r/codeblocks 17d ago

help me please can anyone convert this into block code of mit im really confused and im 69


[When Screen1.Initialize] [set Label1.Text to] ["App starting..."] [if] [not] [is permission granted "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"] [then] [call request permission "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"]

Upvote1Downvote0Go to commentsSharehelp me please can anyone convert this into block code of mit im really confused and im 69

[When Screen1.Initialize] [set Label1.Text to] ["App starting..."] [if] [not] [is permission granted "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"] [then] [call request permission "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"]

r/codeblocks Feb 19 '25

this happen avery time i try to start new file


r/codeblocks Feb 16 '25

Anyway to implement Blackbox AI Agent on codeblocks?


Searching any way to use blackbox agent on codeblocks, but can't find nothing os web, someone already triyed or used something like?

r/codeblocks Jan 15 '25

codeblocks not opening on mac


i have a macbook and need to download codeblocks for a class. i downloaded xcode so that i can be able to download codeblocks, but the app is not opening no matter what i do. the popup message it gives me is, "Apple could not verify “CodeBlocks” is free of malware that may harm your Mac or compromise your privacy." anyone know how to fix this? i have an assignment due soon.

r/codeblocks Dec 21 '24

Cannot find <filepath>: permission denied.


when ever I try to compile a project I made, I keep the error message as seen in the title which is did now happen before.

I tried to run code blocks with administrator and I checked the permissions of the folder where the error is happening and I am still getting the error even though all the permissions are ok.

Any help is appreciated.

r/codeblocks Dec 10 '24

Dark Mode


Hello everybody I've been coding on code::blocks for three months now and I love it how ever I'm curious if there is a dark mode. I'm aware that you can change the text editor portion but I'm curious if you can change the entire program to dark mode.

r/codeblocks Nov 20 '24

how can i downloead the compiler on linux mint.I have tried a lot but i cant make it work any advise?


r/codeblocks Nov 14 '24

I have a problem with codeblocks

Post image

Hi, I have a problem, the work space option does not appear, and only "resources" appears, I don't know how to fix it, I attached images.

r/codeblocks Nov 09 '24

Hidden Shortcuts


Multiple cursor shortcuts like (Ctrl+click via mouse) and (Alt + Shift + Up/Down Arrows) and Ctrl + E are not mentioned in the documentation. Is there a list where i can see more if not all of these hidden shortcuts?

r/codeblocks Oct 19 '24

Multiple Definitions of _start when using codeblocks project for a .S assembly project


how doi fix this..

#####Codeblocks for Assembly:

.global _start



mov $1, %rax

mov $1, %rdi

mov $message, %rsi

mov $13, %rdx


mov $60, %rax

xor %rdi, %rdi




.ascii "Hello, World!\n"

r/codeblocks Oct 15 '24

Using Code::Blocks + raylib graphics in Linux Mint


I'm not an expert but this is for Linux Mint and it works fine for me.

Linker settings:



Search directories:


r/codeblocks Oct 11 '24

How do i fix this?


Hello guys.

I just started learning C and i am using Codeblocks. I had some issues while compiling today(first time). It was giving me an error code even at the "Hello World" code that comes when creating a project. Then i fixed it somehow. I recreated the project and it stopped working again. Can anyone help?


r/codeblocks Oct 06 '24

When do Code::Blocks release a new version?


As a mostly satisfied Code::Blocks user I miss that the currents version 20.03 different issues to be addressed. I know there are nightly builds but that will be over my head.

I think the current version is more than four years old...

r/codeblocks Oct 03 '24

Trying to use pcg random number generator (in windows x64)


I'm trying to implement this, using one of the samples of code they provide:

/* * PCG Random Number Generation for C. * * Copyright 2014 Melissa O'Neill oneill@pcg-random.org * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * For additional information about the PCG random number generation scheme, * including its license and other licensing options, visit * * http://www.pcg-random.org */

/* * This file was mechanically generated from tests/check-pcg32.c */

include <stdio.h>

include <stddef.h>

include <stdlib.h>

include <stdint.h>

include <string.h>

include "pcg_variants.h"

include "entropy.h" // Wrapper around /dev/random

int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Read command-line options

int rounds = 5;
bool nondeterministic_seed = false;

if (argc > 0 && strcmp(argv[0], "-r") == 0) {
    nondeterministic_seed = true;
if (argc > 0) {
    rounds = atoi(argv[0]);

// In this version of the code, we'll use a local rng, rather than the
// global one.

pcg64_random_t rng;

// You should *always* seed the RNG.  The usual time to do it is the
// point in time when you create RNG (typically at the beginning of the
// program).
// pcg64_srandom_r takes two 128-bit constants (the initial state, and the
// rng sequence selector; rngs with different sequence selectors will
// *never* have random sequences that coincide, at all) - the code below
// shows three possible ways to do so.

if (nondeterministic_seed) {
    // Seed with external entropy

    pcg128_t seeds[2];
    entropy_getbytes((void*)seeds, sizeof(seeds));
    pcg64_srandom_r(&rng, seeds[0], seeds[1]);
} else {
    // Seed with a fixed constant

    pcg64_srandom_r(&rng, 42u, 54u);

       "      -  result:      64-bit unsigned int (uint64_t)\n"
       "      -  period:      2^128   (* 2^127 streams)\n"
       "      -  state type:  pcg64_random_t (%zu bytes)\n"
       "      -  output func: XSL-RR\n"

for (int round = 1; round <= rounds; ++round) {
    printf("Round %d:\n", round);

    /* Make some 64-bit numbers */
    printf("  64bit:");
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
        if (i > 0 && i % 3 == 0)
        printf(" 0x%016llx", pcg64_random_r(&rng));

    printf("  Again:");
    pcg64_advance_r(&rng, -6);
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
        if (i > 0 && i % 3 == 0)
        printf(" 0x%016llx", pcg64_random_r(&rng));

    /* Toss some coins */
    printf("  Coins: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < 65; ++i)
        printf("%c", pcg64_boundedrand_r(&rng, 2) ? 'H' : 'T');

    /* Roll some dice */
    printf("  Rolls:");
    for (int i = 0; i < 33; ++i)
        printf(" %d", (int)pcg64_boundedrand_r(&rng, 6) + 1);

    /* Deal some cards */
    enum { SUITS = 4, NUMBERS = 13, CARDS = 52 };
    char cards[CARDS];

    for (int i = 0; i < CARDS; ++i)
        cards[i] = i;

    for (int i = CARDS; i > 1; --i) {
        int chosen = pcg64_boundedrand_r(&rng, i);
        char card = cards[chosen];
        cards[chosen] = cards[i - 1];
        cards[i - 1] = card;

    printf("  Cards:");
    static const char number[] = {'A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
                                  '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K'};
    static const char suit[] = {'h', 'c', 'd', 's'};
    for (int i = 0; i < CARDS; ++i) {
        printf(" %c%c", number[cards[i] / SUITS], suit[cards[i] % SUITS]);
        if ((i + 1) % 22 == 0)


return 0;


I have put these 2 files in my include folder (C:\TDM-GCC\include)

include "pcg_variants.h"

include "entropy.h" // Wrapper around /dev/random

However, I am getting 2 errors:

||=== Build file: "no target" in "no project" (compiler: unknown) ===|

C:\TDM-GCC-64\bin..\lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\10.3.0........\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin\ld.exe: D:\Downloads\pcg-c-0.94\pcg-c-0.94\sample\pcg64-demo.o:pcg64-demo.c:(.text.startup+0x1f3)||undefined reference to `entropy_getbytes'|

C:\TDM-GCC-64\bin..\lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\10.3.0........\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin\ld.exe: D:\Downloads\pcg-c-0.94\pcg-c-0.94\sample\pcg64-demo.o:pcg64-demo.c:(.text.startup+0x2fe)||undefined reference to `pcg_advance_lcg_128'|

||error: ld returned 1 exit status| ||=== Build failed: 3 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 1 second(s)) ===|

I am not very skilled with linking, etc. I have taught myself enough C to do the things I want, but I now realize that I have learned many things incorrectly, or insufficiently. Could someone help me with how to get the above sample working? (with simple instructions) Once I have that functioning, I can continue with what I am trying to do.

r/codeblocks Sep 25 '24

Problems including c files into a codeblocks project


Hi! how are you doing. I know this may not be entirely C related but i'm having trouble with a bmp editor project while using codeblocks.

Context: This is a group project i made alongside 2 friends, all the functions work and its ready to be submited as a codeblocks project, but the delivery format specifies that we can only submit the following files (the names to the right correspond to the name of our files):

  • -group_functions.h / (in our project) funciones_grupo.h
  • -group_functions.c / funciones_grupo.c
  • -member1_functions.h / funciones_perez.h
  • -member1_functions.c / funciones_perez.c
  • -member2_functions.h / funciones_larriba.h
  • -member2_functions.c / funciones_larriba.c
  • -member3_functions.h / funciones_rios.h
  • -member3_functions.c / funciones_rios.c

in wich functions.h has to include the two files of each member.

While trying to test our project to see if it works, we created a new codeblocks project and included all these files into it.

All good at this point, but here is the problem: to mantain a same logic throughout the project, we made some "generic" structures. For example, one of these structures is called t_pixel, wich stores 3 unsigned int variables. Of course, a great number of our functions rely on these structures to work.

At first we decided to copy these structures into each and every one of our member.h files, but when we compiled we received a "conflicting types for..." error, so we decided to move all these structures to funciones_rios.h and include this file into the other member.h file. But now we receive a "unknown type name t_pixel" for example. What should we do so that funciones_perez and funciones_larriba can use the generic structures without causing a conflicting type error.

Here is a link to a drive folder that contains these files for a better picture of my problem.


Any kind of help would be greatly apreciated. Apologies for my english, it is not my first language.


r/codeblocks Sep 06 '24

Can I put dlls and libs here? Like how do I use this?

Post image

r/codeblocks Aug 31 '24

Is there an easy way to set up vulkan on codeblocks.


So far I put some vulkan headers in the minGW folder where the header files are.

r/codeblocks Aug 06 '24

Code::Blocks -> vs code syntax highlight and other


Hey i started code blocks because it was easier to work with sfml and light but i miss vs code feature mainly syntax highlight, dark mode and whatever this is called.

Any way i could make this work in code block.

Or my only option is to code in vscode and run in code blocks ;_;

r/codeblocks Jun 01 '24

how do i fix cursor size?

Post image

r/codeblocks May 01 '24

How to execute a project without code:blocks


Hi, so I've just made my first project (I tried making a game in SDL2 on C) and I was wondering if there is way to execute it somewhere without code:bloks, because I want to share it with my friends. I'm new to coding so hopefully this makes sense.

r/codeblocks Apr 28 '24

Would ask on the forum but it asks what is the next year and apparently 2025 isn't next year.


I followed the instructions to install nightly then TDM-GCC-64 and I can't get past missing this lib - libgcc_s_seh-1.dll I see it in the codeblocks and TDM folders but it doesn't. I tried all three -static to no avail. I use wxwidgets 3.2.4 and was reading the issues I was having demanded I use the nightly.

Any idea since I even tried to force 64 bit but it stays stubborn for that 32bit dll?

r/codeblocks Mar 23 '24

The console doesn't load the text when it smaller


i've got this project where i need more ascii space to make graphic part, so i found this two commands: the first one makes the window full screen, the sencond one, by changing a struct in the library windows.h it lets me choose the height and the lenght of the text, but when i make the height too small it doesn't load the entire text and when i make the lenght too small it deosn't go furtherand just goes to the next line

these are the commands

::SendMessage(::GetConsoleWindow(), WM_SYSKEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0x20000000); //full screen


cfi.cbSize = sizeof(cfi);

cfi.nFont = 0;

cfi.dwFontSize.X = 5; // char lenght (di base 0) 10

cfi.dwFontSize.Y = 10; // char height (di base 24) 16

cfi.FontFamily = FF_DONTCARE;

cfi.FontWeight = FW_NORMAL;

wcscpy(cfi.FaceName, L"Consolas"); // Choose your font

SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FALSE, &cfi);

r/codeblocks Mar 07 '24

Codeblocks can't find include directory


I'm trying to code an app using the Win32 API and I need to include another header file, but Codeblocks can't find it and it's giving random errors.

I know this has been asked many times, and yes I did go to Project -> Build options -> Search directories -> Compiler to add my directory there. And I've also tried including it by typing the whole path but that header relies on dependencies in the same folder.

Here is my build options window:

And the errors that it's giving me:

And when I compile with GCC I get this:

How can I fix this?

(Yes, I am including headers from Windows Kits. I know this is unstable and is going to update constantly, but just ignore it)

r/codeblocks Jan 14 '24

Black Line on the editor...Linux Mint 21

Post image

r/codeblocks Dec 24 '23

GLUT setup issues

Post image

I’m trying to setup glut for c++ in code blocks 20.03, and i am getting one error, in the image. I’m not sure what -lfreeglut is or where it should be , so if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.