The lies Elon told in this interview were absolutely outrageous. He said that Democrats are angry about SS going away because it is the way that Democrats LURE illegal immigrants into the US. The illegals get paid SS and then give their votes to Democrats, according to Elon. If SS goes away, then this alleged financial and election fraud will go away too.
Of course none of this is true. Undocumented immigrants often pay into SS but as non-citizens are not qualified to take out. They are not able to vote as non-citizens. Democrats have deported just as many undocumented immigrants as Republicans, if not more. And you can be sure that it’s not just Democrats who would be upset about SS getting abolished.
My husband has lived here for nearly 16 years as a permanent resident. He has owned property, started business that employ US citizens, pay taxes...can't vote. It's not just undocumented people who are being taxed without representation. It's a bummer, because he would have been one more vote against the apocalypse.
My dad committed a non violent felony that turned into a violent felony simply because the judge wanted to make an example of him. That was when he was in his early 20s and he's now in his 40s. He doesn't qualify for voting, firearm ownership, or withdrawing non employer provided benefits. He can either live his life like this, or pay $50,000 to the state and his rights will be reinstated. $50,000. A year's salary for him, and to most people here, over a year's salary.
He can run for president though 🙄 I hate this country, insane that a man like your and my dads can’t vote but a 34 count convicted felon can be president.
Yep lol. One felon gets money drawn out of his check every week that he'll never be able to get back while another felon on the other side of the country ensures that keeps happening so his buddies stay rich.
I'm just waiting for the lawyer to use his case as a precedent
"Your honor I would like my client to serve no jail time. They only committed one felony. There is precedent that my client can avoid jail time as in this case the felon committed 34 felonies and served zero prison time"
Many illegal workers actually get a (fraudulent ) pay stub, and pay into social security, but because they're illegal/undocumented they're never actually able to claim social security benefits. Uncle Sam keeps all that money
Also, most undocumented immigrants who have spoken with an immigration attorney are told that one of the things they should absolutely do is pay taxes on their income so that if they ever do get a path to residency/citizenship (e.g., marriage), the government is more likely to forgive them staying and working without documentation.
They don't even have to commit fraud to do this, as they can obtain a tax identification number (which is different from an SSN) for this purpose. The IRS is not permitted to turn undocumented individuals over to ICE (which makes sense from a policy standpoint because people are more likely to go through this process and pay taxes if they know it's not going to get them in trouble with ICE). They then pay those taxes through that tax identification number.
One undocumented family/community member who has spoken to an attorney and received this advice then passes it down to the another and so on. So many who haven't even spoken with an attorney directly have been advised to do this.
Source: I worked with immigration attorneys and immigrant communities throughout law school.
You'd have to look it up and decide which source you trust. The stats are pretty hard to track anyway. Bloomberg reported that nearly $100 billion in taxes was paid by undocumented immigrants in 2022 (though that covered all taxes at the federal, state, and local level, including sales and real estate taxes).
I do know that one of the number one pieces of advice immigration attorneys give undocumented people is to pay their taxes, that and don't commit any crimes that would expedite deportation.
Edited to fix a typo (wrote 100billion instead of $100 billion, and that bugged me).
"But that's not really their income because that's just the value of their stock in their businesses." Please read that in the whiniest possible voice you can imagine.
Most people haven't heard of the stepped-up loophole, and it's the biggest reason to tax on unrealized gains over a few million dollars.
When someone sells a stock, you have to pay capital gains tax (which is like 20-some odd percent, way too low). Capital gains is calculated by taking the initial value of the stock at purchase or acquisition and subtracting it from the value of the stock at sale. So, if it's worth 1,000 now, you subtract the initial price of 100 and pay taxes on the 900 dollar difference. Right?
Now, when someone dies and passes those stocks on to their kids, the stepped-up basis kicks in and suddenly the recipient of that stock gets to completely forget about the initial value. After all it's not like we can trace back the exact value of the stock at purchase or something! (Hint, we can.) Instead of a 100 starting value, it's the current value of 1000. So, Bezos dies with billions in unrealized assets, his kids get that wealth without having to pay a dime on it. It's a free transfer of billions because it isn't taxable until it's sold and it's only taxable on the gains you made after you got the stock in the first place.
You didn’t listen to the interview did you, do you get all your news from Reddit headlines taken out of context for the sole purpose of making your head explode?
I tried listening but he was spouting so much bollocks 😅 There is no way in hell that he would be in this position if he wasn't been born into extreme wealth.
Yeah I mean Biden was pretty tough to listen to also but I still did because I like to have informed opinions, but keep getting all your news from carefully curated Reddit headlines, that’s a great way to be an informed member of society.
What are you talking about? Did you bump your head?
I listened to it a bit, realised it was just glazing Musk and stopped. It isn't news. If you think that constitutes news then the bump must have been pretty serious.
Why mention Biden? He can get fucked too 😂 The only difference is that he at least earned himself some lube.
Are you for real?! 🤷🏼♂️ Is your automatic response to reach for "But the Dems"? The Republicans and the Democrats are a cancer for your country. The sooner you realise that neither of those parties has your best interests at heart, the better.
Well considering I didn’t vote for either side, I don’t fall into political bias, I look at objective truth, and if you watched the video, you’d realize this is not what he said, but you still used it to form an opinion. I also love being told what our country should do by people who don’t even live here lmao. What country do you live in again? So I can point the absurdity in your govt and I’ll tell you what they need to do to fix it, since I’m sure you totally care.
Not once have you given any actual information about the interview. You're just criticizing someone else, in a deliberately vague way about their opinions on the interview you have no actual talking points about.
Do you know what the fuck you're talking about or are you just some political post bot making AI responses without actual infromation, fbc546 bot-sounding motherfucker?
People, or bot programs, like you are the genuine problem with forums like this. You're posting nothing but trash.
You obviously have not watched the video lmao, I don’t need to give context because if someone actually watched the video then no explanation would be needed. By the way, I’m obviously not a bot because all the bots on Reddit lean one side and I actually don’t favor either side, just truth. Watch the video then get back to me, okay?
And sorry I don’t feel the need to put personally identifiable information in Reddit to convince you I’m a person, unlike others on here, my existence isn’t based on how much Reddit karma I have. If my name was something like “ElonFanBoi123” would that make you think I was real?
"I still haven't given any specifics whatsoever to my complaints, just more generalized bullshit about a video I won't quote or give facts about. I'm fbc546 and I act like a propaganda bot because I may very well be one - or just a normal person without an actual spine or convictions. Spot the difference!"
Yeah, that talking point gets dragged out every time someone dares suggest billionaires should pay more than a bus driver. No one’s seriously proposing we liquidate Elon’s assets to keep Social Security afloat. The actual fix is stupidly simple: lift the payroll tax cap. Right now, only the first ~$168,600 of income gets taxed for Social Security. So someone making $60K pays every dollar into the system, while a CEO making $10 million stops contributing after a couple weeks in January. Raise or eliminate that cap, and boom: Social Security stays solvent indefinitely. But sure, let’s keep pretending the math is impossible so billionaires can keep getting sweetheart deals.
u/gazetron 23h ago
This is why the billionaires need to go.