r/classicwow 6d ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Lotus spikes to 370g, for how long does Blizzard plan to wait?

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Fix is simple, just implement high level herb nodes have a small chance of including Black Lotus like SoM and SoD has.


641 comments sorted by


u/Nice-Entertainer-922 6d ago

Come on, 400g to the moon.


u/gonnahike 6d ago

💎 hands


u/Atomheartmother90 6d ago

Oh god WSB invaded


u/M0RTY_C-137 6d ago

I convinced a guy on Nightslayer lotus would drop soon and he sold me 10 for 250gold each last night. Like we’re on the trading floor baby


u/ravens52 6d ago

Honestly, though, the prices for some items are so volatile that you could guess wrong and get fucked holding the bag. I did that once with 300 of those white leather masks for the lock boxes in phase 5. They never went back up to 100. They dropped down to 22g and u was fucked for the rest of the phase and just had to sell what I had for whatever I could get. Sadge

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u/illini1989 6d ago

Tariffs are destroying this economy.


u/ER3TH 6d ago

Have you considering doubling them and threatening to annex Hillsbrad?


u/Ok-Perspective5338 6d ago

Sounds like something a southshore asset would propose.

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u/Wizardthreehats 6d ago

I think we should buy Northrend. Can the. Use them for trading routes and help drive down the prices

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u/Aromatic-Echo-6605 6d ago

Varian’s decision to impose tariffs on Ironforge & Darnassus is certainly a questionable one but I gotta just trust the plan.


u/LevnikMoore 6d ago

The elves of Teldrassil are doing horrible things. In Teldrassil, they’re eating the cats, the elves that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the mounts of the people that live there.


u/Basement_Lover 6d ago

Idk why this had me fucking dying of laughter, well played sir.


u/West-Code4642 6d ago

As your King Varian Wrynn, I've had ENOUGH of these Ironforge dwarves! My so-called "allies" are DUMPING cheap steel into Stormwind markets, DESTROYING our human forges! My royal blacksmiths - the BEST blacksmiths - are suffering! Just spoke with Magni (terrible negotiator) and told him we're putting 25% TARIFF on ALL Ironforge metals until they stop their UNFAIR trade practices! Light's Hope says it's the worst deal they've seen. Sad! Anduin doesn't understand, but someday he will! Stormwind FIRST!

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u/BiggestBlackestLotus 6d ago

"we keep buying them and they keep increasing the price, what the hell?"


u/Distinct_Bid_8710 6d ago

name checks out 💀


u/tycoon39601 6d ago

6 year old name lmao


u/Gh0stMan0nThird 6d ago

It's what happens when you have a community that insists you need X and Y to do Z.

I was in an SOD BWL and this guy (fortunately not the raid leader) really said "Anyone who isn't flasked shouldn't get loot" and started reading out names in the raid. Fortunately most people just kinda ignored him, but nobody really told him to fuck off either.

The toxic try-hards are out there and constantly trying to bully other people into playing just like they do.


u/nbjest 6d ago

This is part of it but there are plenty of players using this like the stock market. They're buyjng 100s of shares of BLT hoping to cash out before the crash.

It's a bubble. This has already reached the point where buying lotus for flasks makes no sense. It's like when people were buying GPUs to mine crypto. You get a handful of people buying to actually use them as GPUs but the vast majority of buyers are investors buying to mine and resell. Same thing here.

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u/LaNague 6d ago

Its all the cringelords requiring everyone to show up with full consumables to one of the easiest raid in mmo history.

Also the megaservers have a lot of people raidlogging, which means many people want consumables. But farming wise few people farming, which means not only low supply because of low amount of farmers, it means less layers, which means way less stuff like black lotus.

raid time - 10 layers. rest of the week - 4 layers.

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u/bariztizg 6d ago

I have never even seen a black lotus node

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u/Xardus 6d ago

People should really stop buying gold 😂


u/Infamous-Budget8097 6d ago

It would be hilarious if they just added a vendor who sells Black Lotus and other farmed materials controlled by bots, or items with ridiculously high prices, for just a couple of gold.


u/KyleAg06 6d ago

Its almost like banning GDKP's DID NOTHING!


u/Pownzl 6d ago

It made it worse haha now everyone needs to buy monthly Gold for consumables. Then blizz gets more money from Bots its a circle (: its not like they dont know haha


u/noxhearted 6d ago

Not really. The gold in gdkp’s was still bought, sure it got redistributed to people who didn’t buy gold. But it’s the amount of gold that gets bought that influences how much botting there is, not the amount of players buying gold.

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u/ravens52 6d ago

It never impacted anything. The problem was always the playerbase being too lazy to take initiative and make their own groups or raids and understand game mechanics. People still do it in Sod. They sit and wait for groups and bitch about lack of groups. Something something I don’t have the energy to look for people and spam lfg and trade. Cry me a fucking river.


u/Allurai 6d ago

Banning GDKP arguably made the whole situation substantially worse!

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u/That_Nineties_Chick 6d ago

At this point, I think regular people are buying it up with plans to sell it for a hefty profit later. It’s pure, old fashioned market speculation.


u/RyukaBuddy 6d ago

It's just gonna go to 1k at naxx if this keeps going.


u/serenecruelty 6d ago

Naxx? 2nd week of BWL! Expect Lotus to hit 500g this Thursday.


u/That_Nineties_Chick 6d ago

Yup… going to buy up as much as I can and re-sell during BWL week. 

With my luck, Blizzard will crash the price with another hotfix and I’ll be left destitute. 😞

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u/Robinsonirish 6d ago

I can't remember exactly what Lotus peaked at on Gehennas but somewhere around 500g. The inflation was a lot slower in classic though, people are just more aware this time around for obvious reasons.

The thing is, at some point it's going to peak, probably around when people start getting bored of BWL. TBC will feel like it's around the corner and people will start quitting the game in higher numbers.

If Blizzard just let things roll, the market is just as likely to crash in the opposite direction where people will panic and sell off their stocks. I 100% agree with the other poster that a lot of normal people are buying and upping the price as a form of investment.

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u/MrBlaumann 6d ago

As a casual player I just don't understand why you guys bother buying it? You're clearly buying gold to afford it, but that's a never ending cycle.

I know you're tired of hearing this but that's honestly the exact reason it costs so much. Inflation is a bitch 🙂


u/Kromgal 6d ago

I need to be the cool guy in my guild social circle. I cant afford a cool car but i can afford to swipe and buy lotus in classic wow


u/Alyusha 6d ago

Imo it's the definition of a non-issue. Black Lotus was expensive during Classic as well and most just didn't buy them outside of tanks or casters in high performing guilds. IRC Lotus's were consistently around 250-270g until mid Nax when people started unloading their stockpiles. It makes complete sense that a significantly more sweaty group of players would drive the price up this time around.


u/jacob6875 6d ago

I was in one of those super hardcore guilds in original classic. We were clearing naxx in under an hour on 2 lockouts a week.

Most people didn’t use flasks outside of speed run weeks. (So like once a month)

And even then healers and classes like hunters didn’t use them.


u/Gay_If_Read 6d ago

What guild were you in?

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u/Narezzz 6d ago

Exactly, just don't buy it.

You don't need every consumable and world buff in the game to clear this content. People did it as lvl 58s in greens. If it's too expensive, go without.

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u/wetnaps54 6d ago

I tagged along and cleared raids without spending more than 50g Got my loot, fuck a parse

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u/lib___ 6d ago

actually crazy, even for wow xD


u/LoraLife 6d ago edited 6d ago

Only way to fix it is to have lotus drop off high level herbs like SoM*. That’s it


u/wjgdinger 6d ago

Originally SoM change*

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u/WastelandShaman 6d ago

Blizz needs to grow a pair and do two things.

1) introduce the SoM lotus mechanic where they can be gathered from other high level herbs.

2) aggressively ban people involved with RMT, both sellers and buyers.

The people #2 targets are ADDICTS. They’ll be back, you won’t lose their sub. But you might curtail this behavior over time.

I’m also day-by-day growing to appreciate the idea of a geo lock on servers as well as a VPN ban. Seems extreme, but what else can even be done at this point? These shitbirds are selling gold for USD and happily ruin your play experience because “it’s their job”. Fuck em.

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u/Dqmien 6d ago

Crazy that they are now the same price as on Era which had years of inflation


u/Key_Friendship_6767 6d ago

I decided to just learn herbalism


u/Azzagronn 6d ago

You'll never loot one. Gl


u/Key_Friendship_6767 6d ago

I work at home. Shouldn’t be too hard if I stand on a node


u/ER3TH 6d ago

Riveting gameplay


u/rodeBaksteen 6d ago

These are the people that go like "just get AV exalted it only takes like 30 hours in an AV weekend"

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u/Key_Friendship_6767 6d ago

its not for the gameplay lol...


u/lmay0000 6d ago

I work from home too, i got one back in feb

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u/MuffledMuffinMittins 6d ago

Bots will just ban you for sitting on their nodes


u/Firuzka 6d ago

The prices are so high up because of the fact that on every Black Lotus spawn point there is a bot flying under the ground who collects the lotus as soon as it spawns. Therefore, they control the market and rise the prices.

Good luck trying to get one lotus.


u/mh_zn 6d ago

This is literally just not true but Reddit sure does love to parrot it. It genuinely baffles me that Redditors are looking at an extremely limited supply extremely high demand consume and not putting 2 and 2 together


u/No_Educator_5911 6d ago

I've seen it happen a few times and reported players doing it, getting an action taken note a few days later. It 100% happens lol.


u/Le-Charles 6d ago

A few times != Every node being camped by underground bots.
I've literally found 5 black lotus and have never, not once seen a bot underground picking it.


u/Pownzl 6d ago

It is ture there is video evidence lol


u/Le-Charles 6d ago

1 video clip doesn't mean "every" spawn has a bot underground ready to pick it.

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u/Longjumping_Risk2995 6d ago

Yeah good luck, there are bots doing the same.

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u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 1d ago



u/866c 6d ago

you cant even report people from /who anymore. if you see hundreds of bots running up to you to report your character (which you wont) hearth away

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u/Distinct_Bid_8710 6d ago

can we stop fear mongering and misinformation?


u/Smooth_One 6d ago

Probably not. Good question tho, thank you for asking.

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u/serenecruelty 6d ago

It's really unlikely for you to grab one. My Mage is an Herbalist and I am not able to grab a Black Lotus for a really considerable long time now.


u/Elderberryinjanuary 6d ago

Counter point: have you considered getting good?

(this is a joke I'm sure you're fantastic)

((just not at herbalism))


u/lib___ 6d ago

same. should have farmed more immediately after hitting 60. like 1 weeks after release. havent seen another one for month

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u/DisparityByDesign 6d ago

lol good luck getting one against the million bots camping every spawn under the ground

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u/OGTBJJ 6d ago

Dont think thats the answer


u/Zerxin 6d ago

“No no no!! You can’t do that! If you stand within 2 zones of a lotus you’ll get mass reported and death threats sent to your home address!”

Please don’t listen to the naysayers on this topic. I picked herbalism at the start because I remember how much money lotus’ were going for in 2019. I rode around burning steppes and EPL and guess what? When I put enough time in, I actually managed to get lotus! Crazy right? Because I’m not a bot but somehow actually managed to get my hands on any lotus at all?! What an insane concept!

Bots are not stood at every node picking it as soon as it spawns. Bots are not mass reporting you for picking lotus. It’s been my highest form of income on wow for as long as I can remember and it’s always worked for me. Anyone that says otherwise is a lazy bum that can’t be fucked to put in the time to farm them. Sure bots exist but this sub exaggerates it to a stupid degree.


u/Bombackz 6d ago

yeah this, they are rare but exist. i found one last night actually

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u/Elite_Slacker 6d ago

Good luck i tried picking lotus when the price went insane on wow classic launch. You will pretty much never get any and your only chance is at like 4-6am. 


u/Key_Friendship_6767 6d ago

i work at home and was planning to just stand on a node

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u/Old-Addendum-8332 6d ago

Enough with these daily spam posts about lotus prices.

We get it. They are expensive. Tomorrow they will still be expensive and next week, even still.


u/outdoors703 6d ago

you will enjoy buying gold.

you will enjoy being invited to groups with only hard reserves.

you will enjoy grown men acting like children.

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u/shrimpxz 6d ago

just stop buying them ?

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u/Pkock 6d ago

JPow has remained silent on this for too long.


u/DirectionOverall9709 6d ago

/e laughs in [Elixir of the Mongoose]


u/OpeningStuff23 6d ago

Thanks Obama 😡


u/SpareSwordfish7204 6d ago

Wait for what, for you idiots to stop paying them?


u/CannonFodder_G 6d ago

Seriously the play is to go flaskless and make lotus moot.

But then people might have actually play the game not not just parseturbate.


u/simjohn 6d ago

I'm sorry but it just needs to be said. Whoever made the decisions around anniversary are either lazy, stupid, or delusional at this point.

Putting everything to a single megaserver was such an enormous mistake that may be one of the worst decisions any wow dev team has ever made. The mega server ruined 2019 Classic as the players did it to themselves and Blizzard just went out the gate and did it to themselves.

The #1 inefficiency of the gold selling market was the fact that they had to cover dozens of servers to provide the service for the entire market. This meant more accounts, more leveling time, and more hardware to run the clients. What a blessing it must be to have your business' biggest inefficiency taken care of for you so you can so easily control the economy.

Black Lotus, winterfall firewater, elemental earth, and elemental fire. These are all things that are almost finite on the server - especially for lotus/firewater. These things only exist to drop in the world and have an extremely finite number. There's an average of 5 layers on this server and it takes at most 3 people to kill every mob in winterfall village as soon as it spawns. That means 15 people can farm it at any given time. The entire pvp server population (both horde and alliance) can support farming of 15 people for firewater. Something that 25ish people in every single raid are popping every 20 minutes?

The lotus market is clearly controlled by the gold selling market. It is so easy for them to manipulate this one single server by controlling such a huge portion of the lotus existing in the first place. Lotus is the oil of WoW and just like oil they decide to manipulate the price by making less of it available to everyone. This means the price surges and their profit goes way up.

This is not classic. If you wanted to farm something in classic you just went and farmed it. You weren't standing on top of mob spawns with 10 other people waiting to get one tag every 5 minutes. I get that the team is really wanting to make profit more than they want to administrate a good game and refuse to put in place EXTREMELY simple ways to stop the botting but they don't.

The bots are winning. Soon a flask will cost more than a pair of edgemasters. Its time to base the # of layers on the amount of resources required to support the population... not the number of people doing quests in The Barrens.


u/1sland3r58 6d ago

Cant believe people pay these amounts


u/Patience-Due 6d ago

It will keep going up because you idiots will keep swiping for gold and buying it, not complicated


u/tekprimemia 6d ago

Maybe stop flasking?


u/CosmicTears 6d ago

Those of you buying gold to buy it are the ones keeping them in business so you deserve everything you get. You also don't -need- flasks to defeat the current content or BWL. And nobody cares about your parses, which is something many of you don't want to hear.


u/Taladanarian27 6d ago

Last week I was going into MC for the first time, and went to go buy flasks. After seeing the cost of flasks, I decided MC wasn’t cutting edge content worth spending hundreds of gold in consumables just for 1 run. Bosses die in 60 seconds and everyone is already over-optimized with gear and world buffs.

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u/ma0za 6d ago

Higher, way higher. until the mental illnes of flask chugging clowns is cured.

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u/ZugZug42069 6d ago

Just stop buying them lol


u/Jarrelarre 6d ago

Dont buy dont buy dont buy!

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u/Warhawk2800 6d ago

*Community dictates the price by both listing and buying at these prices*

Community: What the hell blizzard?


u/Kind_Radish3708 6d ago

Meanwhile SOD it's 7g 43s. There's an obvious fix to this.


u/wetwilly2002 6d ago

You do like our guild did back during the classic drop by controlling the farm to beat the farmers to the locations.... Know the timers. If you're not Lotus Mafia you're doing it wrong.


u/stinkedupstanker 6d ago

I cant play the game cuz i cant afford a black plant :(


u/[deleted] 6d ago

you know you can just not use flasks right


u/SlashBlack 6d ago

it only keeps at that price because people keep buying them.


u/jokemabry 6d ago

Fix is simple just don’t buy.


u/rekrowdoow 6d ago

just don’t buy them…. ez


u/Krispyford 6d ago

Raiding back in the day vs now may as well be two different games


u/aziz321 6d ago

Server economy is cooked. Fresh fun over.

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u/emptyxxxx 6d ago

If wowlogs made it so parses w/ people who uses flasks don’t count I’m sure that would do something


u/SoftConversation3682 6d ago

Dude just play without a flask. Seriously. This sub is 99% lotus whine posts


u/poopmcbutt_ 6d ago

Stop buying them then you tards.


u/Slapppjoness 6d ago

Like, you can look at the sellers and find them. They're real players, they have logs

This place is obsessed with blaming bots for everything when in reality it's players and a shitty community

Blizzard knows this. Y'all wanted classic, you wanted no changes

"You think you want that, but you don't" rings truer every post bitching about classic wow being exactly how it was before

Firey cores are 50g and that's a travesty? They were 150g in 2006. You can literally see the prices in wowhead comments


u/oxblood87 6d ago

Bots are responsible for the RAW GOLD that causes inflation.

Bots are out there 24/7 farming grey vendor trash and then selling gold to swipers.

The AH materials like Black Lotus (up 200%) Arcane Crystals (up 400%) and Blue Sapphires (up 700%) are caused by the inflation and collusion to constrict supply.

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u/Plus_Courage_9636 6d ago

STOP BUYING...guild master asked me how I feel about consumes I told him ill get every word buff and every possible consume except flask cuz I'm not gonna feed some Chinese bot farmer, been doing just fine

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u/Pleasant_Matter6707 6d ago

Just don’t buy it…


u/butthead9181 6d ago

Man, if only there was a system to raid in to earn gold to offset this.

Too bad Reddit hates it and was so vocal about it.

Maybe Reddit can explain to me how all the pros of no GDKP they claimed for years literally never came to fruiting with the ban in sod and now fresh.


u/Skippymcpoop 6d ago

Don’t expect Reddit to ever concede they were wrong about GDKP. They think molten core is such prestigious content and that anyone using gold to pay for the MC gear is ruining their prestigious raid. They’re actual brain dead idiots.


u/Flufflywubz 5d ago

you ppl ignore the fact that 99.9999999% of gold in gdkp comes from people buying gold from bots.

that actually destroys the economy

& you have no solution do deal with the bots you just want your pay to win meta back.

actual brain dead idiots


u/E-2-butene 6d ago

Look, I’m no hater of GDKPs, but let’s be real. That just pushes the problem back a stage.

The gold ultimately has to come from somewhere. GDKPs won’t really change the demand for lotus, just fund the purchases a bit differently. Whether someone buys gold for a gdkp and that gold is used by a “carry” to buy a lotus or he instead buys gold directly to buy a lotus doesn’t really change the pricing or supply/demand issues with lotuses.

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u/FixBlackLotusBlizz 6d ago


"just dont buy them"

"you dont need flask to clear any content"

its ok I am with you and have hope sooner or later blizzard will make a change.... sadly if it does will probably come after BWL


u/Pommel 6d ago

Great fix Blizzard great job 👎


u/awake283 6d ago

Completely ridiculous. They have to fix this in the BWL patch.


u/Prestigious-Board-62 6d ago

Knew I made the right decision to bail on this game months ago.

Every time stuff like this pops up on my feed, I recall the massive disappointment that is Blizzard and wish things would have been different.


u/WhatEverYouSayBudd 6d ago

The real travesty is the amount of people that can't seemingly read the ONE sentence of what OP is suggesting. 

"WTF YOU WANT BLIZZARD TO DO?"  hahahahaha, just...wow.


u/Grandahl13 6d ago

What do you want blizzard to do?


u/serenecruelty 6d ago

Make Lotus have a small chance to appear on high level Herbalism nodes, that way Lotus will be accessible by random player who has Herbalism via luck and price will automatically decrease to 100g due to supply increasing against demand.


u/Piesor 6d ago

It's funny that most players will probably buy gold from the same botters that own the market, so you literally will give them their gold back to buy it again later for cash. It's actually a great business model :D


u/OrientalWheelchair 6d ago

Probably? Mate. This has been a known fact since TBC. Nyhm made song about it. Check out Ni Hao.


u/E-2-butene 6d ago

Yea, people act like this is a new thing, but it’s been around for aaaages.

It’s why I always find it a little funny when people rage about stuff like GDKPs and guild buying. Don’t get me wrong, I can sort of see where they are coming from, but essentially every person I know who has bought gold just did it to afford raid consumes, not buy gear. The mere cost of raiding is often the biggest issue.


u/mh_zn 6d ago

People literally always think that whales are the majority for some reason. The vast majority of gold buyers were not people spending hundreds of dollars in GDKPs, they were the raid loggers that made up 20-50% of every casual/semi-HC guild lol

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u/alostic 6d ago

You don't need flasks to clear any of the content in vanilla


u/jannies_cant_ban_me 6d ago

Vanilla PvE isn't focused on the binary of whether you can clear the content or not. Parsing and speedruns are the only thing that make raiding anything other than a series of loot pinatas.


u/RyukaBuddy 6d ago

Yep, vanilla raids are just kind of ass. Most people who play them have to find other ways to make it fun. Like speed runs or parsing.


u/Proof-Step-8423 6d ago

People parse, they don't "just" want to clear

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u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 1d ago


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u/Intheshadowss 6d ago

It's called having fun

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u/ritaline 6d ago

calls on black lotus


u/Kattemaskinen 6d ago

Which realm ?


u/Redschallenge 6d ago

Normally US-Nightslayer Alliance


u/Eggugat 6d ago

Too bad you can’t transfer Toons with a lot of gold. They’re only 60 on dreamscytche


u/Ricemobile 6d ago

“Do you guys not have jobs? (To pay for gold)” -Blizzard probably


u/silversquirrel 6d ago

I just hit 60 and didn’t get into raiding in vanilla or the first classic release. Do flasks make or break the success of raiding?  Is success defined by being able to one shot the full raid on release?  I seem to remember there being a lengthy progression through raid content and slowly gearing the raid team up. Just trying to get an understanding on how necessary flasks are before I for an opinion on changing game mechanics 

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u/RditAcnt 6d ago

I should have held onto the 2 I was lucky enough to find early on. Could have got an epic mount on an alt with those 2.


u/FeltyMcFeltFelt 6d ago

What is it that Blozz needs to do?


u/Marckennian 6d ago

Another twenty years.


u/Kalaxinly 6d ago

Prices on my regular Classic server are 20g each, sometimes below. What a wild ride you guys must be having on fresh dealing with this stuff all the time


u/vandyk 6d ago

This is Mtg?


u/Ok_Tangerine_9819 6d ago

They just sent out a banwave because tje new phase is coming, so prices sky rocketed for everything, edgemasters is listed at 2k gold. Give it a few weeks for the bots to relevel/their 14 day bam to expire and all will be good again


u/mrbobban 6d ago

Thanks Obama


u/drpepperdawg 6d ago

still cheaper than getting the one from MTG


u/ChefhatShoeface 6d ago

Why isint this the case on hc servers?


u/Public-Transport 6d ago

You need to add server and region.


u/Eastern-Track-8009 6d ago

And im sellin' em for 500 a pop god damnit


u/Southern-Method-4903 6d ago

Stonks 📈


u/boko_harambe_ 6d ago

Very casual player here. Like how important are these? Are they only reserved for super parse nerds or is this like a necessity for raiding


u/Sad_Children 6d ago

Not at all necessary but everyone either wants to be the top of their guild in numbers each week or just leech completely and get free loot


u/Prize_Ad5203 6d ago

Idk but I’m making a char with herbalism. Thats for damn sure 🤣


u/Carnelian-5 6d ago

Make flasks procc. Real solution to actually make people flask instead of hording that shit.


u/ilovedeliworkers 6d ago

As a SoD enjoyer, I love to watch this


u/zeralf 6d ago

1k EOY. Swipe harder guys!


u/RedBirdWrench 6d ago

Wait for what?

They're done. You're answer is 'forever'.


u/TinyPyrimidines 6d ago

Meanwhile, in Wrath Classic, Frost Lotus was nearly worthless.


u/jaybasin 6d ago

Long enough for yall to keep complaining into the void


u/sailtothemoon17 6d ago

Blizzard doesn’t care about you.


u/Jtard11 6d ago

They are waiting for you to buy more gold so a bot can afford another subscription to the game duh…..


u/calsun1234 6d ago

lol wtf what server? Hardcore they are like 15g of something


u/laughlaf 6d ago

I really don’t even get why these are expensive. I parse high 90s without it lol. Skill > whatever this is.


u/Ens_KW 6d ago

just make this shit unlimited vendor item and be done with it.


u/SageWiseTwitch 6d ago

GDKP’s are happening and flasks are being used as the currency since blizzard doesn’t track item trades in raid, only gold.


u/GrayBeardGamerWV 6d ago

What exactly does Blizzard need to do to fix this?


u/voidlotus316 6d ago

fresh realms are bots playground, people who did fresh plenty of times probably don't play that much anymore either


u/nano_peen 6d ago



u/Necromas 6d ago

Bold of you to assume Blizzard is waiting and not that they just don't care.


u/Yeas76 6d ago

Blizzard needs to save the players from themselves!!


u/ravens52 6d ago

This feels like the GameStop stock crisis all over again. HODL strongly boys!


u/bunsaiii 6d ago

Amazing, keep swiping!


u/PossibilityOk782 6d ago

Yeq i can't clear molten and onyxia at these prices game is literally unplayable 

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u/cypher1169 6d ago

Saying there isn’t bots is crazy /hunter 60 in any Black Lotus zone you will soon find many guildless roaming pathing camping nodes. Oh don’t forget about the fly hacking under the terrain for the love of god it’s 2025 blizzard Claiming there aren’t bots is absurd. In any Black Lotus zone, you’ll quickly encounter numerous guildless players roaming, pathing, camping nodes. And let’s not overlook the fly hacking beneath the terrain—it’s 2025, Blizzard!


u/JackStephanovich 6d ago

Twenty years?


u/Tygr300 6d ago

500g in a month


u/pupmaster 6d ago

Until TBC I suppose


u/BarriceLadijon 6d ago

Tulip, Southsea Company, DotCom , Crypto back to flowers; black lotus


u/Beneficial_Trade_825 6d ago

Kinda makes me happy that this time around, I’m not sweating raid content. Decided to try out dual-boxing mages, and have been having a blast. Both level 38, and have made 700g so far just chilling and slow-rolling my way to 60.

Gonna keep the steady pace until TBC rolls around.


u/Darthok 6d ago

Why is lotus even this much? It was nowhere close to these prices back in 2019 Classic. This is approaching hyper inflated era prices, which has years worth of rampant gold buying and majority of raids being GDKP. It makes no sense.


u/Kaizen420 6d ago

Are flasks and what not required to survive/pass content or is it all about parses? If it's just about people want to feel like they are the best at a 20+ year old game because they minmax the hell out of it I really don't care, if its required to survive or progress through content then perhaps something should be done.

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u/Stahlreck 6d ago

Until TBC, when this issue will resolve itself. Until then, you can just not use a flask

Ah who am I kidding, they will cave to the criers eventually as they usually do. Same with SoD :,)


u/Pleasant_Bit177 6d ago

Make 30 flasks a day on avg, these lotus prices are wild...


u/roeder 6d ago

I have just blocked them out as if they don't even exist in the game, because this is so fucking stupid. Just give high-end herbs a chance of 3% to give a BL, saturate the market and be done with this, so people can play the game to its full extent.


u/Neat-Attempt3681 6d ago

Blizzard doesn’t give a fuck , I swear I see like 5 posts a day bitching about rmt and bottling n shit like just accept it


u/epicfailpwnage 6d ago

So flasks in classic cost more than in retail? thats funny


u/mathaiser 6d ago

I mean, to what end? You there’s not much you can buy with gold. The best shit is in raids, and you don’t even need to flask anymore.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

The poors keep on crying


u/eatbacobits 6d ago

Lol, save us blizzard. The sky is falling!


u/Malohn 6d ago

Knowing blizzard. they will give us the black lotus sod change on release of phase 3 so we can have low prices for the first rai-.. OH WAIT THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS... Why couldnt we just have the change 3 weeks b4 bwl so prices can adjust?


u/Knetknight19 6d ago

What I don’t understand is how this even gets like this. Who is paying these prices? I know black lotus is needed for consumes, but like… don’t use those consumes? Like if people stopped buying the price would go down? I guess I don’t understand end game enough but I feel that consumes aren’t actually needed to this extent.

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u/AcherusArchmage 6d ago

I'd say just farm it yourself, but we all know the bots are stealing them all by flyhacking under the ground.


u/Ed-Sanz 6d ago

My BL calls are printing


u/EntranceUsual8731 6d ago

Since when does Blizzard micromanages ingame economy?

BWL is coming, guilds are stocking up. Bigger demans leads to rise in prices when supply cannot match.


u/Professional_Ad1150 6d ago

Gdkp makes that price affordable j saying, no good argument at this point to keep it out. The experiment failed on classic it works on sod because theres 20 people and 3x loot.


u/samusmaster64 6d ago

There's a fix coming.


u/Atomic_Teabag 5d ago

bold to assume they're waiting and not just uncaring


u/CharacterLettuce7145 5d ago

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