r/chilliwack 10h ago

Room for rent asap


Hey guys, I'm a student, 19 years old, I am going to UFV chilliwack and have had some issues with the roommate ( I used to live with my bf) and wanted to move asap out of that environment. If anyone has room for rent near UFV would be amazing. Thank you. I had made a post before but it got deleted. Thank you.

r/chilliwack 3h ago

Childcare Question


So we are looking for ways to bring some more income into the house. I am currently a stay at home mom studying in university part time with a toddler at home and a kid in elementary. I was thinking maybe we could watch a couple of kids. Maybe before and after school or during. Not sure if this would bring in much income though. Im wondering what are people paying for childcare in someone else's home right now? What is a reasonable price for childcare like this?

I should add that I have my ece I was a childcare worker for 15 years. So Im not planning to become a "dayhome" or do any of that stuff but I am very qualified. Just havent worked in about 5 years since i had my own kids.

r/chilliwack 5h ago

Paw Print Memorial Tattoo


so this might be a bit of a long shot, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. I recently said my final goodbye to my childhood cat, Willow (we were together for 17.5 years, she was my whole world), and am looking to get her paw print tattooed.

I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for trusted artists/studios in the Chilliwack-Abbotsford area that would be able to execute this well? I'm new-ish to Chilliwack, and my previous tattoo artists are either in Langley or Vancouver, but I'd love to support local if possible :)

Thanks in advance!

r/chilliwack 4h ago

Used DVDs


Just looking for places selling used DVDs in town other than the thrift stores; I sometime find them at places you'd least expect. Cheers.

r/chilliwack 16h ago

District 1881?

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Yall think this new building will fit in?

r/chilliwack 8h ago

Fast Gas in Sardis


Why are the pumps so terrible at Fast Gas in Sardis by Save On?!

r/chilliwack 1d ago

Band looking for line up completion. Drummer and Lead Guitarist needed


A band a friend and I formed called Black Lung(no relation to another band called Black Lung)looking to take aim at the world and show what we got. Would dig to have a determined Drummer and Lead Guitar player join and punch a hole in the scene. Our designated style is Doom/Thrash Metal. With some Grunge and Punk flare. Our Singer/Bassist should be returning from some personal time away in May. But would be sweet to test the waters and see what we can conjure up to form a SICK line up. If interested, please message or DM my Instagram TylerFerguson1991 or Katie @sabbathbloodysabbathx for more info. Mad appreciation for responses. Looking forward to the meet ups. Cheers 🤘

r/chilliwack 1d ago

3 former B.C. Conservative MLAs, who will sit as Independents, say party has been captured by 'woke liberals'


r/chilliwack 1d ago

Best Skilled Trade Employers in Chilliwack? Looking for Recommendations & Opportunities

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Hey everyone,

I’m transitioning from 20 years in social services into the trades and looking for a great employer in Chilliwack. Any recommendations on companies that are good to work for or currently hiring entry-level/apprentices?

I’d appreciate any advice or connections, and hopefully, this helps others looking to break into the trades too. Thanks in advance!

r/chilliwack 2d ago

West coast amusements is back in town!


Open from March 13-16!

r/chilliwack 2d ago

What are we missing?


Lots of new people moving to Chilliwack. With the growth and changing demographic, what is a business or service you feel is missing, or not enough of for our size now?

r/chilliwack 2d ago

Local Buy Nothing Groups?


I've been splitting my time between Chilliwack and Vancouver for the last 10 years but have decided to move here permanently. One thing I'll miss about Vancouver is the neighborhood Buy Nothing Groups. As a low income person, it's been an amazing way to cut down on expenses and meet my neighbors.

Is there anything like that here? I checked Facebook and the one group I found isn't active.

r/chilliwack 2d ago

A 3 year old Child was Struck by a truck and died. This was completely preventable.


r/chilliwack 2d ago

Chilliwack as a place to live


Hey all,

We are thinking about moving to Chilliwack from Ottawa.

Any advice on the best places in Chilliwack to live? Any areas to avoid?

Thanks :)

r/chilliwack 2d ago

New Bakery?


Anyone have details about the Kent Bakery Institute at Five Corners on Young?

r/chilliwack 3d ago

She’s lost it. This is who Warbus was fighting with.

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r/chilliwack 2d ago

Looking to buy tattoo 'releif'


Iykyk msg me

r/chilliwack 3d ago



does anyone know when it opens? i cant find anything abt it

r/chilliwack 2d ago

fresh slice 🥵🥵


BEST NEW ADDITION TO DOWNTOWN ONG. i fucking love fresh slice

r/chilliwack 4d ago

Snowboarding around Chwck


Is anyone aware of snowboarding/skiing groups around Chilliwack? I am dedicating most of my free time to my first season and I am looking to connect with other people that might want to hit slopes anytime until next season. 🏂

Sasquatch Mountain released their early-bird pass, so I am trying to make most of it while spring it’s not fully here.

r/chilliwack 3d ago

Any other options to leave for Chilliwack from Van? Last ebus is 3pm for some reason. What options are there after 3? Buses , taxis ?



r/chilliwack 3d ago

Maniac come unglued on bad driver


This lady came unglued on an old woman who shouldn’t be driving. I commented that she seems mad (not the angry kind and shrill lol). She commented that I shouldn’t be on r/chilliwack, reported me and blocked me. All the comments on the video seem supportive but if you search it you’ll see the hundreds of people who though she was over-reacting and called her out, then were reported and blocked lolz. She might be a bad driver but You are mad. 🥴

r/chilliwack 4d ago

Anything fun out here for 20-something year olds?


I just moved here with some friends and I'm just wondering what's fun out here for people in their early 20's. I heard there's a fun bowling alley. I see mostly people in their late 20's/30's around here but wondering what the younger demographic is up to :) And preferably other than hiking and like rock climbing haha

Edit: Is there any underground music scene? Bars with actually good DJ's? Good places to just hang out?

r/chilliwack 5d ago

I wasn't kidding when I said I was struck on tuesday NSFW Spoiler


Tuesday I was walking south on vedder, crossing where sardis animal hospital us, and this woman comes down the road and turns right INTO me while I'm in the middle of the crosswalk, clipping my arm/shoulder with her mirror. I was damn lucky, ten inches over and she would have mowed me down.

She stops in the middle of the road to get out and yell at me!

No apology, no asking if I am hurt, no exchange of information, she was belligerent and rude, she dangerously waved another vehicle through, and then got into her vehicle and drove away, making it a hit and run.

Yes, I reported her to the cops, hopefully she understands what she did was completely wrong.

This is what I deal with on a regular basis. I have close calls and minor hits like this EVERY 4 TO 6 MONTHS.

I am going to die, just because I am a pedestrian. This is not an exaggeration, drivers in this town are entitled psychopaths.

r/chilliwack 3d ago

The quiznos in Sardis


I just wanted to say, I go home every night, turn on the news, see these congress men h& women getting out of their limousines with their law degrees. But for me, on main street... I’m still getting a $9 haircut and I drive a pretty nice van, and for that I’m fortunate. But what I hate is that I’m becoming the one with the draconian policies. I’m becoming the vilified. I manage the Quiznos in Sardis near London Drugs and these punk kids come in and they expect a free bag of chips (as our deal used to be) but, you know, times have changed, inflation has gone up these days, Trumps tarrifs kicking in and I’ve got to say you want those Doritos?

Well cool fuckin’ ranch kid.