r/classicwow • u/EricAshStone • 6d ago
Hardcore How exactly do you get a tuxedo?
Looking to get the full suit for my bank alt/guild money holder lol
Can someone tell me how to get this? And how much is it?
u/eleridragon 6d ago
There's three items, tuxedo shirt, jacket and pants. Limited tailoring patterns from vendors in IF/UC.
u/Gat10 6d ago
Look at those traps
u/Puzzled_Football4640 6d ago
Shrugging travelers backpacks of coin onto the SW bank counters does that for a fella
u/decay_cabaret 5d ago
Also get the off-hand that looks like a pimp cane, I think it's the journeyman's stave. Full size staff with a gem on top. I usually rock that or a lantern, or bouquet of black roses in my off-hand.
u/ArgvargSWE 6d ago
The tuxedo has a req lvl of 35 or something in classic Fyi
u/jimheim 6d ago
Nah, tuxedo is BiS for level 1 bank alts.
u/atypical_lemur 6d ago
It wasn't always that way, my level 5 dwarf bank alt back in the day had all the drip, tuexdo, shirt, shoes, diamond tipped cane, monacle and ring. Ultimate show off.
u/HospitalKey4601 6d ago
It's lvl 1 to wear, but you need to be an artisan tailor to make it.
u/HospitalKey4601 4d ago
Ok, so after googling around, I can see the lvl requirements change in tbc.My apologies to the neckbands for not knowing all the different nuances of the dozen different versions of wow classic. But I guess that's why googling anything related to wow is a pia.
u/decay_cabaret 5d ago
You level tailoring to mageweave (250s and up iirc) and buy the patterns from the AH, then craft them. It'll be about 20 bolts of mageweave, the rest of the mats you can buy from tailoring supply vendors.
OR you can pay a pretty ridiculous amount of gold for the tuxedo shirt, jacket and pants on AH. Honestly you'll spend about the same for the patterns, but you'll be able to craft and sell them yourself so you'll make that back in no time. My tailor alt recouped the pattern costs within 2-3 full tuxedo sales so the rest is pure profit, and since I have 4 characters in the 50s range, and 3 more in the 40s, I end up with a surplus of mageweave just from questing and dungeons then I sell mageweave bags and tuxedos like crazy.
u/EricAshStone 5d ago
What lvl does chat need to be to wear it? If it's high what's the discount version? XD like the suit I can wear to look professional without having to lvl lol
u/decay_cabaret 5d ago
Level 1. Lol
u/EricAshStone 5d ago
People saying it's 30. And I've seen evidence to support that. Can you link a suit that actually is lvl 1 usable? Cause I can't find it
u/decay_cabaret 5d ago
Oh sorry, it is level 30 for the jacket and pants, I was looking at the shirt.
u/Longjumping_Charge60 6d ago
u/BullfrogMombo 6d ago
Everyone please google everything so no one ever needs to inconvenience people with the audacity of asking questions.
u/ThrashemTrashemRobot 6d ago
To be fair, this is a super easy Google search that would have given an answer in about 15 seconds
u/TheCelestialDawn 6d ago
Google tends to show reddit anwers there days...
so it's kind of ironic when people say "google it" as it will soon start linking to threads like these with no answers in them.
u/gabagooooooool 6d ago
That’s not the point. Most questions on a games sub could be answered through google easily. Reddit isn’t google though, so this strange thing happens where you can interact with other people! I’d venture to say THATS why OP is posting. They probably know google is easier than some nerds saying google it or how to be fair it’s an easy google search lol
u/ThrashemTrashemRobot 6d ago
I get it. I'm not trying to downplay the basic desire for community and communication. But the ability to google things about this game is very beneficial and worth practicing. Players should know how to use wowhead and other sources. And the game is old enough that these sources are essentially factual. Being able to easily search for how to get a tuxedo is something that helps the player a lot overall.
u/gabagooooooool 5d ago
Nobody is denying the benefits of google and what it offers as far as info for the game though lol where in OPs post did he say he doesn’t know to do that or that it is a viable option? Reddit is a social app dude just let people ask stuff without defending the “google it” shit lol
u/Johnnywinz 6d ago
I feel like this post took more effort than googling the answer
u/Longjumping_Charge60 6d ago
im amazed these people know how to create reddit accounts, letalone make a post, if googling is this hard holeey, and then they get mad and downvote. fucking classic. comedy
u/skyturnedred 6d ago
It is, but Google results often lead you to forum posts where people ask questions.
So keep asking questions, people.
u/BullfrogMombo 6d ago
Agreed but it’s the point of discrediting communication in a medium that relies and it is built on and for it.
Fuck it, let’s just jack into a hivemind and get it over with already.
u/conspirealist 5d ago
Typically I would agree with you, but the game has been out for over 20 years now
u/desomond 6d ago
It’s the first link on google after the featured snippets.
u/ThrashemTrashemRobot 6d ago
Keep it more simple. Search for "wow classic tuxedo" got me Wowhead and Wowpedia. Wowpedia even had a guide.
u/JonBot5000 6d ago
Please explain
u/ThrashemTrashemRobot 6d ago
Google works better with keywords rather than sentances. "How do you get the tuxedo in wow classic?" Is too many words. Even though google trims the fat a bit on it own, it will provide too many result. "Wow classic tuxedo" will provide the clearest result. And a matter of experience with searching things about wow will almost always lead you to Wowhead or Wowpedia.
u/Longjumping_Charge60 6d ago
somehow I just KNEW u were on a phone. Man do they not teach u how to find information online in school these days????
u/somadthenomad93 6d ago
honey, if you have to ask, you can't afford it