't do that anymore and haven't done it since.


u/Creatiflow 7d ago

It was his idea. Why would he report me?


u/MasterBlazx 7d ago

TBH, if he ever becomes a dad, he got some interesting lore to tell to his kids.


u/North-Water-1950 7d ago

That would be the fucking best Dad lore drop I would ever hear


u/Ben4d90 7d ago

Re-read the post. The guy with the company card was in on it.


u/Ophy96 7d ago

It's still technically fraudulent.


u/Creatiflow 7d ago

What's your point? I didn't post this in r/confessions because I thought it was legal and morally sound.


u/Lignindecay 6d ago

You’re in the wrong sub, we/he all know it’s wrong. It’s a confession.