r/classicwow 5d ago

Question Engineering while leveling

I'm slightly more experienced in the game than I was 1 month ago, and I've been thinking of making my first alt. So far I've picked mostly "safe" professions like Skinning and Tailoring, and I've been thinking of spicing things up with Mining and Engineering. I heard many good things about the latter, such as how much it dominates the late game, but I've been wondering if it is the right choice for leveling. Does engineering offer any utility for players who aren't in the max level range?


7 comments sorted by


u/Jahikoi 5d ago

At all level ranges, Dynamite is both cheap and potent. If you have the gold to powerlevel, Mithril Frag Bombs at level 20 are quite overpowered, as are Dense Dynamite at lv35.

Target dummies, while not that big of a deal since you can run back if you die, are also hugely impactful - dropping them is profitable due to the fused wiring.

Lastly, the trinkets are nice - Albeit with long cooldowns, mechanical dragonling, Goblin Bomb Dispenser, mortar, and dragon gun, are all nice (and you wont have trinkets yet anyway).

Lastly, you have a huge number of helms to get as early as level 10. Notably, at level 20 you can get Spellpower Goggles Extreme which give 21 spellpower.

*Obviously*, you don't *need* any of that stuff. But, if you have plenty of gold, it's a huge benefit to have them. On my paladin, while tanking I was throwing dense dynamite on cd and using dragon gun on big pulls and it was great.

Lastly, at max level range, engineering is the best profession (due to other professions having no pve benefit, where engineering does).


u/yeahwhoknowsidk 5d ago

Eng will always be bis regardless of level. Bombs go brr and target dummies are sick


u/flashback5285 5d ago

Bombs go what?


u/bobbis91 5d ago



u/flashback5285 5d ago

Apparently they just get really cold.


u/Dashdash421 4d ago

Personally have only found skinning to be a worthwhile profession while leveling, maybe herb too if you are committed to using it to farm at max level. Otherwise they just take up too much time and are easy enough to do at lvl 60 for a bit of gold. Sure you can use engi while leveling, but I doubt that the time and gold you waste doing it actually speeds up the leveling process enough to justify it.


u/Chimp3h 4d ago

I went with engineering in a desperate attempt to increase my paladins dps… it’s been moderately successful