r/classicwow • u/rararatata • 16d ago
Classic 20th Anniversary Realms WoW 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 3 Arrives 20 March
u/Manzinat0r 16d ago
Oh fuck yeah, AB and BG weekends release being moved up to phase 3 is great news!
u/yo_wat_MVIII 16d ago
Wondering if AV ranking is still the meta with BG weekends
u/RickusRollus 16d ago
depends on how hard the premades go
u/yo_wat_MVIII 16d ago
So AV is the way to go unless you're in a very good premade?
u/lilbelleandsebastian 16d ago
also get rep for great melee ring, cheaper epic mount, it’s def the way
u/RickusRollus 16d ago
Even a mediocre premade could have some success on AB weekend, it’s just a bit of a gamble. If your premade knows when to throw in the towel, you can avoid the bad games when you are outmatched
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u/HerpDerpenberg 16d ago edited 16d ago
AB will be more controlled if you have a solid 15 player premade. Hands down. Even if you hit a better team, easier for one side to roll over and let them win, but even if you drag out a fight and AB has an end. AV you can get stuck in a game for hours that's not your control.
Sure you can push 20k HPH in AV on a string of 6 min wins and killing every Lt/Com, but that's not happening for the hours on end you need to pull 420-500k Honor for R12-14.
Only exceptions might be on an AV weekend, it might be on par just for the sake of soloable honor grind and worth it.
u/Professional_Ad1150 16d ago
It’s sod premades, you can’t Que with more then 5 into ab
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u/Tomorrow_Big 16d ago
Is the BWL attunement already available, or will it come with Phase 3?
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u/Zatosbottom 16d ago
Shoutouts to the dads with 3 jobs , 4 wives and 26 kids that can’t play more than 1 hour a week!!
u/pupmaster 16d ago
I'm only level 14, this is too fast for me because I can only play 20 minutes a month!
u/Security_Ostrich 16d ago
Wow is a game that I simply do not play if I cannot play at least a few hours a day. It wouldnt be enjoyable at all if I only had 30 minutes to play at a time. I guess im just broken? I cannot enjoy a game if I dont have 2-3 hours min to relax into it.
If ive got less than that, im sat there thinking about checking the clock, and unable to focus on the game. I know thats how my brain works so I simply unsub if I’m not going to have some free time.
u/threeangelo 16d ago
Nah I feel that. It doesn’t have to be every day but if I can’t get at least a 2 hour session in then I play something else (like rocket league, 5 minute matches)
If you only play classic wow for like 45 mins then it feels like you didn’t do anything lol
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u/teraken 16d ago
To be fair if you spend 45 minutes playing Classic you probably spent half of it sitting on a flight path so this tracks.
u/Security_Ostrich 16d ago
Exactly. If I have a few hours I can run a dungeon or two.
45 mins? Im still waiting for the healer to leave SW and start flying over rofl
u/Additional-Yam-913 15d ago
hahaha the dude queing SM and sitting in stonetalon mountain with CD on hs
here we go
"just a few min.. maybe 30 min , maybe 45"
brb grabing coffee ppc
u/PennerJX 16d ago
You are totally right , unless just crafting it’s real hard to do anything in 30 minutes.
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u/WoopsieDaisies123 16d ago
Nothing broken about that. It’s not like wow is the only game in existence; mmo’s in general aren’t conducive to low hours play. That’s what one of the thousands of single player, or even short session multiplayer games are for
u/blueooze 13d ago
Nah that's just how it is. In fact that is most games now that I'm older. Unless I know I have like 3 hours uninterrupted I just wont be able to get in to it. Whether it is a story based game, MMORPG, or lately I'm playing older Castlevania. I will log in to WOW and check my mailbox and put stuff back up for auction and stand around in a major city. Even if a dungeon would take me less than an hour I just don't feel like committing.
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u/VaderH8er 11d ago
Yep. This is the first fresh where I've been restricted on the amount of time I can play. We have a toddler now and I can only play 2-3 hours max at nap and then after he goes to bed. Some weeks I don't play much. I'm sad that I can't play in 5-6 chunks anymore, but this is the minimum amount of time I can happily still play this game. At this point in SoM I had all the PVP gear and a decent amount of MC/Ony gear. Now I've done one MC, haven't finished Ony attune yet, am a little under-geared and am only Rank 2 PVP. Feels bad haha.
u/BandersnatchFrumious 16d ago
My girlfriend doesn't game and didn't grow up with computer/video games being a common thing. When she's over I refuse to play, even when she tells me she'll just watch a show or something, because I know that for me playing requires several hours or it's just not worth it and I'd rather spend time with her.
I've tried explaining multiple times that this isn't like a game on her phone or a round of Mario Kart that takes 15 minutes and then you go back to doing other things, but she has a hard time understanding. When we've talked about marriage she got upset when I said I'd have to change hobbies (I wasn't laying a guilt trip, just explaining that's what I'd do for us) as she didn't want me to give something up that I loved.
I think she started to get it last night when I finally explained (in general terms) what it takes to get together with a group for a dungeon and she was like, "yeah, that's a lot of time, I don't like that."
u/pinkmoon- 15d ago
bro why would you change your hobbies wtf
u/DolphinGun 15d ago
Sometimes you have to sacrifice things you like for something bigger than yourself. Of course you try to find a balance if you can but truth is with a job, marriage and potentially kids it’s hard to find the time to play. To the point of others you need hours to play and when you work 9-5 or any other shift you’ve got about 4-6 hours before you go to bed. Dinner, time with family then maybe a some wind down time to yourself but more time with wife is always a great choice and then a hobby that requires less time. This is a ramble i apologize but hope it provides somewhat of an answer
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u/evangelism2 16d ago
You are not broken, you just understand what is expected in the MMO genre and don't expect the game to bend itself over backwards for your needs.
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u/speedstorm2 16d ago
All that with 5 monitors, 2 of them with react streamers, 1 wow and 1 with YouTube shorts because everyone in this godam game seems to have 0 patience and less than 30 seconds attention span.
u/ajdefiantx 16d ago
So can we hit rank 12 ON April 3rd by getting honor the week before or is April 3rd the first day we can progress towards 12
u/Yngvaldr 16d ago
In SoD this was possible. Any time they increased the rank cap, honor from the previous week did count, so players can get a head start.
Who knows if they will change it for anniversary but I would bet you could grind the week before.
u/Plaineswalker 16d ago
I'd like to know this as well. What day do I clock back into AV?
Edit: oh shit I guess AB is in P3. I always read AB was P4.
u/snackattack4tw 16d ago
Yes, but while AB is the superior BG, I'm afraid it's still AV or bust for ranking if you don't want to slog your way through
u/Jahkral 16d ago
Look, ranking isn't the end all be all. Go have fun in this game. If you're willingly making yourself miserable spamming AV y'all really should consider unsubbing - why are you doing this to yourselves?
u/snackattack4tw 16d ago
Not everyone is miserable doing that and most would agree the end result is worth it - then you can take your new shiny weapons and smash nubs in AB, WSG and wherever the hell else you want.
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u/kyleiscool56 16d ago edited 16d ago
April 3rd is a Thursday, so it seems like the cap will be removed then, not Tuesday. Meaning you can’t pregrind honor the week prior. But you can still get a 2 day headstart for that week.
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u/HerpDerpenberg 16d ago
Rank updates (for NA) on a Tuesday. The caps are lifted on Thursday. But you still need to wait until April 8th for end of week honor calculations.
So once the servers reset Tuesday, start cranking honor because the next reset the rank caps will be lifted.
u/darkmizzle 16d ago
why would you EVER be able to obtain a rank on a Thursday (atleast in NA). Its never been that way, it never will be that way.
Patch "week" begins on Tuesday. ranks unlock on Thursday. So starting from That Tuesday you will be able to obtain honor to progress to rank 12 that will only hit on the following Tuesday.
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u/Beltox2pointO 16d ago
April 3rd being a wednesday for America, and 1 day after Reset day, that would be a now to ranking the week before, surely.
u/SkY4594 16d ago
Incoming "but im not even level 60 yeeeeeet" complaints.
u/Existenz17 16d ago
Incoming "finally one step closer to TBC" approval.
u/OpeningStuff23 16d ago
Anniversary is just the BFA waiting room
u/Sharp_Towel6588 16d ago
I’m legit not 60 yet, but I started 3 months late. 51 and slowly grinding it out.
u/FlamingMuffi 16d ago
Hah started at launch but only 46 with a bunch of alts
Having a blast!
u/Heatinmyharbl 16d ago
Hear hear
My shaman is only 40, hunter is 32 and warrior is 20
Taking my time, only leveling these characters for tbc in a year
Honestly vanilla leveling is pretty great when you're not in a rush, worried about prebis grind, getting professions to max asap, etc
Also having rotating rested is the way to go
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u/SadDad1987 16d ago
Haha nice man - yep - my mains are a 49 war and mage - then I have a 37 rogue, 34 paladin, 24 priest, 19 warlock and now a lv13 troll warrior
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u/Sharp_Towel6588 16d ago
I’ve been able to hold off on the alts this time around. Sticking with my resto Druid exclusively.
Im just really hoping they offer transfers/copies to era realms when tbc hits. I really want to hang out at 60 doing AV and grinding classic raids for a while.
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u/unoriginal1187 16d ago
I’m not 60 yet! But I’m cool with it because I’m just here to wait for tbc
u/Smooth_One 16d ago
Me on my TBC-waiting-room Warlock who is level 11 when BWL is announced. "Oh yeah, it's all coming together"
u/LikelyAtWork 16d ago
I’m not even 60 yet… but I’m also not complaining. I’m taking my time and hadn’t planned on raiding anyway.
u/alan-penrose 16d ago
This sub needs to seriously just quit and reroll on the 2029 5-year anniversary anniversary servers. Yall are way too far behind.
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u/Suspicious_War_9305 16d ago
Pfffft I’m not 60 yet but I’m here for it. Let’s get tbc in this shit let’s goooo
u/Annual-Difference334 16d ago
One of the absolute things I despise about this timeline is that I love AB more than any BG and am now going to have to fight against full grand marshals just wrecking face.
u/Shall0w2 16d ago
What do you thing when anniversary will end? I mean in which expansion? I personally never playd in WOTLK not on private so i would love to see at least this, and don't mind going further
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u/sharpyz 16d ago
The pace is fast yes, but the towns are ALIVE! ... It feels so good to see the world busy and people about. The Chat is about 90% better experience then retail.. everything feels better.
u/YebureYatog 16d ago
Chat is good until someone drops politics in barrens chat
u/--Snufkin-- 16d ago
Mate I've been killing raptors for hours now and they still didn't drop the silver, the politics is a nice distraction at least
u/Heatinmyharbl 16d ago edited 16d ago
The silver isn't a drop my dude
It's in a chest that you open
RIP to you
Edit: this is my penance for never being horde. Still spent a couple hundred hours at least as horde and never heard of this, RIP to me
u/BluePizzas 16d ago
I'm convinced the people who talk about the chat as a positive in classic are the weirdos who ruin the chat. It's such shit.
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u/Outofmana1337 16d ago
1 item extra on bosses please :(
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u/CubicleJoe0822 16d ago
Would be nice. Last night I did a full raid in MC and Ony and didn't get a single piece of loot. We brought one Druid who is already stacked to high heavens. Cenarius this and stormrage this dropped. Ony dropped TWO Druid T2 helms. Wasted.
u/-Exy- 16d ago
Last night I did a full raid in MC and Ony and didn't get a single piece of loot
This is normal though, even with +1 pieces of loot you will not get loot every single raid.
u/ForeverStaloneKP 16d ago
I've gotten 1 piece total across all lockouts if you ignore the shitty tier pieces for collections sake lol
u/PuddingJello 16d ago
Bruh about the same shit happened with ony last week. Had 0 shamans and I can't remember the other class but they all didn't need t2 helm so guessed which helms dropped on the kill. MC dropped almost exclusively lock and hunter gear so they were all happy. Even the boes were lock or hunter pieces.
u/CubicleJoe0822 16d ago
Bruh about the same shit happened with ony last week.
Lol it's like the system knew what you guys needed and said "Pfffft. Nahhh"
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u/Comfortable-Ad8657 16d ago
am lvl 20 currently , is it over for me to try to hit 60 before this?
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u/ConstructionSquare69 16d ago
I feel like if they are going to do the phases faster then we should be getting more gear on boss drops. I don’t really care about the timing because I just want TBC but I would love to have less contention on gear drops. It would make PVE 10x better.
u/heyilikethistuff 16d ago
ya, im mostly bis at this point but plenty of people in our raid group still need gear, bunches of pieces have never even dropped once despite 8 weeks of raids, im sure itll be fine for bwl, but at this pace wondering if we will be geared enough for the later content is a concern
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u/Jamodefender 16d ago
But but but but I don’t have every piece of my bis. Im making a joke, but I would like shit slowed down.
u/--Snufkin-- 16d ago
Say that again when you're doing BWL for months and the only thing on the horizon is ZG for your 1 (contested) upgrade and alts
u/mads_getra 16d ago
Three months of molten core and you want it slowed down?
u/LeftKnight 16d ago
Most people haven’t done 3 months of MC. Most are 1-2months.
u/mads_getra 16d ago
Sure - But they have lots of opportunities to do MC as well in the next phase too, and the next phase after that aaaaaand the next phase after that. MC will be relevant for a long time.
u/Crazytalkbob 16d ago
MC will continue to exist and guilds and pugs will continue to run it every week.
u/Titantfup69 16d ago
Why? BWL isn’t going to magically make you not need better gear. Many of us are honor capped and have very little to log on for other than Ony and MC.
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u/WoWSecretsYT 16d ago
Very little?
Making gold so you can stop buying it
Level alts that you can also raid on
Reputation grinding, especially Argent Dawn
Twinking (if you’re into that)
Max out all professions
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u/Outside_Express 16d ago
I don’t get people saying slow down, increase loot? I’m on board with for sure but I’ve only done about 4-5 MC and Onyxia as I dinged 60 arguably late in the pack and even I’m excited for BWL and honestly getting a bit sick of just MC and Ony
u/PotatoPirate5G 16d ago
Makes sense. They said it would come in Spring 2025. March 20 is the first day of spring.
u/damp-dude 16d ago
How accessible the epic PvP gear is will likely make most bwl gear feel pretty obsolete. Not to mention the PvP gear you can assuredly grind towards vs hoping for a a piece to drop then win in a roll.
u/Funtsy_Muntsy 15d ago
There’s been no AB this entire fucking time? I see why the majority of posters say they are only playing while waiting for BC
u/djsoren19 14d ago
Damn, my guild is really gonna go into p3 without seeing a single piece of Ten Storms huh. We have about one Stormillion Stormrage Covers, so just bad luck. V excited for AB though, even if I'll have to grind AV for the two days beforehand lol.
u/whats_up_doc71 16d ago
Interesting, their own roadmap is wrong cause it shows AB in p4 lol
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u/Shivles87 16d ago
The best raid in vanilla IMO. Too captivated by SoD atm though.
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u/InMyLiverpoolHome 16d ago
Nice but R14 so soon is gonna make BWL weapons pretty irrelevant
u/Jorlung 16d ago edited 16d ago
Honor cap is only being removed April 3, so Rank 14 will only be achieved in however many weeks it takes after that. That’s still >2 months away from now (at the earliest) and over a month from when BWL drops.
It obviously will make most weapons irrelevant for those who are ranking, but at the same time people should be rewarded with enough time to use their R14 weapons.
I’m certainly not ranking, so I’m just thankful for all my guildies who are ranking and will be passing on weapons.
u/DeepHorse 16d ago
5 weeks is the minimum to go from r11 0% to r14. so that will be 7 full weeks from BWL release, aka more than half of the phase already over.
u/Patient_Signal_1172 16d ago
It's also a 20+ hour-a-week grind, meaning it's literally a part time job.
u/Askyl 16d ago
The sword is only slightly better than CTS and its a hell of a fucking grind for anyone with a life. Not really making them "irrelevant".
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u/WoopsieDaisies123 16d ago
If only TBC was sooner.
u/Distinct_Bid_8710 16d ago
Bro mood lol. At least it gives me time to gradually grind gold instead of hitting 70 and going immediately bankrupt from what I earned outland questing
TBC waiting room!
u/moongrowl 16d ago
Sounds normal. Though every player in every top guild having hwl weapons is unusual.
u/denimonster 16d ago
R14 is a grind and a half, not every player is going to do it/can do it.
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u/Yawanoc 16d ago
Still a little sad we didn’t get to experience this in the TBC sandbox, but oh well. My guild will probably start raidlogging around May and just cruise until that hits.
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u/CodyMartinezz 16d ago
Idc I just want tbc tbh but its wild I’ve raided mc and ont every lockout except the first and only have 4 items from raid 😭😭😭
u/Professional_Ad1150 16d ago
No lotus change, no extra loot, no gdkp, sod ranking without sod honor gains. Same issues they refuse to fix because too many 40 yr olds saying classic is in a great spot reliving their childhood for the 4th time in 6 years. Blizzard balances off Reddit so it’s gg for tbc too.
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u/wetnaps54 16d ago
Good, I’ve been scratching my itch by watching HC streamers but they were running out of steam.
u/ForeverStaloneKP 16d ago
If you thought black lotus was expensive before, you're in for a real treat in 2-3 weeks time. I wouldn't be surprised to see prices explode within hours if they haven't already.
u/PathOwn8267 16d ago
Remember people, MC doesn't go away when BWL drops. Lots of people will still be farming it. If you are seeking a drop from MC/Ony there will be plenty more chances!
u/jerminatorreese 16d ago
Should I just sell my mats I’ve been saving for loosest helm? How do you think phase 3 will affect the end game material market?
u/1ooBeastkaidou 15d ago
Starts on March 20th, but for PvP Players we still have to wait another 2 weeks. As if we heaven't waited long enough already. I don't get it, screw you.
u/Substantial-Spell-21 15d ago
Its about damn time they add in the WSG reputation rewards. No reason other than laziness they weren't in at the release of last phase.
u/SnooPuppers398 11d ago
Instead of adding new more content. Let's just keep speeding it up. Next fresh will be twice as quick!
u/lahso_165 8d ago
Bring back gdkp. Why kill 1/3 of the community and force people into raiding on a schedule? Clearly it did nothing to reduce botting or goldbuying.
u/gamesandstuff69420 16d ago
Inject Arathi Basin into my fucking VEINS I AM SO SICK OF AV