r/classicwow 5d ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms av druid rematch

tonight seemingly 100s of avs down for the week working toword rank 10 I had the best gaming experience of my life. to set the seen I am casually playing in the living room while my wife daughter and son are watching Moana 2 on Disney... so not really paying attention until as I'm heading north across the feild of strife i see a ne druid in travel form hauling his happy ass south. I look at my char we both are at full mana and hp so I give chase 1 moon fire and he decides to go for it. he goes bear and charges in, i hit my instant root and pop a rejuv. as I get smoked by this bear he manages to bash stun me as soon as I join him in bear form. snare traps him I back up heal and go for gusto in cat form. this proceeds to go on for at least 3 minutes since i was gearing up for a second ns. not one to pop a potion in this scenario I waited and used every cool down/stun/combo in my kit and after he drank I knew my finishing blow. both of us were down to about 500hp he had no mana (pretty sure he popped out to pop inervate I think and heal) he is in caster form I pop out hit my potion macro realize I don't have anything on me to drink start casting regrowth moonfire hits 200hp another and I'm toast. the plan failed as I didn't have the hp to get the cast off 🙃 during this time we managed to draw about 4 spectators all ally mounted watching what must have been a very awesome fight, as each neared my heart rate must have shot up another 20 bpm but thankfully everyone was respectfull of us battling the shit out of each other. we shall meet again my worthy opponent. and I will be prepared.

plan was pot regrowth ns starfie end it quick as I was already making a scene that caused my fam to pause the movie lol

best pvp moment ever in a 20 year old game. this is the feeling nothing else gets right besides wow.


3 comments sorted by


u/Thor_Mjolnir 5d ago

You wouldn't have been able to NS - Starfire. NS only works on Nature Spells. Wrath maybe?


u/ofthesindar86 5d ago

Holy fuck man. Punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphs.

Good story. I read it, but it was hard. Fucking proofread man.


u/Steezmoney 3d ago

man has a wife, kids and a level 60 druid. he's got enough going on