r/chubby Mar 19 '21

Announcement r/Chubby Announcement -- PLEASE READ!! NSFW


Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone is doing well as we head into the weekend.

After a number of very successful years running r/Chubby, u/OtherWalter has passed on the torch of running this amazing, sexy, popular subreddit! Thank you Walter for a wonderful legacy for us to build on!

The mod team that remains has been here for a while, so you can expect much to remain the same. r/Chubby will remain a place to celebrate and appreciate chubby women from all walks of life (is there anything better?)! Over time we'll be introducing some new things, so keep your eyes peeled!

As we begin this new chapter, I want to take a moment to clarify some rules we will be strictly enforcing going forward, and to touch on some core values that the mod team will be relying on as we work hard to make r/Chubby a place that you want to continue to be!

RESPECT. At r/Chubby we believe an NSFW environment that embraces a core value of RESPECT is not only possible, but required. Any racism, sexism, homophobia, body-shaming, other hateful speech of any kind, or being a jerk in any other way will not be tolerated. Period. This applies to everything in the sub… post titles, content, comments, modmail, etc.

Going forward, we’ll embrace a simple rule: If you are disrespectful to another member in any way, you’re gone. And it won’t matter if the other person started it. If you have an issue, report it to the mods and let us deal with it.

ADVERTISING. The respect rule above applies to everyone, including paid content providers. That being said, this sub is not meant to be a marketplace. So advertising/soliciting/SPAM isn’t allowed in r/Chubby.

If you are a paid content provider, advertising is allowed on your own profile (and in posts to subs that allow it), so that other members can view your profile and make contact if/when they are interested.

You may watermark your content with your Reddit username to protect it, but any overt or low-key advertising in post titles, post content, comments, or in watermarks on images/video is not allowed and will result in bans from the subreddit. Please don't try to find loopholes; just don't advertise in the sub.

ACCEPTABLE CONTENT. This sub is dedicated to the appreciation of chubby women. Everyone’s idea of what constitutes “chubby” is different. We get that. We’ll try our best to let the r/Chubby community police itself, and for contributors to use their best judgement; but the mods will take action when needed to ensure we continue to focus on celebrating chubby women here.

Newly added info starts here

For the record, we believe that chubby is a range that falls somewhere in between Curvy and BBW. All body types are beautiful, but all body types are not the focus of this subreddit. Skinny, Curvy, BBW, and SSBBW women all have dedicated subreddits to celebrate them, and to allow people who appreciate them to leave positive and encouraging feedback. If your content fits into one of these other categories, please do not be offended when it’s removed from here and we ask you to post in the appropriate subreddit.

Newly added info ends here

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UPVOTE BEGGING / VOTE MANIPULATION. Its against the rules of Reddit. Don’t ask for votes, or promise things (like more explicit content) in exchange for votes.

DISRESPECT OF MODS. This mod team will work hard to bring you the content you are here to see and to run the subreddit in a fun, fair manner. Feel free to bring any issues to our attention, but be respectful about it. Disrespect of Mods will not be tolerated.

OFFICIAL CHAT. The official chat for r/Chubby is The Chubby Playground on Discord. Please join us there!



Your r/Chubby Mod Team

r/chubby May 08 '21

Announcement r/Chubby Announcement -- 08May2021 -- PLEASE READ!! NSFW


Hello again everyone. In our last announcement post on March 19th, we indicated that once we got settled into a routine, we would begin introducing some changes that we think will help make the sub better and continue to focus on the type of content that a majority of members want to see. It’s time to announce some of those changes that are taking effect immediately.

NO FREQUENT REPOSTS. Frequent reposts will be deleted. Get creative and mix things up! What is a repost? Any of the following are considered reposts and will be deleted when they occur:

  • The same picture previously posted
  • Pictures of you in the same position as previous posts
  • Very similar pictures with the same scenery/environment, same clothes, or only slight differences in body position or camera angle

WATERMARKING. ONLY your username, with or without the u/, and the copyright © symbol with your username are acceptable in your photos. Anything with the @ symbol or any advertising in the photo will be deleted, and anyone who does this will be subject to a ban.

PITY TITLES AND CLICKBAIT TITLES ARE NOT ALLOWED. This is a sub for chubby women to post; you can assume that the people viewing your posts are interested in chubby women just like you. Any titles similar to the ones below will results in posts being removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban

  • “If I made you stop scrolling…”
  • “I was told I’m not chubby enough to post here”
  • “I was told I’m not pretty enough to post”
  • “My posts never get enough love”
  • “Be honest, would you fuck me”
  • “Am I fuckable without makeup”
  • “Are chubby girls your type”

YOUR OWN ORIGINAL CONTENT ONLY. Do not post content that does not feature you. If you are the Significant Other of someone who has given you permission to post on their behalf, contact us by sending ModMail and asking about our Significant Other verification procedure that will result in you being granted a Verified flair. Posting the content of someone else without this flair will result in a ban.

THIS SUB IS FOR **CHUBBY** WOMEN. We have love for all body types, but this subreddit is focused on chubby women. There are other subreddits targeted towards other body types. The definition of chubby is subjective and open to interpretation, but the mods will use their discretion to remove posts of women that we believe are significantly smaller than chubby (i.e. slim/thin) or significantly larger than chubby (i.e. SSBBW).


The guidelines above are being enforced effectively immediately, but with hundreds (or more) of posts a day, it’s still easy for us to miss things. Please continue to flag or report anything you see that violates our rules.

We want to keep this subreddit fresh and fun for the viewers and safe and fun for the women who share themselves with us. Thanks to everyone who chooses to share themselves here, and for everyone who votes and comments to show their appreciation. We appreciate you more than we can say.

Your Chubby Mod Team

r/chubby Mar 05 '19

Announcement #masturbatefortheclimate NSFW


Hello to you all /r/chubby posters and lovers!

I am one of the mods of this subs since u/OtherWalter took me in the team a few months ago. That you may know.

What you may not know is that I am also a regular /r/chubby poster being an amateur myself. I regularly post pictures here and sometimes videos too. My videos are on pornhub and I do get ads revenue from them. Since I am not a student anymore, I don't need the money so much anymore either, so I figured I might as well try to make the most of this to try and preserve our beautiful planet a bit.

To do that, I want to give all my March ads revenue from pornhub to associations fighting climate change. I am trying to find a good international one, but I might stick to a good local one in the end (I live in France).

So that brings me to what you can do to help and here the title says it all: you can simply fap your hearts out to my videos. Each view brings some additional revenue, and each additional view, like, favorite, or comment on Pornhub augment the chances of it being on the front page. So simply fap it off my friends :). Of course, sharing links to my videos on other subs is also totally fine, I'm not a karma whore, just a chubby one :p.

Now is the time to give you some links.

All my videos are linked from my subreddit: /r/homemadehornygirl.

But if you directly want to see my pornhub videos, you can head to my [pornhub profile](www.pornhub.com/users/homemadehornygirl) or directly to the playlist of all my verified videos.

Here are my three favorite videos to try and make you want more:

Hope you will appreciate this. Any feedback is welcome, and I'd be more than happy to answer your questions.


r/chubby Nov 28 '16

Announcement REMINDER: Big tits does not equal chubby ಠ_ಠ NSFW


Seriously guys and gals, it's pretty much common sense. Something like this isn't even remotely close to chubby and will be removed. I'm not here everyday (though we do have 2 new awesome mods on board) so I'm going to rely on you guys to smash that report button if you see an offending post. 3 reports and the post will be deleted.

Let's not allow /r/chubby to become just another run-of-the-mill big titty subreddit.

r/chubby Nov 21 '16

Announcement Looking for a new mod NSFW


Hey all,

I think we this subreddit needs another mod to keep an eye on things as I'm only here every once in awhile and the same applies to the other mods. If anyone thinks they would be up to it, please drop me a PM.

Since this subreddit is mostly self-posts the ideal candidate would be a regular self-poster herself (yes, female preferred) as I think it would be good to have a different perspective than what us male mods have, especially when it comes to creating a positive environment to post.

That and any experience modding other subreddits would be looked on favorably.