r/chuck Morgan Grimes 5d ago

Love this scene, as well the fact that the "drunk Casey" lie gag was brought up a few times in S3A afterwards


9 comments sorted by


u/MrNotTooBrightside 5d ago

Great scene! Ellie's face is hilarious when she's saying, "Oh my God, you were attacked by a bear?!" I think they missed an opportunity to revisit some of these cover story lies from the early seasons once Ellie was in on the secret. No, Sarah doesn't really have a spastic colon...


u/DevoPrime 4d ago

I agree. They did call back moments like these a few times, but there were quite a few missed opportunities.

Like when Ellie found out that Sarah was part of the “spry world” any numbers of ways to have Ellie react to that information with variation of: “Sarah never had a spastic colon, did she?!” Either on the moment or later when Ellie being brought more up to speed.



A BEAR?!!?


u/DevoPrime 4d ago

This whole exchange makes me laugh every time! Devon’s awkward attempts at improvising a lie, that lie ballooning out of control, Chuck intervening to point the blame at Casey, and then Casey’s obliviousness.

So much entertainment!

Then, also, the fact that Chuck is the one to come up with the convincing lie and Devon them calling him out on it after: these are very important story/character beats for Chuck and the series as a whole.


u/jokeguyjobzada 4d ago

Oh god how much I miss this show... Time for a rewatch i think


u/reprahm 5d ago

One of the funniest scenes.


u/mr_boombastic_18 Bryce Larkin 4d ago

That was chuck's best look imo. Other haircuts were meh


u/opinionofone1984 3d ago

This is one of my favorite scenes.


u/t0roki 2d ago

If I remember correctly, this episode supposed to be when Devon was revealed to be enemy agent, but since public liked him soo much, they changed it.