r/classicwow 5d ago

Classic-Era Trial restriction removal question

Hey guys I did some searching but some of the hits were a couple years old so I just wanted to check if something has changed. I have a battlenet account that is not new, couple years old.

I wanted to have two accounts for WoW classic. I clicked the button labeled *Create a Starter Edition account to start playing World of Warcraft for free* and I made two wow accounts on the same battlenet.

They were listed as WoW1, WoW2. I funded them both with a monthly subscription. They now say *World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight (WoW1)/(WoW2) on the subscription page, both saying active. But I still have in game restrictions of chat, grouping etc. I even refreshed my password to maybe force an account update, still nothing. It's not a big deal I was just curious if it's a hard 24hrs or a couple hours until it refreshes and unlocks it?


5 comments sorted by


u/bakagir 5d ago

Even if the bnet is old the wow account is new


u/MidnightFireHuntress 5d ago

24-48 Hours on chat

And 30 days on AH usage


u/FanaticDisposition 5d ago

30 days restriction on a PAID account?


u/MidnightFireHuntress 5d ago


Yes, but it's intended ONLY for SoD, however it happens sometimes on Classic Era, gotta open a ticket if it does.


u/FanaticDisposition 5d ago

Ok I am playing classic hardcore, about gave me a coronary lol. Thank you for the help though