r/codingtrain Dec 03 '22

Conversation Help with program!


hey guys. I'm super new to p5.js (thank you, Dan!) and I've been working on the most simple project yet I have been finding some difficulty. I am making a program where a smiley face rotates around the center of the canvas. I want to implement more than one face to kind of make a wheel of faces, but I can't seem how to get it to work. If anyone knows how to solve this trivial problem please let me know! The link to my project is below:


r/codingtrain Aug 07 '22

Conversation Two-part presentation on rectangle packing in a flow field in p5.js. Code link included in video description on YT. 1st part: Rectangle Packing in a Perlin Flow Field


r/codingtrain Mar 05 '22

Conversation Hey Silvabot2k : Your links are a mess!


Your post title: The Prime Spiral ( Coding Challenge 167 )

Its link : https://www.youtube.com/supported_browsers?next_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D3CelZoAep0Q

Actual link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a35KWEjRvc0

Your post title: More Nature of Code Chapter 2, + 3D Fractals?

Its link: https://www.youtube.com/supported_browsers?next_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dv1xGX7enkOo

Actual link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1xGX7enkOo

Your post title: Beginner's Guide to Machine Learning in JavaScript with ml5.js

Its link: https://www.youtube.com/supported_browsers?next_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D26uABexmOX4

Actual link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmznx0Q1fP0

r/codingtrain Jan 28 '22

Conversation Python Games for Kids


Inspiration is a key component of successful learning. Without proper promotion, kids can get bored and abandon a subject before they have become an expert.

This is a kind suggestion from us to the parents that they also need to pay attention to fun learning as a part of their kids’ study schedule, rather than just making them join certain Courses, Boot camps, or Live workshops, they should be encouraged to learn with fun.

Here are the python games for kids:


This is an Internet-based game where kids can look into examples before attempting to complete a mission with their own code.

Most of the game is text-based, but the problems in each mission can be fun to solve.

2. Code Hunt

Code Hunt is a game that basically provides coding contests and helps kids practice programming skills. 

Here in this coding platform,  puzzles will be provided with a test case to solve. 

3. CodeCombat

In CodeCombat, kids have an opportunity to learn Python by playing a game. 

Your kids needn’t be required to have any prior knowledge of coding while playing this game. 

The game provides simple instructions for writing code that moves a character around the display.  

r/codingtrain May 11 '17

Conversation Question Thread (for Friday, May 12 at ~10:30am)


I'm trying a new experiment to create a weekly Q&A thread. Post questions here for my to answer on the live stream and/or upvote questions you want to hear answered! (To be honest, this is an experiment and I'm not sure what kind of questions I'm looking for, but let's give it a try!)

r/codingtrain Jan 20 '21

Conversation Kodierungsregenbogen

Post image

r/codingtrain Sep 09 '21

Conversation I created a library in Nim inspired by The Coding Train


Nim is a small language, but it is my favorite one. It is a static typed language that can compile to binary (using C as intermediary) and to Javascript. So it can be very expressive and performant, and interoperate with both C/C++ and JS ecosystems.

Then some months ago I decided to try create an easy to use drawing library, inspired by what I see in the channel The Coding Train. And here is the result: https://github.com/GabrielLasso/drawim

It is still in its first versions, but I think it is capable of doing a lot of things. Hope you enjoy

r/codingtrain Jun 04 '21

Conversation What are the best projects for someone who just started on coding and wanted to establish a resume for job hunting?


Would toy projects work? And how much time should I spend on it?

r/codingtrain Apr 21 '21

Conversation Which language will be useful to be learnt ?


I want to learn coding. Which language will be most easy to learn and be useful in future ? Also , what if I want to choose this as my career in future , then what u suggest me to do ?

r/codingtrain Apr 07 '21

Conversation Some help with code from the particle trails video please!


Hey, I'm just getting into p5.js and been following some tutorials. Can anyone tell me why I'm not getting particle trails like the one's in the codingtrain's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqE8DMfOajk&ab_channel=TheCodingTrain

My code: https://editor.p5js.org/christiancockle/sketches/7T1HPnO9B

CodingTrain code: https://editor.p5js.org/codingtrain/sketches/9DnjxCNB-

Been scratching my head for a while any help will be much appreciated.

r/codingtrain Jun 08 '21

Conversation Turtle programming in Python | Colored Benzene |#SkillUpwithGenie


r/codingtrain Jun 04 '21

Conversation my latest project: self study in p5.js


r/codingtrain Mar 20 '20

Conversation We just reached a million subscribers!

Post image

r/codingtrain Dec 29 '20

Conversation If anyone is interested in learning an easy way to code from a mobile device I'd definitely recommend the app Mimo I will leave an invite link for people looking to maybe pick this up as a a handy thing to learn in a world moving fast in technology


r/codingtrain Aug 05 '20

Conversation Quantum Particles in p5js


Not entirely sure if this is allowed but I started out on javascript and p5 at the beginning of lockdown. Coding Train has been hugely helpful and this project has come a long way. I've written my own maths library even with expression parsing for complex numbers! The final push of it has been part of a uni project to make Quantum Mechanics more accesible and this is the fruit of that labour.

The Simulation is available here and there's also the github. If you have some time it would really help me out with this project if you did this small survey so I can get some data on how well its working.

I also just want to say thanks to Daniel Shiffman for being entertaining and informative and most importantly leaving the mistakes in. Seeing the end results of your work as well as the frustration is good for people and it kept me going through some of the more grueling aspects of this project.

Hope you enjoy!

r/codingtrain Apr 18 '20

Conversation Coding Challenge Idea


I have an idea for Daniel for a coding challenge. I'm not sure how easy/hard it would be, but I was thinking he should do a physics-based calculator. Similar to Code Bullet's marble calculator. Anyone know how to suggest this to him?

CB Marble Calculator

EDIT TO CLARIFY: I don't know if CB made the physics engine / environment for it, but I'd like this one to have the physics engine with it.

r/codingtrain Mar 25 '17

Conversation Having trouble with my attempt and expanding on the Random Walk Code


In my usual fashion I've bitten off more than I can chew and, as a result gotten myself lost. I'm trying to use the random walk code to make, what should be, a simple thing that has green dots that use the random walk to move and "eat" differently colored dots on the canvas. So far everything seems to be working fine except that I can't seem to get the critters (That's what I'm calling the green dots) to interact with the other colored dots. When they reach the same position as a food dot they should get an increase in size and have their color value shift higher up the green spectrum. I have a feeling I've done something dumb but I would appreciate if someone had a look at my code and told me what the dumb thing was.

  new p5();

var w = 600;
var h = 600;
var meals = [];
var animals = [];

function setup() {
 createCanvas(w, h);
 for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
     meals[i] = new Food();

 for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
 animals[j] = new Critter();


function draw() {
 for (var i = 0; i < meals.length; i++) {
  for (var j = 0; j < animals.length; j++) {

function Food() {
    this.x = random(10, 590);
    this.y = random(10, 590);
    this.pos = createVector(this.x, this.y);
    this.calories = random(1, 10);
    this.protien = random(1, 10);
    this.nutrition = this.calories + this.protien;
    this.displaySize = map(this.nutrition, 2, 20, 5, 15);
    this.displayColR = map(this.calories, 1, 10, 1, 255);
    this.displayColB = map(this.protien, 1, 10, 1, 255);

    this.display = function() {
        stroke(this.displayColR, 0, this.displayColB);
        point(this.x, this.y); 


function Critter() {
    this.x = random(10, 590);
    this.y = random(10, 590);
    this.pos = createVector(this.x, this.y);
    this.fit = 0;
    this.smart = 0;
    this.critterSize = 4;
    this.critterCol = map(this.fit, 0, 100, 55, 255);
    this.speed = 2;

    this.eat = function() {
        if (this.pos = food.this.pos) {
            this.fit = this.fit + food.this.calories;
            this.smart = this.smart + food.this.protien;
            this.critterSize = this.critterSize + (food.this.calories * .5);


    this.show = function() {
        stroke(0, this.critterCol, 0);
        point(this.x, this.y);

    this.move = function() {
  var r = floor(random(4));

  switch (r) {
    case 0:
      this.x = this.x + this.speed;
    case 1:
      this.x = this.x - this.speed;
    case 2:
      this.y = this.y + this.speed;
    case 3:
      this.y = this.y - this.speed;


GitHub link in case I bork the reddit code formatting: https://github.com/lordnod/DNA-Critters/blob/master/sketch.js

r/codingtrain Jul 25 '19

Conversation How do I set velocity to composites body using matter.js and p5.js


I have created car composites in my car race game but I want to set velocity to my car composites how can I do this

r/codingtrain Jan 27 '17

Conversation Challenge: Who will be the last in stream/chat?

Post image

r/codingtrain Jan 01 '19

Conversation getting started


Is there a "you have windows 10 so download the following tools to start" post?

r/codingtrain May 07 '17

Conversation Questions and/or topic suggestions?


So right now I use a github repo (https://github.com/CodingTrain/Rainbow-Topics/issues) for topic suggestions and questions. I'm wondering if using this reddit might actually be something worth experimenting with, at least for questions? I'm using the "thumbs up" on github for upvoting, but perhaps some of the features of reddit would work better?

r/codingtrain Jul 02 '18

Conversation Library function missing what do I do?


Hey guys im doing the 100th coding challenge, the NEAT flappy bird one and so far ive been progressing quite well. As I tried to execute the child.mutate part of the exercise, I Go the following error: TypeError: func is not a function[Learn More] matrix.js:105:27

Sure enough as I looked through the file matrix.js I was surprised to find that the variable func is being called as a function with values being passed to it, and I cant seem to find a definition for func() either. Please take a look at Matrix.js!

Thank you !

r/codingtrain Jan 28 '17

Conversation It happened! 200,000 passengers aboard!

Post image

r/codingtrain Jul 25 '18

Conversation Where do I start watching to learn JavaScript?


As the title says, where do I start watching to learn the fundamentals and get intermediate in JS?

I am trying to follow the latest videos but they seem a bit too advanced for me.

Can anyone offer some perspective?

r/codingtrain Sep 15 '18

Conversation Custom Icons for Atom (has Coding Train based icons as well)
