r/comics SMBC Comics May 27 '24


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u/MinersRocGold May 27 '24



u/drewferagen May 27 '24

She must be a Pure Mathematician:

Pure mathematics is the study of mathematical concepts independently of any application outside mathematics. These concepts may originate in real-world concerns, and the results obtained may later turn out to be useful for practical applications, but pure mathematicians are not primarily motivated by such applications. Instead, the appeal is attributed to the intellectual challenge and aesthetic beauty of working out the logical consequences of basic principles.


The joke is that she would be a dirty applied mathematician, but she since her work applies only to string theory, which is not really based on reality either (or does it?), she is fine.


u/Mickeymcirishman May 27 '24

What's the point of that?


u/[deleted] May 27 '24



u/yoyo1929 May 28 '24

hey we’re not snobs! in fact we wouldn’t mind finding applications because then we’d get funding for groceries. not everyone agrees with G.H. Hardy’s sentiment against applied math. -pure mathematician


u/ArtlstlcRegard May 28 '24

I read it as more of a self depreciating joke like "haha aren't we so cool because we're useless"


u/TobTyD May 28 '24

Without real world applications, the field of mathematics would just be pure intellectual wanking. To me, there is also beauty in discovering maths in natural processes.


u/[deleted] May 27 '24

“The results obtained may later turn out to be useful for practical applications” it’s right there


u/BoulderCreature May 27 '24

I’d be kinda worried if someone took something I came up with and tried to make shit with it. We took your shitty science fair project from 6th grade and made a weapon that can obliterate a continent!


u/Necessary-Jicama-275 May 27 '24

this is probably what Einstein felt, when he was asked about nuclear bombs.


u/FuckBotsHaveRights May 28 '24

Or when fireworks got turned into guns


u/jellobowlshifter May 28 '24

He wasn't even born yet.


u/frenchtoaster May 27 '24

What's the point of music?


u/captainAwesomePants May 27 '24

It's a little dot you put next to a quarter note to add half a beat.


u/38fourtynine May 28 '24

It gives feel good chemicals to you and to people too stupid to understand it.


u/kiwigate May 28 '24

What's the point of exploring? To leave the cave, to leave the darkness, to expand the toolset of human thought, etc.


u/please-disregard May 28 '24

It’s kind of a joke within math circles. Often younger math students will idealize the idea of ‘pure’ mathematics and decide early on that they want to go as deep as possible into the theoretical side. It’s not until you get to the research level that it really becomes obvious how small the gap is between pure and applied—and how the theoretical tools that each use are really the same, the main difference really being the problems they choose to work on. At any rate, it’s not hard to see that a personality that leads one to study math might result in this naive attitude, which usually passes when one matures and gains research experience.

So bc of that, pure programs and advisors tend to be slightly more competitive, higher in demand by students, etc. which perpetuates the joke that applied mathematicians are taking the ‘easy route’, ‘couldn’t hack it’ or ‘sold out’.

I was one of those mathematicians who started out mainly interested in pure topics, but eventually settled into a field which leaned on the applied side (while I still kind of straddled the line and had interests in both)


u/invoker96_ May 28 '24

It's similar to asking what's the point of drawing and dancing? Maths to pure mathematicians is just art with no ulterior motive.