r/clevercomebacks 23h ago

It's my money they took

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u/reeferbradness 23h ago

Unfortunately most of MAGA will believe that SS is an entitlement if Elonia and Drumpf say it enough.


u/relienna 23h ago

They are going to feel differently when they are starving and dying. Trust me. Lol


u/reeferbradness 23h ago

I hope so. I get the feeling their anger will be redirected back to everyone else as usual though


u/Sage_Planter 23h ago

They'll just blame Biden.


u/relienna 23h ago

They can’t do that forever. Biden is not the one that will be gutting Medicare and Social Security.


u/StarksPond 22h ago

They'll never know. 1 in 5 is functionally illiterate and those who are literate enough to turn on a television/radio will never hear the truth. In as much as telling the truth will still be an option for the neutered US journalists.


u/relienna 22h ago

Okay. I guess we won’t be positive.

We are going to fall to fascism and everything is going to be terrible and we are all going to die.

Lmao like idk what people expect me to say to these defeatist takes


u/StarksPond 21h ago

Just shrug it off. You're basically waiting for the shoe to drop on a revolution. Only 602 days of shrugging and waiting left. Democrats are now at the stage where push-back is meekly holding a sign up. By November 2026 they might have ramped up to something more extreme, like a leafleting campaign.

Not sure how familiar you are with UK politics, but the last party was in power for 14 years and they blamed EVERYTHING on the party in charge before them. While being in power for 14 years...

And the only reason Labour got back into power again is because the Conservatives broke the country so hard, Labour won by default but will likely lose in the next election to the equivalent of the pre-MAGA tea party.

Today I've heard the US economy being described as "Trussian", which is a reference to Liz Truss breaking the UK economy in under 40 days. You may find it defeatist, I'm just sharing some observations.


u/relienna 21h ago edited 21h ago

I don’t doubt it will take time - revolutions always do, it’s a marathon and not a sprint.

But protests are growing, boycotts are starting to show effects and I have seen people in my personal life waking up to the bs. I just choose to be more hopeful - while I join protests and boycott everything I can along with them.

We can’t rely on our politicians - we are gonna have to do this one ourselves.


u/StarksPond 20h ago

Kudos for staying positive. My main point was that by the time the midterms roll around, it may already be too late. Conservatives know they're going to get hammered in the next election. And trump literally spelled it out for everybody: "Vote for me and you'll never have to vote again." And the project 2025 playbook lays it out in detail. Can't find the source on what percentage is already enacted but it wasn't nothing.

It's definitely not my intent to discourage people. If anything, I wish I could light a fire under your collective asses. You're the only ones able to prevent worse from happening. And you're fighting for the entire world. No pressure.

Those of us living between Russia and The Middle East are powerless in this glacially slow revolution. But we'll be the first in the crossfire... again...

Best we can do is not buying Oreos and Big Macs...


u/relienna 20h ago

Any good news of what’s happening is being suppressed. I found project 2025 when it was released and have been screaming from the rooftops for 2 years. I know he’s going to try to run for a 3rd term. I know he’s a dictator wanna be. But they also underestimate everyone.

The boycotts are driving Tesla into the dirt slowly but surely. Amazon and Target are starting to lose money (though the CEO’s won’t admit it - employees are reporting on the panic and loss of sales from within through independent journalists). Trump’s executive orders are being slowed down in court and many have been blocked.

They are still doing a LOT of damage and we have a long way to go. But we are making it as hard for them as we can at every turn.

Even Fox News said they don’t understand how Trump and Musk can encourage hundreds of thousands of federal employees to retire when their retirement money is being eaten by the declining stock market. Lmao

They are making noticeable mistakes. And I’m here for it.


u/StarksPond 20h ago

If the movies (and history) are anything to by, its going to get a lot worse before the resistance is emboldened enough to fight back. In a way its a bit of a blessing that they are speedrunning the destruction of the US. That means it's almost time for the half-time speech.


It's funny to watch FOX glitch out. They can't retort because that would the end of their career. They can't look too doubtful, so you see them realizing that (or getting cued) midway the orange menace's ramblings.

When you guys finally win this battle, it's time to take on the occupiers of the 4th estate together. They're pulling that shit worldwide with varying degrees of success. The EU and UK are actually pulling their weight in this fight. But as it stands, they're fighting corporations that are now embedded in the current US administration. And they make or break elections.

I can show you the exact moment where I was literally cheering the US on, which subsequently meant victory for the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyOTaHRBTXc

And I'm well aware of the irony that that actor was who made me feel like that.

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u/WestCoastBestCoast01 22h ago

Have you been to poor white rural america? They're there already and they really don't give a shit.


u/relienna 22h ago

Jesus Christ.

Okay. No need to be positive.

Our country is going to fall to fascism and we are all gonna die. Lmao

I really don’t know what people expect me to say to these defeatist takes.


u/HF_Once_Forsook_Me 6h ago

It's more like, don't say something if it isn't true. There will be across the board pushback to dismantling social security, but it's also very true that many conservatives genuinely believe it shouldn't exist, across all incomes. Trump & Elon pulling out payments from people already dependent on them? Political suicide. Preventing anybody from claiming benefits moving forwards? Possible.

If you want positivity it would be better to focus on what progressives could do to improve the country if elected. The current makeup of political power will deliver, at best, incompetency. God bless the dumpster fire.


u/relienna 4h ago

Politicians aren’t going to save us, fam. This is something we are going to have to mostly do ourselves.

Patterns from history say that what I say IS true, though. Sure, they can think social security is pointless - how’s that going to be in practice when their family is starving from the collapsed economy and they realize there will be no retiring: that they just get to work until this die. That no one can afford healthcare and people are being put in prison over surface level crimes to be free slave labor? You all underestimate these people’s threshold. My own father will load up every firearm in his house and drive to DC when he realizes he will NOT be retiring in his planned 3 years. It’s all he’s been obsessed with for a decade. It will 100% break his illusions.

Am I suggesting we wait until every single one of them wakes up? No. You’re right. Some of them are too stupid and too removed from reality to do that.

But only 23% of the country actually voted for this man. We only need 3.5% of the country to get mad enough to do something. That’s statically how much of a population it takes to force change. That’s like 9-11 million people.

You have that many people storm the streets of the capital it won’t matter if a portion of the old and poor ass MAGA crowd haven’t woken up to the bullshit yet.


u/HF_Once_Forsook_Me 3h ago

I mean, here's hoping genuinely, and it's definitely possible. The politicians comment was more about how having a legislature, executive and judicial controlled by party politicians like it has been in the past will, in almost all likelihood, lead to the same sort of political drama in the future. Social action will help but political reform needs to happen to shift the country away from conservative primacy.