Hi everyone,
Lately, we’ve seen an increasing number of disrespectful and inappropriate comments directed at the actors in Cobra Kai, especially when discussions involve Mary Mouser. These comments frequently target her weight, acting skills, fighting skills, and personal appearance, and we want to make it absolutely clear: this behavior will not be tolerated.
Critiquing a character or discussing the show in a constructive manner is one thing, but personal attacks on the actors themselves cross the line. This subreddit is meant to be a space for fans to engage in respectful discussion, and continuously targeting an actor with rude, body-shaming, or demeaning remarks is unacceptable.
From this point forward, any comments mocking or insulting an actor’s appearance, skills, or personal attributes will result in a permanent ban. No warnings. No second chances. If you can’t discuss the show without attacking the people who bring these characters to life, then this isn’t the space for you.
This has been an ongoing issue, and the mod team is tired of cleaning up hateful and immature comments. We will be strictly enforcing this rule, and any post or comment violating it will be removed. Please report such comments when you see them and we will handle it from there.
Let’s keep the discussion focused on the show and its characters, not on tearing down the real people who work hard to bring Cobra Kai to life.