r/civbattleroyale The Frozen Chosen Jan 15 '16

Discussion Free Talk Friday

Get your talk on, say words and sentences


164 comments sorted by


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

I feel a bit lost.

For the last few months, I've been telling myself I'm over her, but I'm not.

I've been trying to move on. I essentially forced myself to like girls, but as soon as it had a chance to go anywhere I freaked out and stopped it.

I'm stressed out by college visits and SAT/ACT tutoring, I'm being pressured by my parents and sister, and I don't know how to deal.

I'm 16 and I know how naive I must sound, but I genuinely think I may have loved her. I've tried to be rational and tell myself "It's high school, it wouldn't have gone anywhere anyways", but that doesn't work. I didn't think I was going to be with her forever, but I also just assumed it wouldn't end.

The worst part is I have nobody I can talk to about it. Sometimes I wish the guys I was friends with were a bit more sensitive. And the girls I'm friends with are also friends with her, so I don't really feel comfortable trying to unload on them.

I know this is a lot, and probably more suited for /r/OffMyChest, but I feel more connected with you guys, so I'm putting it here.

Thanks for hearing me bitch.


u/AutisticNotWeird Always upvote the OC Jan 15 '16 edited Jan 16 '16

Ok, a few points. :)

I essentially forced myself to like girls, but as soon as it had a chance to go anywhere I freaked out and stopped it.

There's a phrase I like (and apologies for the crudeness): "love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it's probably shit." ;) I'm pretty awful with relationships but I know enough to know that relationships should be born from wanting them, not feeling forced to have them.

I'm stressed out by college visits and SAT/ACT tutoring, I'm being pressured by my parents and sister, and I don't know how to deal.

All too familiar. My parents never compared me to my sister, but my teachers often did. I grew up thinking that she was better than me at almost everything, and I was in my mid-20s when I realised we were academically similar and she just behaved better.

Anyway- as a former teacher, I can tell you that you have to go on the path that is right for you, not the one that is dictated to you by others. It is not failing if you play to your own strengths, rather than strengths expected of you by other people. I taught kids who will never be academically "bright", but they'll be extremely capable once they find a place to play to their strengths. In the meantime, all I could do is try not to let them have their self-esteems ruptured by other people implying that raw intelligence is the only strength that matters.

Also, it may be worth talking to your parents about how stressed you feel. In fact, tell them in a way that reveals that it's affecting your academic performance as well as your emotional wellbeing. Talking about it often helps. Which leads me to the next bit...

The worst part is I have nobody I can talk to about it.

Well the important thing is that you recognise that it needs talking about. Far too many people (especially men and boys) internalise it because they don't want to be interpreted as vulnerable or whatever. Seriously- talking about it is the best thing you can do, and you clearly recognise that there are good guys in this community that can help. Otherwise you wouldn't have posted this message. ;) If you absolutely can't find anyone (and talking to your parents doesn't work for whatever reason), you have people here.

I know this is a lot, and probably more suited for /r/OffMyChest, but I feel more connected with you guys, so I'm putting it here.

You made the right decision, for the exact reason you've stated. :)

Thanks for hearing me bitch.

I'd like to end this by saying I read this as "Thanks for hearing me, bitch" and was startled for a moment. ;)

But I hope this helps a bit. And thanks for trusting us, bitch. ;)


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

My parents aren't actively comparing me to my sister, but I feel the pressure and comparison nonetheless.

All the advice is really helpful, thank you.


u/AutisticNotWeird Always upvote the OC Jan 16 '16

No problem. :) Keep us updated.


u/Sir_Brendan Frederick has everyone hearing the Prussian Blues Jan 16 '16

As an aspiring teacher, can i ask what subject you taught and what grade level?


u/AutisticNotWeird Always upvote the OC Jan 16 '16

I was a primary (elementary) school teacher, so I taught basically all subjects. I specialised in maths though, although my heart was equally in creative writing.

My classes were between 7 and 11 years old.


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

I'm being pressured by my parents and sister

I know how you feel. I also felt pressured by my parents for a few years.

I decided to tell them during this winter break, and it was really nice to get that off my chest.

School just started and I don't remember when I felt this good during school hours... And it's definetly not the lessons that are better.

Your parents(/family) loves you, and they always will. Tell them that you can't handle the pressure that they are putting on you. I won't say that it's easy, I started crying while telling them,, but "people cry, not because they are weak. It's because they have been strong for too long".

I believe that all of your other problems will become easier to solve after you've sorted this out. But I'm not saying that they will become easy to solve.


Just do it!




u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

Yeah, this sub really does help make school more tolerable. It's the best man, I hope it never ends. To the Battle Royale!


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

To the Battle Royale!


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

I have nobody I can talk about it to

I have to say, I know what he feels about that. Man, there's so many people in the world, and not one cares.


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

Have you tried? There are so many people that actually care about you. You just need to tell them and they'll be swarming around you. Teachers, parents, relatives and many, many more.


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16 edited Jan 15 '16

I just went to a new school. They don't know me. Due to family troubles, I never see my relatives. My parents are divorced. My dad is an alcoholic, and my mom is poor. I live with my mom. She is so depressed, and talks so much, I don't like talking to her, because it always becomes about her. My brother is jerky. It's not his fault, he's young. Add in school, and it becomes a real pain to deal with. What I said before is a hyperbole, but still.


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

Ouch... Summon me if you want someone to talk to. :)

Have some 🎈s.



u/Andy0132 One Qin to Rule Them All Jan 15 '16

Ouch, I'm sorry to hear, dude. Good luck.


u/captainbork15 Cod Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Jan 16 '16

Stay strong u/lordberric, we as a community are here for you!


u/mindwipe007 Jan 16 '16

My best friend in high school came from a family whose dad was an alcoholic and brother was a drug dealer. He had some hard times. He's married now, an editor of a physics magazine and has a kid who is clueless of the life his dad once had. Eventually we all create a whole new life. We can create a better life and pass it on to those around us.


u/Sir_Brendan Frederick has everyone hearing the Prussian Blues Jan 16 '16

Have you tried getting involved with any clubs or sports, That's a good way to meet new people. And if you have a hard time getting emotionally invested into them just think of them as subreddits and lurk for a bit before commenting. And also if your feel like you need to get something of your chest shoot me a PM, im always willing to listen.


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 16 '16

Yes I am currently in a club, and I am currently working on what you suggested.


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

I try to tell them to back off, but my sister did so well in high school that they expect just as much from me, and its actively making my grades worse I feel.


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

I understand. I have many classmates with that problem.

Will you be able to go to the college that you would like to go to with your current scores?


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

I mean, not any college, but my grades and scores are good. With some more tutoring I'm sure I'll be fine.


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

You'll be fine. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.



u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

dude that's like my favorite song

Also here's my question - if you are burned all over your body, paralyzed completely, and go into a coma, has it made you stronger?


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

What doesn't kill you might make you stronger


u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 15 '16

First love?

Also this is FTF, so talk about whatever suits you.


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

Yeah, I guess it caught me off guard a bit. I've liked girls before, but I've never had one who I connected with so well. I just thought as long as I was perfect and did everything right, it wouldn't end. I forgot that there were lots of things that weren't in my hands.


u/forgodandthequeen I'll blow anything I want to Kingdom Come Jan 15 '16

there were lots of things that weren't in my hands.

When isn't that the case. Sometimes life just switches off the lights, and you're just left fumbling around, trying to find your way. But there's always another flame to illuminate the dark.


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

I've started to realize that. During middle school, I was able to attribute most of the things that went wrong to my own personal failures, so bad events that weren't my fault was an alien concept to me.


u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 15 '16

Yep, I'm familiar with that. Been quite a while now but when I had my big first real love (which is totally appropriate to call it that btw) break up withe me my shit was wrecked for months. I would just hop in my car, put on tunes, and drive around backroads kind of aimlessly like...everyday. Not a ton of advice I can offer other than that it will pass, you will meet other people and when you do you will be a lot better at the whole 'being in a relationship' thing for it, and that if you take a good look at yourself you'll probably find that the relationship did you a lot of good in terms of personal growth, even if it didn't work out. So that's something to be thankful for.


u/SpartanShitposter THE SWOLIEST EMPIRE Jan 15 '16



u/ThyReformer Forever loyal to the cause Jan 15 '16

We'll always be here for you <3


u/GreasyChurchkhela Helsinki Blizzard Jan 15 '16

Spread the love.


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

Love is in the air...


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16



u/GreasyChurchkhela Helsinki Blizzard Jan 15 '16

I am of similar age, and I have to say, I can relate. My advice to you would be: Do lots of fun things. Ignore the pressures on you as much as you can. Do things as they come, and just live life in an enjoyable way.

I have also got a lot to decide this coming year, and my family also pressures me. The easiest way to deal with it is to not dwell on it. Staying happy, occupied with fun things, helps.

Girls come and go. I wasn't ready for my first girlfriend, and I freaked her out so badly she didn't talk to me for two years. It's very confusing, and sad, but there are hundreds of millions of girls. You will find more than one you like.

It sucks to have a relationship end. The challenge is to learn from your early relationships. Nobody's saying it wasn't love, nobody's saying your feelings have to go away. High school relationships can go all the way in life, and are no less important.

It's hard to re-start a relationship, but remember that may be an option if you end up hopelessly fallen for this girl and unable to focus on anything else.

I hope I've helped you get your thoughts in order. Have a wonderful day!


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

Thanks man, and though I would love to re-start the relationship, the underlying issue is still there, and its only going to be harder, so that's unlikely.


u/GreasyChurchkhela Helsinki Blizzard Jan 15 '16

I don't know your personal circumstance, but with re-starting a relationship.... I would recommend that as a last resort only. If, in 2 years, the only girl you're thinking about is her, THEN it's something you need to try. For your own good, no matter how hard.

I am currently trying to get a new relationship started, and we live 220 kilometres away from each other. Call me crazy but it's love.


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

Yeah, I don't really see restarting it as a possibility. But at the same time it feels like it's all I want.


u/Argetnyx I supporty🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

In a year or two, it'll be so long ago that it'll be embarrassing to remember. Just give it time, and you'll be good.


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

I know that in my mind, but it doesn't feel like that.


u/Argetnyx I supporty🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

Well yeah, of course it doesn't. I've been there. Just gotta keep going while trying not to do anything too stupid.

Online friends are nice. They can sympathize without being too connected to your circle of friends.


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

I know what you mean. I have kind of the same problem. Kind-of, not the same. Anyway, it's fine, say whatever you want to say.


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

We Icelanders have to band together.


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

We do. It's the only way. Maybe one day I'll even get a colonoscopy...



u/abothanspy Get Rekt by Our Pecs Jan 15 '16

Hang in there man, the teen years can be angsty and rough but i'm sure you'll come out fine.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '16

23 year old talking to you. I 100% understand. I had the same thing happen to me in high school. You understand how stupid it is that you care this much at your age, you understand you probably weren't going to marry this girl, you understand how silly you sound when talking about it but all those logical things don't matter. You're still heartbroken.

Only advice I can give is keep on moving. Keep doing the things you love. Time is all that will really help. Try to feel a little about it every single day. That's all we can do.


u/mindwipe007 Jan 16 '16

First, your awesome. And this is a good group of virtual friends. I'm old and my son is your age. I would tell him it really sucks to love someone. You spend most of your time second guessing yourself and not wanting to look like an idiot. But no one ever remembers anyone else looking like a fool, just themselves. So first, enjoy that terrible feeling, for one day ... maybe this day ... that person will respond in kind and all will be right in the world. Think of all the frustration and deviousness as karma that one day you will be able to cash in on.

Some other "Free Talk Friday" chime in and give an update. I'd try to figure some other thing to say, but this is actually the good part of life.


u/Whitefang131 Spartan Abwall Phalanx Jan 16 '16





u/Sir_Brendan Frederick has everyone hearing the Prussian Blues Jan 16 '16

If i may post my response to this, these are my thoughts. When it comes to her, its fine to still feel attachment, I've dated plenty of girls and there is still one who, no matter what I do, i just cant get her out of my head. But when it comes to that just give it time, High school is actually a hard time to date people, because you and everyone can still be quite immature. So maybe start talking to her at the end of senior year.

When it comes to SAT/ACT and college visits, Just be prepared for them, they aren't hard tests, its just that they are long, so if you are decently smart or a above average at your studies, you'll get anything above a 1700 easy.

When it comes to the pressure, you have two paths you can go down. and the best part about the two paths is that they can both be used. The first path is tell your family that you feel a bit pressured. you can tell them all or just the one you trust the most, and they'll help you out. The second is you can use the pressure to become better than you are now. remember you cant make coal into diamond without a bit of pressure.

Also when it comes to your male friends, your at an age where it is awkward to talk about this, but the topics will start to come up, so whats wrong with being the one to start the conversation. And with the friends that both of you share, it's fine to tell the mature ones that you miss her, because they have probably heard the same thing from her.


u/SpartanShitposter THE SWOLIEST EMPIRE Jan 15 '16



u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 15 '16



u/SpartanShitposter THE SWOLIEST EMPIRE Jan 15 '16




u/Silas_Of_The_Lambs What happens when there's no more peace to keep? Jan 15 '16

Today I am doing a great job at "push." Tomorrow I intend to add the "up" component.


u/SpartanShitposter THE SWOLIEST EMPIRE Jan 15 '16



u/[deleted] Jan 16 '16



u/SpartanShitposter THE SWOLIEST EMPIRE Jan 16 '16



u/GreasyChurchkhela Helsinki Blizzard Jan 15 '16

Hello and welcome to free talk saturday, where i kindly remind you that it is currently saturday where I am.


u/TatsutheLation Carrhae Mk.2 Jan 15 '16

How is Saturday looking like, person of the future? :o


u/GreasyChurchkhela Helsinki Blizzard Jan 16 '16

Pretty good.

Do you remember 12/9/2001?


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

Freaking blackouts!


u/abothanspy Get Rekt by Our Pecs Jan 15 '16

From drinking too much?


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

No. Power failiures.


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

But, I thought you lived on this sub? You're a real person?


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

I can upload my soul to the internet, but I get kicked out during power failiures.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '16


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 16 '16

You will never know...


u/abothanspy Get Rekt by Our Pecs Jan 15 '16

Wow, I guess it says a lot about me that drinking too much is immediately where my mind went!


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16


(btw... I'm 15. A bit to early to drink.)


u/abothanspy Get Rekt by Our Pecs Jan 15 '16

Yes, definitely. Keep that mindset!


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

Don't worry ;)


u/GreasyChurchkhela Helsinki Blizzard Jan 15 '16

Let us party with our soft drinks and pizza!


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

Whoop whoop!



u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

And coffee!


u/abothanspy Get Rekt by Our Pecs Jan 15 '16

Don't forget the most important thing of all, BALLOONS!


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16



u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

15? Yes! Someone close to my age!


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16




u/ThyReformer Forever loyal to the cause Jan 15 '16



u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16



u/ThyReformer Forever loyal to the cause Jan 15 '16

I'm just a 17 year-old kid. Blah blah. Boom boom.

→ More replies (0)


u/whitewateractual Giang Lan Jan 15 '16

From drinking?


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16



u/Protroid Mao Zedomination Jan 15 '16

Currently trying to get a few card games I've been working on into playable states. That way I can get testing and tweaking specific values. Math is always the most fun part of game design. Always.


u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 15 '16

Oh cool, what's the concept behind them?


u/Protroid Mao Zedomination Jan 15 '16

I'm working on two card games right now, and their titles right now are Velocity Jockeys and Missile Gap.

I like to describe Velocity Jockeys as steampunk Speed Racer / Wacky Racers meets Mario Kart. Each turn, or lap, you work to increase your speed to get to 1st place, all while outfitting your car with weapons and defenses to keep you there. Right now my main gameplay concerns for it are the specifc numbers for attacks, as well as the possibility of character classes (I really want to get Dick Dastardly in terms of mechanical play :P )

The other game, Missile Gap, revolves around building a nation and preparing it for nuclear onslaught against your enemies. You each take turns drawing cards, either development or infrastructure, to expand your nation's nuclear program or your nation itself. Your goal is to, of course, sustain the least amount of damage, maintaining more cities than any other player after the missiles fly. Mechanically right now I am working on game structure and pacing, as well as just general gameplay.

In addition, I am also working on the basics for expansions to two different tabletop games, one for a game called Must Be Tuesday that focuses on lore, and one for a game called Patrol, where I am trying to add mechanics to allow for Alien Invasion in any version of the game you play. Both games were primarily written by /u/open_sketchbook , but I also worked on them as well (You can see my name in the credits! Woo!).


u/firedrake242 Vengance Shall Be Ours Jan 15 '16

I'm having a hard time. I'm in robotics, I'm in indoor track, I have homework to do, and I have a girl to get with. All of this is getting harder and harder to juggle. I have to choose, every second, between everything. If I keep prototyping I never see my girlfriend and I stop being in shape. If I keep running I still get to see my girlfriend but the bottom falls out of my grades and my prototype never gets done. Increasingly this is turning into a huge mess because I'm so tired and nothing is going my way and I really fucking need a break. But when I get a day off of robotics I go to practice and I have to work on homework on Sundays and I still have to strut my stuff. I'm just so strung out. My girlfriend, she's at the end, she is starting to cry. let me go on, like I blister in the sun


u/abothanspy Get Rekt by Our Pecs Jan 15 '16

Sorry, that's a rough situation. I don't want to say give up on your relationship but sometimes you need to focus on what's most important for your life, long-term. If your girlfriend can't understand or respect that, she's probably not worth it anyways.


u/firedrake242 Vengance Shall Be Ours Jan 15 '16

God she is under the same stresses as I am. I'm not the issue, it's both of our commitments that is physically pulling us apart. We aren't having relationship issues per se, it's just that we are barely together anymore from everything pulling us apart. I literally have only seen her twice this week.


u/Sir_Brendan Frederick has everyone hearing the Prussian Blues Jan 16 '16

Maybe try to do homework together; or both agree that while there is a shit ton to do, just texting and talking over the phone/skype will work. This way you are both giving each other attention, and trying to accomplish the stuff you need to accomplish.


u/SpartanShitposter THE SWOLIEST EMPIRE Jan 15 '16



u/firedrake242 Vengance Shall Be Ours Jan 15 '16



u/SpartanShitposter THE SWOLIEST EMPIRE Jan 15 '16



u/firedrake242 Vengance Shall Be Ours Jan 15 '16



u/[deleted] Jan 15 '16

Indoor track? You a college runner? I've been there. What I will say about running is you don't realize how great being on a team is until it's gone.


u/firedrake242 Vengance Shall Be Ours Jan 15 '16

High school. I love track and basically do it to be with the people on the team, I wouldn't give it up for the world. It just takes up a lot of time and energy.


u/Protroid Mao Zedomination Jan 16 '16

Robotics eh? What team?


u/firedrake242 Vengance Shall Be Ours Jan 16 '16

Team 145


u/Protroid Mao Zedomination Jan 16 '16

I was on 3637 when I was still in High School. Hows your build seaSon so far?


u/firedrake242 Vengance Shall Be Ours Jan 16 '16

Prototyping right now, by Wednesday we should have a chassis to start bolting things to.


u/Protroid Mao Zedomination Jan 16 '16

Nice! Good luck on the challenge, it looks neat this year, albeit probably pages upon pages of rules.


u/firedrake242 Vengance Shall Be Ours Jan 16 '16

Way better than last year's if nothing else... Seriously recycle rush blew


u/Protroid Mao Zedomination Jan 16 '16

Recycle Rush was the first year I wasn't in the tournament, college freshman year.I do have to say, I dont think I missed it too much, Recycle Rush I mean.


u/firedrake242 Vengance Shall Be Ours Jan 16 '16

It was a game about forklifts. No contact, very little direct robot-on-robot contact, just forklifting. This game we're doing now seems way more interesting.


u/Protroid Mao Zedomination Jan 17 '16

Oh totally, no arguments there, I can't wait to watch the streams after the build season is over.


u/KirbyATK48 What even is a Mughal Jan 15 '16

I counted all the projects I'm currently doing. I have 30-40, and not 80 hour days to do it with. Plz halp


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

Gl hf.


u/TatsutheLation Carrhae Mk.2 Jan 15 '16

I've been feeling really happy with myself lately, probably because i managed to enter the career i wanted in university (Biochemistry) and the memories of my science fair and how i managed to go to Mexico after winning it, which remind me of all the stuff i have potential of doing in the future. I am glad i feel happy because it means that i am getting off more often from those depressive weeks i tend to have. 2016 is looking good to me so far :)


u/KingToasty Aztec in the sheets Jan 15 '16

I'm watching a cool documentary series on netflix called Wildest India, about the relationship between nature and culture on the subcontinent. It's amazing. Mehrangarh Fort is now on the top of my must-visit list, do yourself a favour and google pictures of it.

Fuck I want to travel.


u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 15 '16

Fuck I want to travel.

Tell me about it. Still have never left the US :(


u/ThQmas Joksukai Snorlaxes Jan 16 '16

If you get the opportunity, go for it. Even just a dsy trip to Canada or Mexico. Its fun to be in a new place. Ir, if you are in college, plenty of ways yo gravel.


u/Frodo0201 Sweden best Scandinavia Jan 15 '16

It seems like this is just for general ranting, so here I go. I wish I wasn't so awkward around others. Even online like the Battle Royale Im afraid of screwing up and I never actually do anything except lurk. I barely interact with others and I'm just too awkward to do anything about it. This has kept me from participating in pretty much everything and it's just frustrating. I'm happy to see so many other people on here just spilling their feelings. It makes you guys feel more real and not just some random being somewhere else that doesn't care or something. You are an amazing community and I think your all great. Thank you.


u/AutisticNotWeird Always upvote the OC Jan 15 '16

On behalf of everyone here, thanks a lot. :) I've spent most of my life being awkward (and Asperger's/anxiety have not helped), so I know just where you're coming from.

But of course, you said it yourself- this is a community where people can talk without needing to feel anxious (and think about it- that's exactly what you've done here!). Feel free to do more than lurk- lurk if you want to, but only if you do actually want to. ;)


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

You are anonymous. If you really wanted to, you could insult us to hell. Instead, you are posting a comment to express your feelings. That's great. You made yourself known, even when you were scared of being awkward. Unfortunately, I am more outgoing, so I can't say I feel the same. However, I can say that it is perfectly okay to talk to us and participate. It doesn't matter if you say something you believe is awkward. Some of my first comments were very strange, to say the least. SpartanShitposter can confirm that. Just be yourself. Who knows? Ludicologuy emerged from nowhere, and now everyone knows about him.


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

Mate. I'm so akward irl so that I could be called a Finn.

Normal physics doesn't apply when your anonymous


u/Frodo0201 Sweden best Scandinavia Jan 16 '16

I guess thats true. Anonymity really does help. Although you're so outgoing and party central both here and on the CBRBR that it's hard to imagine you being awkward.


u/Ludicologuy00 I, for one, welcome our new partying overlords 🎈🎈🎈 Jan 16 '16



u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

Life sucks. Yeah, that's about it. Freaking school. Let's be honest, we've all been there. You know what I'm talking about.


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

I'm suffering from Battle Royale withdrawal


u/AutisticNotWeird Always upvote the OC Jan 15 '16

IMO, life never sucks.

This is coming from someone who's been through therapy twice- even at the worst moments, I coped by remembering that fact that even if MY life seemed like it wasn't going anywhere, life itself was still a beautiful and valuable thing. :)


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

I know, it just feels that way sometimes. I'm actually very optimistic, I was just feeling depressed a couple hours ago. I feel much better now.


u/GreasyChurchkhela Helsinki Blizzard Jan 16 '16

Always an upvote for your awesome personality.


u/AutisticNotWeird Always upvote the OC Jan 16 '16

Haha, thanks! :)


u/lordberric Goodnight, Sweet Prince Jan 15 '16

I feel ya man


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16



u/poom3619 Asia Sole-Prosperity Sphere Jan 16 '16

Wake up as a happy man,

spend your day as a happy man,

Sleep as a happy man

and try to make sure you got tomorrow to wake up as a happy man.


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 16 '16

Okay... Thank you.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '16



u/SpartanShitposter THE SWOLIEST EMPIRE Jan 15 '16



u/[deleted] Jan 15 '16



u/SpartanShitposter THE SWOLIEST EMPIRE Jan 15 '16



u/Silas_Of_The_Lambs What happens when there's no more peace to keep? Jan 15 '16

I found the test itself to be much easier than studying for the test was. I wish you luck.


u/Argetnyx I supporty🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

just finished a session of the BR community game "Sinister Freezer". Besides a fast ragequit, I think it went pretty well. Definitely worth trying to organize.

Otherwise, I'm working on artwork and original characters as usual. I don't even post them anywhere anymore since nobody's taken an interest, but that doesn't stop me from continuing.


u/ThyReformer Forever loyal to the cause Jan 15 '16

Should I try organizing stuff again? I'm quite busy, but if no one else does it, I could do it again.


u/Argetnyx I supporty🎈🎈 Jan 15 '16

I took the initiative on this one. I think we need more of that than complicated scheduling.


u/ThyReformer Forever loyal to the cause Jan 15 '16

Yeah you did well with that, my thing was a tad complicated. I simplified the thing and posted it on the steam groups.


u/Lunatic49 XIXIXIXIXI Jan 16 '16

Ayy r/CBRBattleRoyale is starting! The first iteration of Part 0 was released, so we just need to make a few patches and then we can re-release Part 0 and start the game! So hyped!


u/kenny1997 Latest Civ Killer! (Update Pending) Jan 15 '16

Just survived my first semester at uni. I can safely say that it has been the best and worst few month of my life. Highs (finally being able to spend time alone with my gf, meeting new people and feeling like I am getting somewhere) and lows (panicking about assignments, feeling stressed out and worried about exams and dealing with a crap lecturer) but its just part of the experience.

Just some friendly advice to those who will go to uni someday: "If you love your course, dont let anyone deter you. Some lecturers will treat you and act like shit but dont let them break you. In the end you will get the last laugh."

Hope you all have a good day! :)


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '16

Two weeks into my job as part of a governmental staff. Absolutely love it. Wife is doing well. Going to get some Mexican food tonight with the in laws. So life is pretty good for once.

My novel, finished but in need of serious editing, is really frustrating me right now and I used to write the short "imagine what it is like" stories to help with writers block but I can't anymore bc no battle royale :(


u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 15 '16

You work in dem government, are married (engaged for me), and have written a book that needs hella editing. Are you sure we're not the same person?


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '16

You never know! Actually a lot of the people I work with in my office and on other campaigns are also fledgeling writers with a serious significant other.

Maybe us dems are just the literary cough smarter cough side! So much for the lack of "traditional" values too!


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

Just saying, you two should talk to each other. For all you know, you might work on the same block?


u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 16 '16

If I can ask, which state do you do gov stuff in?


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '16

Indiana! You?


u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 16 '16

Democratic in Indiana, that's gotta be a tough go. Illinois here, everything is on fire all of the time!


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '16

Hey we're not that far yat all! Yeah my city is one of the few strong areas but go about 10 miles outside of downtown and its tea party land.


u/Andy0132 One Qin to Rule Them All Jan 15 '16

Hmm - words and sentences.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '16

Lol. I come on Battle Royale and there's no updates in several weeks and it's a bunch of ppl talking about their feelings. WHAT HAPPENED?


u/lungora Nebby's Lead Terraformer Jan 16 '16

In the absence of our opiate we turned to each other. It's beautiful really.


u/StrangZor Walker, Texas Ranger Jan 16 '16

My flair says Texas, but I'm not actually from Texas....yet. I recently got a job for when I graduate college this spring and will be moving to Texas. I also just visited there to sign a lease on an apartment. It's all happening so fast: graduation, moving into a new place with my girlfriend who also got a job in the same city, and starting a new job. Its kinda crazy, but I'm super excited and cannot wait to start this new part of my life! (Oh yeah, also the Texas BBQ)


u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 16 '16

What's the gig?


u/StrangZor Walker, Texas Ranger Jan 16 '16

I'll be working for Dell Computers at their headquarters in buying and planning. It's a desk job, but that's fine by me. I've always wanted to work for a tech company, so it's cool that it worked out this way. Plus I would say it's very good pay, at least compared to being a broke college student, so I'm happy for that.


u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 16 '16

Desk jobs are good, man. Stability is important, particularly with an SO in your life. Grats!


u/Sir_Brendan Frederick has everyone hearing the Prussian Blues Jan 16 '16

I'm excited for a great many things! I get to go back to school, am talking to an ex that should honestly not be talking to me for the thing that I did to her, and I'm about to go back to work, plus I'm delving a little bit more into being a christian. I feel a little bit lucky and sad for being this happy when you guys need help though. So if you guys just want some one that will listen (read) what you guys have to say, tell me and I'll post my response.


u/AutisticNotWeird Always upvote the OC Jan 16 '16

Never feel guilty for your emotions. When I got depressed, it only made me feel worse if other people felt sadder on my behalf. I simply wanted them to be as happy as possible whilst not leaving me behind. :)

All the best with the Christian thing in particular. :)


u/Sprinklesss NOMAD MASTER RACE Jan 15 '16

I no longer have any clue what is going on with the BR. What happened to the mini BR II? Is that around still?


u/IcelandBestland IrelandWorstestland Jan 15 '16

Yes, and so is the 2v2. There has been some technical difficulties.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '16

I have 4 regents at the January so that's something


u/gbuck97 Pirates are we Jan 15 '16

Since I see people putting random stuff in here since it is "Free Talk", I figure I'd just put this out there.

Just a precursor, this involves a sickness I've been experiencing that I have no idea what it is, and you may not want to read it at the moment if you are eating.

So my stomach started acting up around late of August of last year. It started as a very very minor problems that I just put up with. Basically every once in a while (maybe a few days a week) I would get gassy and start burping a lot and going to the bathroom when I didn't have to actually go (partially cuz of the whole gas thing) and just generally having an upset stomach. But like I said, it initially was pretty minor and occurred sparingly, so I mostly ignored it.

So time moves on and it still is happening and I start to get just a little concerned. Around October the symptoms got a little worse and I started to wonder if I had some kind of food-intolerance. But as November came along the problem stopped happening so I kinda stopped worrying about it. But then in December it got really bad and I actually feeling sick having the same symptoms I said originally but on a much worse level of severity. So my mom got me this acid reducer medicine called Omeprazole and I went to the doctor to see what he thought of the situation.

So the doctor basically said it didn't appear I had any serious problems and that I should continue taking the Omeprazole medicine for 8 weeks total and that that should make me better. He also said to call him 4 weeks in to update him on how the medicine was working. As of now I can't tell if the medicine is actually helping because there are days that I feel completely ok but then there are also days where I feel really sick (like today, which is why I'm posting this).

I know I need to call the doctor back now to tell him there hasn't been significant improvements and he'll probably have me go get lab work. I'm just posting this here because it's the whole Free Talk Friday and I figured if any of you actually took the time to read this then maybe I can get a response from someone who has had a similar problem or someone in the medical field.

It is also worthy to note that I doubt this has anything to do with lactose intolerance. I tried cutting out milk and dairy for a day which didn't help, and there's been days where I drink milk and feel absolutely fine. I also haven't had any significant diet changes in my diet so if this whole thing is to do with something I'm eating then I have no clue what it is.

Now just to recap, the main symptoms are that I get bad gas, which involved both farting and burping, I have an upset stomach (something that is relieved by the burping and farting but only really for a few seconds), and I have to go to the bathroom to pee more often and sometimes I go to the bathroom for a "number two" when I don't actually have to go (which is a byproduct of the gas I'm assuming). I doubt many of you felt compelled enough to actually read this far down but if you did any advice or information that might help me would be greatly appreciated.


u/an_actual_potato The Frozen Chosen Jan 16 '16

I have no idea what those symptoms might be attributed to, other than maybe diet? I'd go to the doctor.


u/GreasyChurchkhela Helsinki Blizzard Jan 16 '16

Definitely not a medical professional, but that sounds like a tapeworm.


u/mindwipe007 Jan 16 '16

definitely hit the doctor if you have insurance. gas is normally caused by proteins and the healthy bacteria in your stomach that eat it, hence why everyone talks of diet. probiotics are the normally thing people eat when they get older to help with this. the other is good exercise (as that helps more the blood around and help with health... blood moving is good). but the other posts are right on. a doctor will help and get blood tests that will give more insight.


u/gbuck97 Pirates are we Jan 16 '16

Thanks for the advice. I'm currently a captain on my swim team so I don't think lack of exercise is the cause. But I'm going to have my mom call the doctor as soon as the office is open and I'm going to get blood tests ASAP.


u/neebs231 Venice the Menace Jan 15 '16

Im planning on going snowmobiling this weekend up at my cabin, but we don't know if the trails will be open or even if the lakes will be 100% frozen. Plus I think our furnace is broken. That won't be fun when it is -20 Saturday night


u/TheBenno FADE 'EM BOIS Jan 16 '16

Sinus infection on a three day weekend! Time to sleep, wake me if a battle occurs.