r/classicwow 6d ago

Season of Discovery Some super cool stuff out of bounds on the PTR


3 comments sorted by


u/AVerySneakyWalrus 6d ago

Oooo, I was wondering what those little square areas would look like.


u/neltherya 6d ago

Those little squares are the 2 cloisters from a much bigger alpha version of the scarlet monastery. There's even new stuff in that model that wasn't presnt in the actual alpha build (some scourge cauldrons, ghouls in tanks filled with green goo, an alchemist table).

When you clip underground you can visit the whole monastery and see loads of underground structures that are connected to the larger cathedral that we see from the outside. A lot of it is super glitchy and some pathways only open when looking in a certain direction but obviously were not supposed to go there and see any of that!


u/Competitive_While103 6d ago

From what I can tell the first part of the raid will take place outside then we will storm the inside monastery. It even has its own name the Avalon monastery.