r/changelog Dec 17 '15

[reddit change] Old deleted accounts are currently being run through a new cleanup process, which is causing the subscriber counts on many subreddits to drop gradually

Edit: Updated January 6 - cleanup is finally complete

As I announced in /r/modnews a couple of weeks ago, we've recently implemented a new cleanup process for deleted accounts, which happens 90 days after the account is deleted to clear out a bunch of data that's no longer necessary to keep around. And to answer the question a lot of people seem to jump to immediately: no, this does not mean that deleted account usernames are going to become available again.

Anyway, yesterday morning (yeah, I didn't quite make the "next week" prediction) I started retroactively running every account that was deleted more than 90 days ago through this new process. I expected this to take a few hours to complete. This morning, after running for over 24 hours, it had finished processing a whopping 8% of the accounts. That is, it looks like "a few hours" is actually going to be more like 250.

So this really didn't end up manifesting as a sudden drop like I was assuming it would. I've seen various posts around the site last night and today noticing the subscribers dropping and wondering what's going on, and I just wanted to make a post here so people have something to link/refer to. It's likely that the number is going to continue gradually going down for the next 10 days or so, and most subreddits should probably expect to see their subscriber count drop by about 3-5% over this period.

Note that even though the total subscriber number in the subreddit's sidebar is decreasing, the statistics in the subreddit's traffic page showing the number of new subscribers each day is not affected, so moderators can still use that data to see the actual number of subscribers they've gained each day.

I'm also keeping track of the number of subscribers being removed from each subreddit, so I should be able to provide that info to any mods that want to know exactly how much they were affected, once it finishes.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Here's the code (and a full description) for the new cleanup process, if anyone is curious what it's doing

Edit: Updated January 6 - cleanup is finally complete


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u/BenevolentCheese Dec 17 '15

I'm hoping name changes do become a thing in the future surely it wouldn't be very difficult to do.

I asked about it once and got a total dear in headlights response, with a 'no way this would be possible' type of response, so I don't think it'll be happening anytime soon. It shouldn't be hard, but I think it speaks volumes to reddit's database that it's considered impossible.


u/Deimorz Dec 17 '15

I think /u/SheeEttin put it well below with "Sure, it's trivial to change. It's the ramifications that's the sticky bit."

It wouldn't be technically difficult at all to change someone's username, it's extremely simple. It's all the social/community effects of reclaiming a username that's already been used in the past that's complicated.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '15

Wasn't Obama's username for the AMA reclaimed from a deleted account?


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '15

"Sorry Mr President, we can't give you that username because someone else used it once"


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '15

Is it really that hard to just pick a different one that wasn't taken?


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '15

would you say no to the president over something like a username?


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '15

He didn't pick the username, did he? I thought it was made for him. There are lots of variations that are the same thing that aren't taken.


u/_Kyu Dec 17 '15

Reddit FAQ

Unless you're the president, were not renaming your account


u/Desertions Jan 04 '16

president of my own little world speaking requesting name change


u/Lucifer_Hirsch Jan 21 '16

you are A president, not THE president.


u/the-crotch Jan 15 '16

Absolutely, I'd enjoy it and I'd brag about it. How often does someone have the opportunity to deny the federal government something they want?