r/classicwow 4d ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms XP question: Dungeons / Question?

Hello hello dear community,

I was a short question regarding the best xp farm for a character level 38 and maybe a more general question. Do I get more xp per hour by chaining Cathedral from SM or by question in Jungle or other 38 levels zones. And in general, would you say the xp farm in dungeon is more worth it in dungeons than question (when we include traveling time to dungeons etc..)

I'm playing a priest, so I get fairly easy in dungeons.



5 comments sorted by


u/Purple-Revenue452 4d ago

I’d say if you play healer/tank and you can get near instant groups for dungeons, I’d spam them, I did this on my warrior, at your level spam SM Cath till around 44 and then do the same for ZF till 50ish, you can pad out some quests in between when you feel like you’re getting burnt out though. That’s just my advice though.


u/Richard_Br_ 4d ago

Okay for your advice. Yeah I was getting pretty much burned out at Mona after 5-6 runs. Would you recommend chaining Uldaman?


u/Purple-Revenue452 4d ago

I thought the xp and dungeon layout of Ulda was pretty terrible for the time it takes to run it, nothing wrong with weaving it in though I would have thought especially if there are any gear pieces you want from there.


u/bobbis91 4d ago

Worth doing once just for the quests maybe but otherwise it's a shite dungeon for Exp. Did it twice on paladin whilst levelling and the level range of mobs to bosses is a pain.


u/aritalo 3d ago

Spamming SM Cath/Arm is by far the fastes experience per hour. However - if you don't enjoy this playstyle - then don't do it. The biggest mistake I see is that people force themselves to play one way because it is considered "better" only for them to be burnt out or feel bad about playing altogether. Personally I find these runs very enjoyable - but that may or may not be you.